Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Hiro ran off screaming, running wildly into the island.
Cheyene laughed. "Leave him, he'll be back soon enough."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Zoe was gobsmacked, Gunter actually apologised for once. "O-oh, Gunter are you okay?"
"I don't believe he actually fell for that. What a moron..."

"Hey, he's not a moron," Jacob protested. "He's just... uh... a bit dense at times..."

Drew swam over and high fived Blaine. "That was great, dude. "
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"I don't believe he actually fell for that. What a moron..."

"Hey, he's not a moron," Jacob protested. "He's just... uh... a bit dense at times..."

(Jacob sticking up for the bae, and Bens gone for camping now but we can still keep roleplaying while he is gone, but we can't have anyone killed until he gets back which is 2 days)

Hiro had ran off screaming and soon found himself in the forest. "Thank god I'm safe from that shark." The forest seemed to be pretty dark and he soon found himself lost. "Oh god... Wait what is that sound?" Hiro listened out and heard... moaning. "OMG THE FOREST IS HAUNTED! AGHHHH!" Hiro managed to run wildly put the forrest and found himself running back to the pool put of breath. "H-Hey... Guys... Huh... Ok out of breath give me a... Sec..."
Helena looked around. "What was that screaming just now?" Fallen Iron shrugged his shoulders and got back to work.


- - - Post Merge - - -

Zoe got out the water, tired out and rested on the side while Gunter walked off back to his blimp for now, clearly embarrassed.
Jacob climbed out of the pool, and was sitting by the edge as another of Hiro's screams echoed out fron the forrest. He looked over at the direction he had ran to see Hiro running back just as fast. Jacob laughed quietly to himself, amazed that Hiro could be so easily scared when he usually seemed so confident.
"Ghosts don't exist in real life..." Jacob muttered, trying to pry himself from the tight grip of the coward hugging him as if he'd die if he let go.

"And you can't get sharksn in swimming pools either, moron."
"S-Shut up! It was still scary! First there was a scary creature in the water, then in the forest there was lots of moaning, it had to be a ghost! It was so scary!"

"Annnnnnnny way, I'm gunna hop out this pool and get some snacks for everyone.
Frances nodded cheerfully. "I'll come too! We will be back!"
"There was moaning?" Jacob asked.

Drew got out of the pool and walked over to Jacob and Hiro. "Come on dude, don't be such a scaredy cat. Even little Jacob isn't scared of ghosts, right? " he askes, poking Jacob in the cheek.

"Hey! I'm not "little'..."
"W-Well if you aren't scared, go check it out for yourself dude!" Hiro shouted, but not aggressivley.
Zoe muttered on the chair near them. "I-I don't think it w-was a g-ghost guys... You know... It was probably... You know..."
"Okay, I will! Coming, Jacob? We can show this scaredy cat that it's fine!"

"Huh? Why me?" Jacob asked, though he was curious about the moaning that Hiro supposedly heard. "You know, why not, I'll come."
Zoe muttered again nervously. "G-G-Guys I really think that's not a good idea-"
"Food's here! Hey Kimberly, I heard you are the ultimate competative eater! Wanna challange!" Cheyenne grinned happily at her.
Hiro walked with Drew scared, but he wanted to prove a point so was acting manly about it. "Let's go guys, who ya gunna call?"
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"I still seriously doubt it was a ghost..." Jacob muttered.

Kimberly raised an eyebrow. "You want a challenge? Okay, why the hell not," She replied, walking over.
Chev laid the food out, about 20 boxes of burgers for each of them. "Nothing better than a big mac!"
Hiro lead the group, showing them the way. "I am serious, even if it wasn't a ghost, I'm 100% sure I heard something."
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Blaine walked over to where the girls were talking about food. "Who wins? Whoever eats the most? Or the fastest?"

"I never doubted you heard something, just that it was a ghost...."

"I still think you were hearing things, even if he doesn't."
"Whoever drops out first, my mate Frances here will go get more burgers if we run out." Chey says with a grin.
"Yup, this looks fun."
Hiro arrives at the of the forrest with the others. "Here we go. I'm not afraid."
Zoe nervously moves closer to the girls. "C-Can I watch?"
"Sure, the more the merrier," Kimberly told Zoe, before turning back to Cheyenne, smirking. "You're going down!"

"You sure about that, scaredy cat?" Drew laughed.
"Yeah yeah." Chey said with a smile.
"Go!" Zoe cheered.
"You will be ****ting youself Drew when you see the ghost so don't get ahead of yourself!"
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"Don't be counting on your imaginary ghost to show me up, it ain't gonna happen," Drew replied confidently.

Kimberly swallowed her gum as she grabbed the her first burger, starting to eat sttaight away.
Chey also easily managed to eat her first burger, a little slower that Kimberly though.
Zoe cheered them on the best she could. "Go go go! You can do it!"
"Eat, eat, eat!" Frances chanted.
"Well-" Hiro heard a very faint sound in the distance. "I THINK I JUST HEARD THE GHOST AGAIN OMG OMG OMG DID YOU HEAR THAT!"
"Really?" Jacob asked. "I didn't hear anything..."

"He's imagining things again. Stop being such a baby, Hiro, lets go further in."

Kimberly quickly moved onto her second burger, then her third, eaying like it'd be her last meal.