♡ Ten Faced ♡
Leigh wakes up, setting off to get breakfast, she had eaten her snacks in the bedroom but she wanted her coco pops. Before she could enter the kitchen, she turned the corner to see James, looking a little panicked. "Oh hey-"
James put a hand over her mouth to silence her. "Ssssssshhhhhh." He whispered, hiding against the wall.
"Senpai where aaaarrrrreeeee you!" Syo was trying to find him.
Leigh and James had backed up and hid in her bedroom. "Oh? What is going on?"
"The crazy woman had been watching me sleep all night! Syo creeps me the hell out. Now she wants to find me and I really can't be bothered."
James put a hand over her mouth to silence her. "Ssssssshhhhhh." He whispered, hiding against the wall.
"Senpai where aaaarrrrreeeee you!" Syo was trying to find him.
Leigh and James had backed up and hid in her bedroom. "Oh? What is going on?"
"The crazy woman had been watching me sleep all night! Syo creeps me the hell out. Now she wants to find me and I really can't be bothered."