Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Seeing the conversation had no substance, Frances decided to take a walk outside. She cut down the vines on her door and went outside the building. Lying down on the grass, she looked up at the stars.
"Everyone's so mean, no one will ever talk to me..." Lillian grumbled to herself. She walked outside, giving up on trying to talk to anyone, and headed towards a barn not far away.
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Fallen Iron thinking to himself after waking: mmmmm what w...why is there a blanket on me.......... oh it must have been Helena ( smiles happily as for the first time ever someone cares about him )
Helena wakes up and goes into the restraunt, and sees a moniter with a video playing on loop. ".... OMG!"

The video is of what looks like a masked smalll figure dropped from a hight, hanging before the video cuts out and plays again. "S-s-s-some one is d-d-dead?!"

April walks into the restraunt. "Hows it hanging ya posh- WHAT THE HELL?!" April gasped when she saw the video.
Kimberly walked downstairs, with her mind already on food as she wakes up. She headed to the restaurant to see that a group of people had gathered there, looking at something on a moniter. She walked closer to get a good look at what it was. What the hell..?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Drew joined the others in the restaurant only to be horrified by what he saw on the monitor. Looping over and over was the death of a masked figure. "...Who's that?"
Gunter heads to the restraint
Louis heads to the restraint
Fallen Iron head to the restraint
Jacob arrived at the restaurant rather late, after a large crowd had already gathered. Oh God, someone has been killed... Did someone among us kill them? What if they keep going? What if I'm next? He thought, his vivid imagination starting to go into overdrive.
Louis walks in: Hay *****s I just killed that Jade Kid ahahahaha left her body in the woods ahahaha
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*Monokuma Appears*

"PHUHUHU! WOW! 2 killed and we are only 2 days in!" Monokuma smirks. "A classtrial will be held soon guys, so spend this time investigating while you can!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Someone else is dead?!"

"Someone... Died in the woods?"
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Fallen Iron picks up Louis with one arm and ties her to a Colom in the middle of the restraint. (cant have you running louse)
Louis screaming: put me down you...... you
(OK SORRY IM LATE just act like my characters were already at the restaurant.)

Frances smiled at the iron-clad man. I could use him on my side.
She paused a moment. "Has anybody seen Lillian lately?"
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"Wait, two dead?" Kimberly spun round to look at Louis who had already admitted to killing someone. "You killed two people?" She asked accusingly.
(OK SORRY IM LATE just act like my characters were already at the restaurant.)

Frances smiled at the iron-clad man. I could use him on my side.
She paused a moment. "Has anybody seen Lillian lately?"
"She must be the one who was killed in the barn from that hanging video..." Helena thought. "Lets split up, half of us go to the barn, the rest to the woods."
"Wait, two dead?" Kimberly spun round to look at Louis who had already admitted to killing someone. "You killed two people?" She asked accusingly.

"No, it wasn't him." She stepped up. "I heard a conversation between Lillian and the armor guy last night. It held no substance, but she seemed pretty sad afterwards, then walked off somewhere..."