Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

"So how did Frances trick her into killing Hiro? If she tried so hard to prevent the murder, she obviously had no intentions of killing someone, how did that change?"
Helena crossed her arms. "I will explain this case from beginning to end, or at least how I think it has played out.

Firstly, this morning Chev and Frances received a message, written by Frances during the night, that said a murder would happen. Chev, who seemed to love this group dearly, didn't want another murder to happen, so she decided to do all she could to prevent the murder. She performed body checks to ensure no one had weapons, in hope the killer wouldn't be able to kill anyone. Just in case, she kept a weapon and night vision goggles on her in case the worst would happen, so if it came down to it, she could try and incapacitate the killer, but not kill them.

Unfortunately, the weapon under the table had already been planted and the blackout was already in motion to happen all due to Frances. All she needed to do was wait until the lights went off, she kept a close eye on Hiro so when it was dark, she easily ran over to him, maybe using the tables she set up as guides to get her near him, taped his mouth shut and dragged him under the table. Hiro would have been in such shock, he would have flailed and tried to fight back."
"I-If I recall when I heard sounds from the hall, I did hear Frances say 'ouch'... Frances must have been hit."
"Exactly, then Chev who finally got her night vision glasses on, ran to the table, on such shock as she saw Hiro dragged under the table with Frances pining him underneath. Frances most likely stabbed him in the shoulder, but Hiro reacted, kicking her out.

Then finally, Chev who to ensure no blood for on her, stabbed around the low half of the table, hoping to hit Frances, but at this point she had got out after being kicked out or deliberately falling out, so Chev stabbed Hiro instead. Unfortunately, Hiro was killed, but no blood got on either of the girls."
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"So Chev tried to defend Hiro, but ended up killing him instead?" Drew asked, looking towards Frances and Chev for confirmation that Helena's explanation was accurate.

"Wait, what would happen in terms of the execution?"
Chev started to cheer up a little, then gave a brave smile. "I... Just wanted to protect you guys. I wanted everyone to be happy together... Even Frances, I didn't own up to her being the killer because... She is my best friend... Even if she tricked me, I just wanted everyone to be happy." Chev giggled a little in the face of death.
"Like I said about a THOUSAND TIMES, the killer and ONLY the killer gets executed. So vote for who you think the person who KILLED Hiro, and they will be punished! Phuhuhu!"
"B-But... Chev didn't mean it, she tried to protect us!"
"Phuhuhuhuhu LIKE I CARE! It makes everything more dramatic this way!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Frances smirked. "This way, I can still be with my love. Jacob-SENPAI." Frances puts her hand to her heart and swoons.
"You have to vote for me. Or you will all die. Just promise me guys, promise me nothing like this will happen again. No more murders. Please." Chev said, smiling to herself, tears in her eyes.
Helena looked to the ground, fighting back tears, she did not want to look weak. "Chev, you were a good friend."
Zoe burst out into tears. "Chev! It's not fair! You were so nice to me! You were so nice to all of us! Not fair not fair not fair! Whaaaaaaaaaaa!" Zoe tried to wipe away tears.
Chev smiled weakly. "Don't worry, I will be fine." She lied. "Kimberly, I'm sorry we never got that food eating rematch, I'm sure it would have been fun."
"This is bull****... You're a good person, we shouldn't have to do this..." Kimberly said bitterly, staring at the ground.

"Frances should be the one that gets executed, she's the crazy psychopath that masterminded the whole thing..."
"So? Frances never killed Hiro did she? Well, it's time to vote for who you think the killer is, everyone vote, remember, not voting earns yourself a punishment, so ya better!" Monokuma laughed.
"Don't worry guys, I won't get offended if you vote for me." Chev said, trying to remain calm and keep the fake smile on her face.
(I have to go to sleep execution and all that will be up tomorrow)
~Drew, Blaine, Kimberly, Jacob~
Reluctantly, all four voted for Chev, despite strong beliefs that Frances should be the one to blame.

