Fallen Iron: Helena would you like to form and alliance with me as I need someone to trust and I think that needs to be you as I have the force and you have the brains. so would you care to join me.
Helena blushed bright red and the armoured man held her as he helped her out the water. "D-Don't touch me!" Helena hoped back shivering from the cold water and turned away, still red. "S-S-Sorry, water just.... Freaks me out... A-Any way w-what gives you the right to touch me?!" Helena blushed, pushing her glasses up.
Gunter Plotting to himself: Mmmmmm zere is unt gtrmate factory over zere maybe I could fashion a blimp vis them ans use zat car as s **** pit, ya zat is wonderbar
April got up, rubbing her head. "Sorry! Och!" April tilted her head. "Did you not see? The teddy bear thing killed someone, and now we are being forced to kill eachother if we want to leave! I'm April by the way, ultimate fashion model."
Helena shook her head, composing herself. "N-No, you saved me, I shouldn't be mean... Fine, I'll help you out... If you'd like... But I don't even know what you look like, so how do I know if I could trust you..." Helena frowend a little. "What if you stab me in the back." Helena said, pushing up her glasses.
Feeling left out of everyone else's conversations, Lillian decided to find someone to talk to. She spotted two people by the pool, one wearing what looked like heavy metal armour and the other soaking wet as if she'd fell in. Maybe they're friendly! She thought, running over to them excitedly. "Hehe, you look cool! Are you a robot?"
Helena blushes again slightly, then shook it off, trying to act tough. "Yeah, same." She said crossing her arms. She noticed the small girl, looking at her judgingly.
"What a stupid- AGHH!" Helena looked down to see her white business shirt had been soaked through, revealing her black undergarments underneath. Helena blushed, before storming away. "I AM GOING TO MY ROOM!"
- - - Post Merge - - -
"I can eat as fast as I like!" Hiro said, barely audible from all the food. "Hey, Jason, wanna check out the rooms." Hiro winked. "It's getting dark." He laughed. "Not in a creepy way of course."
Fallen Iron: Well I'm sorry to disappoint you now run along there bear man said there was rides on the island.
Fallen Iron: WAIT HELENA! (Fallen Iron runs to Helenas door to see if she is okay) Are you Okay no need to be embarrassed.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Louis: We need some fire on this rock (Louis runs into the shop and collects some petrol, matches and a speaker. she places her speaker on a large rock and paly anarchy for the Uk while build a huge bon fire)
Helena blushes as the man gets to the door, she opens it and snarls. "Eeek! No, it's embarrasing, go away!" Helena weakly pushed him, but he didn't even budge, so she tried again, but he would not move.
Fallen Iron: I will leave then sorry all I wanted was to help ( He walks way slowly in shame and in sadness )
- - - Post Merge - - -
Gunter: ( vesting in his airships glory ) Its..... its wonderbar, aw I love it, I will be unstoppable in my zeppelin, mmmm I may even take it to the airsprip for extra supples hahahahaha zey will kneel before I zee great hInanburg mumuhahaha
Helena felt bad, waiting to compose herself, pushing up her glasses. "S-Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped. It's getting late, I need to change and sleep, so I will see you in the morning. Good night."