Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh wakes up, setting off to get breakfast, she had eaten her snacks in the bedroom but she wanted her coco pops. Before she could enter the kitchen, she turned the corner to see James, looking a little panicked. "Oh hey-"
James put a hand over her mouth to silence her. "Ssssssshhhhhh." He whispered, hiding against the wall.
"Senpai where aaaarrrrreeeee you!" Syo was trying to find him.
Leigh and James had backed up and hid in her bedroom. "Oh? What is going on?"
"The crazy woman had been watching me sleep all night! Syo creeps me the hell out. Now she wants to find me and I really can't be bothered."
Jonathan woke up and stretched, before getting up and heading to go get some breakfast. On the way he passed Syo looking around. "Lost something?" He asked, though he made sure he didn't get too close to her. He still didn't entirely trust her not to kill people, even though she probably wouldn't risk it.
(Fun Fact: Girls are far more likely to be the murderer it seems. From DR1 and so far in DR2 we have had...

Girls - DR1 (Lois, April, Chev) 3 + DR2 so far (Miki and Asuna) 2 = 5
Boys - DR1 (Blaine and Jacob) 2 + DR2 (no one so far) = 2

Are girls more evil than boys in his XD )

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Tutor post later)
Syo signed longingly. "My Senpai keeps running away from me... Why does James-Senpai hate me so much?" Syo said, then hugged onto Jonathan bursting into tears.
Jonathan stood still for a while, a little confised by the crying girl hugging him. The fact that it was Syo was more confusing; she seemed like the last person that'd get upset like this. "...I'm sure he doesn't hate you, he just... uh... Maybe he's just too scared to show how he really feels about you?"
Jonathan nodded. "You can be a little... intimidating at times. He's probably just worried about what you'll say if he admits his feelings," Jonathan said. He didn't know if that had anything to do with it at all, though now that he thought about it more or less the same thing had happened between him and Vick, with Vick being the scary one.
Syo returned to her usual loud self, putting a hand on Jonathan's shoulder. "Thank you! From now on you are going to be my wingman! And I will be your wing woman!"
"...Is wing woman even a word?" Jonathan asked. Is she going to expect me to help her get with James just because I tried to cheer her up?
Jonathan watched Syo walk off, and then turned to see Vick coming from the other direction. "Hey Vick," Jonathan greeted him. As he did, his stomach growled. He'd been too busy talking to Syo and forgot that he was going to get breakfast originally.
Calvin woke up and went down to the kitchen to have breakfast as usual.

Danni woke up and went to the kitchen. "Morning everyone!" she said.
Leigh was hiding in her bed room with James until the cost was clear. "So..." She said, James seemed to be quite close to her at this point, not sure if it was accidental or on purpose.
"Leigh, I think it's okay to go now, but she could be waiting in the kitchen... Our best bet is the wait until she changes back."
Vick was stroking one of his dark devas as he walked to the dining hall with Jonathan. "What do you think we should all do today?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I'm going out for the next few hours and I don't have any data so... Be back later)
"Hmm... Something fun that we can all do," Jonathan replied. "Monokuma seems to want to make us as miserable as possible keeping us in this place. It even made Asuna kill someone just to try to end it. We might as well make the most of being here, maybe it'll piss the bear off a little." His stomach rumbled again. "Something fun can wait till after breakfast though," he added, as they reached the dining room.

Willow passed Jonathan and Vick talking in the dining room, getting tea and a scone as per her usual.
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Calvin had went over to a table to sit down and eat his toast as usual. However, this time he had more toast than he usually did.
Syo took some food and went to sit down, she had a LOT of good. "Geeeez! I'm sooooo hungry!"
"If we make her sneeze then she won't chase you, right?" Leigh said.
James scooped up some dust. "Alright, good plan Lee Lee!" James said, giving her a nick name.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick sat down with a bowl of porridge. "Good morning everyone."
Danni laughed a little. "Aren't we all?" she said before sitting down to eat her breakfast.

"...M-morning..." Calvin said nervously. He certainly hadn't forgotten what had happened at the end of the trial.