(Okay! I'm gonna sleep too, actually. Night~)
*Everyone voted, sadly voting Chev as the killer*
"Phuhuhuhuhu! You got it right! The killer was Chev! Now I'll let you all say you're goodbyes and all that soppy ****, then you it's time for the execution!" Monokuma laughed.
Zoe ran over to Chev, hugging her. "It's not fair, I'll miss you Chev."
Frances stood away from everyone else, arms crossed, smirking as she looked at the ground to hide her face. I actually got away with it, yes! I love you Jacob-senpaiiii!
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"We'll all miss you, Chev, you were a great friend. We didn't even have time for a rematch..."

"Thank you Chev... Even though you couldn't, you tried to save Hiro..."
Chev smiled, looking strong. "Thanks guys." She gave Zoe a big hug before holding a hand out to Helena.
Helena looked upset a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to blame it all on you."
Chev grabbed Helena's hand and shook it. "Don't worry about it! It had to be done haha!" Chev smiled, before going over to Frances who stared blankly at her.
Frances looked at her, not apologiesing.
Chev's smile faded. "So, Frances, were you my friend, or were you using me this whole time?"
Frances looked a little sad for a second, then returned to the blank stare. "I-"
"Wait, I don't want you to answer. But I want you to know, you were my best friend. So just please, don't do this again, for me." Chev said, but Frances didn't respond.

"Well now the sob story is all over, itssssssss PUNISHMENT TIME!" Monokuma laughed, taking his mallet out and pressing his big red button. The screen in front displayed Chev was guilty, with a pixilated version of herself being dragged away by the bear.
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I hope her punishment isn't too bad, she shouldn't suffer when she was just trying to help... Kimberly thought, watching sadly with the others as there wasn't anything they could do to stop it now.
Executed = Chev, Ultimate Detective.

Chev opened her eyes, to see she was no longer in the trial room, but instead sitting on the floor in a dark room. Suddenly the walls fell outward around her, to reveal she was trapped inside a huge cluedo board. The walls formed around her as a dead dummy lay on the floor next to her, dark red fake hair and police outfit showing it was meant to replicate Hiro.

Chev got up quickly, trying to look around for an exit, but the windows and doors were locked. She decided to look for clues around the room to help her escape, but while looking, she heard a loud bang on the door. Scared, she clambered a bookshelf to a vent in the roof, before sliding in, her ever so slight chubby form making it a little difficult, but she fit inside, hiding in there as she saw the door burst down.

Standing in the door way was several Monokumas, dressed up as the characters from cluedo. They were all holding weapons, all searching for Chev. The Monokuma dressed in a long wig and red dress, replicating Miss Scarlet, pointed towards the vent, but Chev had already scrambled away, the hot steam hitting her face, causing her to sweat and breathe heavily.

Suddenly, she fell through a weak part of the vent, crashing into a bedroom. She got up, hearing footsteps near the room, she tried to find somewhere to hide, before diving under the bed.

The small bears came back in again, treading slowly in different directions, trying to find the girl within the room. Chev held her breath, trying to make no noise, eyes wide, hopeing non came close. She brought her hands together, eyes now tight closed, praying to herself she would be spared.

The room went silent. Chev opened an eye and saw the feet had disappeared and it was now dead silent. She took a sigh, breathing heavily, before she felt an extreme pain in her back. The Monokumas were above the bed, stabbing their weapons into the bed, stabbing the girl underneath until the final blow hit her heart, just like Hiro.
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(Holy mother of God that was intense...)

"Holy ****... So much For hoping her execution wouldn't bee too bad..."
(Haha why not executions are fun XD )

Helena watched in disgust. "I've seen enough. Time to head back." She said bleakly.
Zoe nodded. "... This... Is all... Frances fault... Chev didn't deserve this."
"Lets head back, I don't think it'll do anyone any good to stay here longer..."

"What are we doing about sharing rooms now that we're missing people...?"
Helena spoke up. "For a start, Frances shouldn't be in contact with anyone, she needs to be locked in a room on her own away from everyone, seeing how she is a danger." Helena then turned to Jacob. "Jacob, you should share with Drew and Kimberly, seeing how you seem to get one with Drew and Kimberly is nice so I'm sure you will get on fine." Helena crossed her arms. "Sorted? Because I'm going to bed, come in fallen iron (time for victory, I got the killer right sex XD)."
"Jacob, prepare for some very sleepless nights..."

"Hey, I don't talk in my sleep that much!" Drew please tested, already heading back out with Kimberly and Jacob trailing behind.