Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

"...W-what..?" Jacob asked, incredibly confused, instinctively taking a step back from Frances' reaching arms. "I... I don't understand..."
"Ever since I got on this island... I've loved you Jacob-senpai more than the world! I knew it since I saw that gorgeous hair of yours and that lovely face of yours that you were the one..." Frances started drooling as she thought of the boy. "Mmmmm, I even watched you when you slept, you are such a cutie when you do...mmmmm... I was just so nervous to speak to you I case you hated me..." Frances drooled more. "But then Hiro tried to steal you from me! So HE HAD TO DIE!"
"Aaaaaaannnnnnnd she's lost it."
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(Frances, you're confusing the poor boy xD)

Jacob stared at Frances, his mouth hanging open slightly, completely lost for words.

"Did it never occur to you that killing Hiro might make Jacob hate you? That killing his first friend from the island and the one he has the most feelings for might not make him love you back? Did you never once think, given you knew about Hiro, that Jacob might be gay?"
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"It doesn't matter, I'd kill everyone of you on this stupid f***ing Island if it meant I could keep Jacob for myself!" Frances touched her chest where her hear was. "Because I truely love him. There is no way I would let anyone harm my loved one, physically or mentally."
Helena raised an eyebrow, thinking.
"So... You where the one who set up the murder! You wrote the letter and put everything together to kill Hiro! You killed him..." Zoe said sadly.
"You wouldn't let anyone harm me? But you killed Hiro... And that hurt. I can't even begin to describe how much that hurt. And it was your fault!"
"No." Frances shook her head. "You are thinking it hurts now, but in the long term, you will come to love me! You will love me and I will love you!"
"No!" Zoe said angrily. "Y-you killed Hiro, he will never love you!"Zoe shouted, tears in her eyes.
"He will."
"No, I won't. I can't," Jacob started, tears starting to run down his face. "Hiro was my first true friend. Not just here, ever. And he was more than that. You killed him before he told me how he felt. I had to hear it from Drew instead. You took him away before I could answer, before I could tell him how I felt. I can never love you, Frances! I hate you!"
"Y-you killed him... Hiro... You..."
"No, she didn't."
"Hahaha, so you caught onto that I see." Frances laughed. "It's true, I didn't kill Hiro."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Plot twists and stufffff I have to go watch Gamw of Thrones be back later)
"What the hell? You didn't kill him? But you literally just said you did! Why would you say that?"

(Okay, wow, leave on a cliffhanger! Avengers is on anyway so I have something else to do xD)
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"I said I wanted to kill him. I tried to kill him. But I didn't kill him. Hehe." Frances giggles, swaying from side to side, clearly lost her mind.
"It's ironic really. The thing we were all confused about at the start is what we think caused this murder. But infact, Frances' motive proves her innocence." Helena said pushing her glasses up.
"I- don't get it..."
"The motive. It proves her innocence."
"I'm lost. What the hell is going on? How does that prove her innocence?"

"Okay then smartarse, who actually killed him?"
Helena cleared her throat, skipping over the fact Drew called her a smartarse. "The killer gets executed after committing a crime. Isn't that right. So let's say Frances committed this murder, and by the way she has set things up, she has planned to get away with it so she can be with Jacob." Helena, flicked a hair out of her face. "Then if she planned to get away with it, then everyone else would get executed. If everyone, including her 'love' Jacob got executed, it would go completely against her motive. She is clearly off her rocker in love for this boy, why would she want him to get executed."
"So we're back to square one again, hurting poor Jacob with all this at the same time. You don't go around telling people you killed someone close to them just to be with them..."
"No, this is Frances' fault, she was the puppeteer behind this murder... But she didn't do it... But it is her fault, what a heartless *****."
"Hehe." Frances giggled. "Whatever blondie, yeah I set up this murder... But I never planned to kill him!"
Helena shook her head in disgust. "Yeah, she planned to lure in someone else to accidently kill Hiro for her, so she could get away with it."
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"Why should I explain? Hehehe! This is too fun!"
Helena took in all the information. "I see. It all makes sense now."
"I can't believe you Frances... I thought we were best friends..."
"I know Chev, and that's why you haven't said anything about Frances, because you knew all along she was the person who planned to kill Hiro. And you're the one she tricked aren't you? You killed Hiro." Helena said bluntly.
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"Thinking about all this is making my brain hurt..."

"Doesn't take much..." Kimberly muttered beneath her breath. "Chev killed Hiro? You tricked your friend into killing your love rival? What the hell is wrong with you, Frances?"

(Seriously? Autocorrect seems to think there's a character called Chevrolet)
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Chev got upset. "No! I-I tried to stop the murder remember, I made sure no one would get killed! I didn't want anyone to die! I wanted everyone to be safe! I- I-!" Chev bit her lip before shouting. "What proof do you have it was me?!
Helena prepared herself again. "The very essence you tried to keep everyone safe is why you have the means and way of killing. You performed the body checks am I right? You tried to make sure no one was carrying any weapons, whoever wrote that message to you this morning (Frances) clearly wanted someone dead, so just to keep everyone from harm, you tried to make sure no one had any weapons. But I wonder, did anyone perform a body check on you." Helena commented confidently. "There was a some portable night vision glasses and an extra knife if I recall. From your outfit, I see you have plenty space to hide them somewhere."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"So... Chev brought her own weapon and night vision glasses... To stop the killer before they killed Hiro?"
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