dark candy... what is it? where did it come from?

King Dorado

you can do anything
Aug 4, 2015
Rebel Gnome
Fossil Easter Egg
Ladybug Easter Egg
Paradise Planning Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
dark candy... what is it? where did it come from?


why is it so dark anyway? is it depressed? did its parents listen to too much Depeche Mode?

best i can tell, it was part of a forum game back in Halloween 2012, where only a few dark candies existed and if you received it you were "cursed," :eek: so you were supposed to pass it along to somebody else and add a new curse to the message on it.... is that how it worked?

is there anyone still active who participated in this 2012 spooky game of hot potato??
was the dark candy cursed by Weird Doll??

but how did two people manage to hold onto the dark candy after that Halloween? are there more of them out there? like maybe one with that fage[SUP]*[/SUP] dude who revealed his previously hidden Weird Doll last month??? didn't the dark candy reappear in 2014? was it in the same format?

i'm only aware of four regular members who have the dark candy displayed, and two of them are long inactive.

wouldn't it be fun if they were made giftable?? i mean, can you imagine the record price one of the dark candies might fetch on the market place? it would be chaotic! :p it might inject new life into the moribund local economy too...

so, who among you is possessed by this shadowy confection???

* former sage
Here at the Purple Candy Sanctuary we dream of someday being able to permanently home one of these underappreciated dark confections. Maybe someday that dream will become reality...

For now I will love all of my sweet purple babies with all I have, and the generous donations I received for their care. <3
I aspire to achieve the level of pettiness necessary to create a thread announcing the rareness of a collectible you have. :rolleyes:
The existence of the dark candy is clearly one of the great forum mysteries yet to be solved. I like to believe it was once a regular candy until the Last Tree Ghost stumbled upon it. The Last Tree Ghost couldn't stand its bright colour so it cursed the poor candy to darkness forever....
I think dark candy is the second coolest halloween collectible


maybe third tbh, because pumpkin cupcake takes top spot iyam :)

I aspire to achieve the level of pettiness necessary to create a thread announcing the rareness of a collectible you have. :rolleyes:

aw shucks :blush:. i don't mean to discourage you from continuing to try, but i'm not sure it's possible for anyone else to attain my level of pettiness :cool:

The existence of the dark candy is clearly one of the great forum mysteries yet to be solved. I like to believe it was once a regular candy until the Last Tree Ghost stumbled upon it. The Last Tree Ghost couldn't stand its bright colour so it cursed the poor candy to darkness forever....

i'm still concerned that nobody on staff knows who actually had the login for Last Tree Ghost, it's quite spoopy i tell you...

but I was hoping somebody from back in the 2012 days could fill us in on whatever they had going on back then with the dark candy, i've never found a thread explaining it (there was also a spooky toothpaste one year,


but i don't know if the two were tied together somehow...).