Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Zoe scrubs the floor vigorously making sure to not miss a spot in case she would be thrown out the blimp if it was slightly dirty. "A-AYE AYE GUNTER SIR!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hiro puts a hand on Irons shoulder and smirks at him. "Well well well. Look who it is. So was that party last night you had in your room fun? I would have joined with my cutie here, but it seemed to be a private party."
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Hiro quickly moved. "OKAY!" He moved to Helena and put a hand on her shoulder. "So Helena what was that you were screaming about-"
Helena went red with anger. "Get your hand off me, peasant!"
"OKAY YOU TWO ARE NO FUN I'M GUNNA GRAB MYSELF BREAKFAST!" Hiro said running off to get some bacon.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Zoe starts to sing and whistle as she scrubs the floor. "I see trees of green,"
Jacob sat down at a table, eating a bacon sandwich for his breakfast.

(I'm on kindle now so I've lost my pretty coloured formatting >_<)
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SILENCE.........(in a calm voice) Dear Froline I vill sing,
I see Bleach of green
Fairy Liquid too
I see zem bloom from bowl to loo
and I think to myself vat a vanderful blimp

I see skids of brown and heaps of ****e
I zoe scrub at it day and night
and I thick to myself vhat a vonderful blimp
The colours of zoes tears
I see her cry
if she does not scrub she will fly
I see people shacking hands say how are you but
they're really say ill kill you

I hear zoe cry
I see mould grow
Zoe vill learn much more a she goes
and yes I think to myself vat a vanderful world
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Helena ate sausage and eggs, earning a snicker from Hiro across the room. In anger she picked a sausage up and hurled it at Hiro's head.

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Zoe listened, a little confused but clapped. Then at the threat at the end she made a little "eep!" Sound and got back to scrubbing. "Please do not throw me out the blimp Mr Gunter Captin Sir!"

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(Tia Ben has to go to bed so we don't have to necessarily pause it, we could ship other characters and stuff)

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Helena ate her breakfast then got up to make herself a cup of tea, being very British. She looked around and saw that girl who has been constantly blowing gum since she got here. She approached her holding an extra cup of tea she made for the girl. If we are stuck here, we might as well start to get to know each other. "Hey, Kimberly, I think that's your name, do you blow those bubbles in your sleep?" Okay that sounded a little rude. She held the extra tea out for her.

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Hiro wiped food off his face and turned to Jacob. "Wanna go somewhere else after breakfast and hand out? Hey, maybe later we can organise a lads night out, like a party for all us guys here to get to know one and other! We could have like a party and a drink and have a sleep over. Sound cool?"
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Kimberly looked up, to see that she was being offered a cup of tea. "Oh, thanks," She said, taking the tea. "When I'm sleeping is one of the few times I don't have gum. I'd probably choke on it or something. You're... Helena right?"

(Eep, I got kinda sidetracked xD)

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"A party? Um..." Jacob hesitated for a moment, having never really been social enough to bother with parties. "Sure, why not?"
Helena nodded, trying to be friendly. "Yeah, I've never actually ate gum before. My parents said it would stick to my teeth and ruin them." Helena sighed.
"Cool! Anyway cutie, I wanna talk to this guy over here, he looks like a good laugh." Hiro walked over to the blonde man. "Hey! Andrew dude! Can I talk to you on private for a sec!" Hiro turned to Jacob. "I'll be back in a sec cutie!"
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"Hiro, stop calling me c- oh, nevermind, he's already over there..." Jacob muttered to himself.

"Sure thing! What's up?"

"Party poppers... I've been chewing gum for years and I've never had a problem..." Kimberly pulled a packet from her pocket. "Want to try some?"
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Helena nodded, taking some gum then hesitated before putting it in her mouth. "........" She looked around nervously, then put it and chewed. "Mmm it's nice." She then froze, gulping. "Oh dear, I think I swallowed it. Am I going to die?"

Hiro smirked. "Hey Andrew, I was thinking we should have an all lads party sometime and wanted to know if your in. Also I was wondering if me you and Jacob wanted to hit that pool in the hotel, might be fun!"
(Let's start a BROT3)
(*chants* BROT3! BROT3!)

Kimberly started to laugh, unable to help it. "Of course not! It's perfectly safe to swallow, don't worry."

Jacob sat watching Hiro and Drew talking, though he was too far away to be able to hear what they were saying.

"Sure thing, sounds like a blast," Andrew replied, referring to both the party and hitting the pool.
"Haha that's good, I don't want to have gone out dying by chewing gum. That would have been pathetic haha." Helena laughed.
"Cool! Come on Jacob, Andrew is coming to the pool with us! Grab ya swimming gear and let's swim!" Hiro called to Jacob.

(I'm going to sleep night~)
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As Jacob stood up to go get stuff from his room, he found himself smiling. Despite the awfulness of the entire situation, the island and the killing, somehow it led to him making friends, something he'd always struggled to do.

Jacob made his way down to the pool with swimming trunks on. Hiro was already there when he arrived, but Drew wasn't.

Drew made sure he was last there, walking behind Jacob. He went unnoticed as he sneaked behind him, all the way to the pool where Hiro was already waiting. He put a finger to his lips indicating 'shush', hoping to be able to scare Jacob.
Hiro snickers to himself a little, then swims around, shaking his wet dark red hair. "Yo cutie are you gunna just stand there or...?"
Jacob walked over to the edge of the pool, watching with amusement as Hiro shook his hair, looking remerkably like a dog shaking off his fur. Moments later, he felt a pair of hands on his back, pushing him forward. He toppled forward into the pool, making a large splash.

Having pushed Jacob straight in, Drew sat at he edge of the pool, legs dangling in the water. "Cutie? That his nickname?" He asked, watching the boy in question struggling to work out what was going on underwater.
Hiro went to high five Drew. "Nice one!"
Helena walked outside (with Kimberly I presume) and Cheyenne tagged along stuffing her face with food. (I'll take control the one of Connors characters, Tia can have Blaine and Ben can have Frances)

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"Heyyyyyyy wanna join us ladies?" Hiro asked.
Jacob surfaced moments later, still confused. He spotted Andrew at the edhe of the pool, presumably the one who pushed him in, and pulled him in by the feet. If he was shoved in unexpectedly, it only seemed fsir to do the same thing back.
Fallen Iron fallows Helena to the pool and sits at the pool side

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Gunter lower his ladder and goes for a swim with zoe. he also pulls out a model Bismarck ( a battleship) and begins to attack zoe with it