Hiro followed into the barn with Jacob. "............................WTF IS GOING ON?! ARE YOU TWO GETTING I ON INFRONT OF A HANGING CORPSE?! Hiro then started to back away. "Well, whatever floats ya boat I guess.... Some people are into some creepy ****...."
- - - Post Merge - - -
Helena took the chance, kissing him lightly on the lips quickly pulling away she sees Hiro burst into the room with Jacob. "OMG NO IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE OMG STOP LOOKING!!!!"
Helena snaps a little. "WHY AREN'T YOU MORE CONCERNED MR IRON- I MEAN-" "Wow, you two even have cute nicknames for eachother.... NOT AS CUTE AS JACOB THOUGH!" Hiro smirked, wrapping his arm around Hiro jokingly.
"I guess we'd better knock next time..." Jacob said, laughing quietly. We had to walk in then of all times... he thought, as Hiro wrapped his arm around him, making him turn even redder than before.
After a few deep breaths, Helena composes herself then goes back into the barn. "Okay... Let's get back on track." Helena successfully takes the body down and inspects the rope. "Hmm..." Helena put the rope in a bag she brought to place evidence, also putting the knife inside and the note.
"Why would Lillian commit suicide?" Hiro asked, scratching his head. Hiro looks around. "I don't think I can see anything else as evidence."
*Monokuma makes an announcement* "Everyone, make your way to the beach you arrived on, and you will find a rock with a door placed on it. Open the door and enter, there will be a small elevator journy underground, and then it will lead you to the trial room. Phuhuhu the class trial will begin shortly!"
*The elevator inside the rock went down for what seemed miles as everyone looked at each other. Two deaths... How could this have happened. Everyone tries to think about what could have happened, and before they knew it, the doors opened to reveal the class trial room. *
*Monokuma sits in his seat away from everyone, with a red button in front of him, which he will press once the trial is over.*
"Phuhuhuhuhu! We finally had a killing! This feeling of despair! Oh how I love it!" Monokuma giggles to himself. "It's clear at least one of you killed somebody, now if everyone gets into there places by their podium, we can begin the class trial!"
*Everyone gets into their places, eyeing each other up suspiciously.* "I'm sure everyone by now is clear of the rules, but to recap, what you need to do is vote for who you think has done it. If you pick the right person, they alone will be executed, but if you pick wrong, everyone else will be punished and the killer had the right to leave the island!" Monokuma crosses his arms. "Now, class trial, begin! Phuhuhuhuhu!"
Zoes nods nervously. "Yes... And it looks like Lillian killed herself."
Helena shook her head. "No, that is not possible." "Huh? Why not?" April asked tilting her head.