(I will start the RP now, if you are not present, just imagine you are there and you can catch up later)
(Also, to note is that as well as being stranded on this island, you have lost the last 2 years of your highschool life)
The air is cool, the sky is blue..... And you have no idea where you are. You look around and it is apparent you are no longer Hope's Peak Academy. You are now standard on an island beach.... With no idea what is going on. When you try and remember, you realise that you can't remember anything! Other people seem to be on the beach around you... What on Earth is going on!?
Helena shakes her head, head pounding and eyes stinging. She finds herself on the ground, glasses slightly infront of her. She grabs them, mummbling under her breath. "W....Where am I?"
April stands up, shaking the sand off her body, then looks around. "What the hell? What's going on?" She looks around. "Hey! Any of you know what the hell is going on? Why are we on an island?"
Hiro sleeply lays on the ground, grumbling to himself.
Kimberly looked around slowly, trying to make sense of the situation as she fumbled around in her pocket trying to find the packet of bubblegum that should be there. Is this a beach? What's going on? She wondered.
Lillian looked around at the island and the people on it. "Wow, it's like we're in the setting of a film or something!" She thought aloud, giggling to herself. She wandered closer to some of the other people. "Hey! Where are we?" She called out the instant she was close enough.
Urgh... My head hurts... Jacob thought, looking around. What's going on? Where are we? Did we crash on a boat or something?
Drew Looked aorund, baffled as he didn't know where they were, nor could he remember how they got there. "What the hell...?"
Fallen Iron: I never asked you too but we need to do this and also im the one with 2 Swords and a lager set of heavy armor and you have a pen knife that you are heat with your lighter
*Suddenly, a strange looking bear pops up from no where. WHAT THE HELL?!*
MONOKUMA: "PHUHUHU! HELLLLLLO EVERYONE! WELCOME TO THE DANGAN SCHOOL TRIP!" The bear smiled creeply. "Soooooo.... What does everyone think of the wonnnnderfull island! Pretty isn't!"
"You now will all participate in a life of mutual killing if they wish to escape this paradise! To leave the island someone must commit a murder, killing another student. Once a murder has taken place, a class trial will be held. In the trial the students must discuss and try to solve who killed the victim. If the class finds the right person guilty, the murderer will be ‘executed’ by me, Monokuma! But if the wrong person is found guilty... I will execute everyone besides the killer, giving the murderer the right to leave the island!"
"Hey, he ignored my question... That's mean! Meaniekuma!" Lillian thought out loud, not as quietly as she intended, ignoring all of what he had just said.
"So you are going to harm us is we don't guess who it is?"