Dark Veil 2

(*cough cough* okay! we left the camping trip, Aions and James had a friendly brawl in which James was kicked in the 'family jewels', they got back, went in the hot tub, Raphael is away being kidnaped by the looks of things, Sam admitted likening Alex, James is off his face drunk and now they are off to find Raphael... are you caught up now...)

( Yep, thank you cx )

I follow Aions and Chiyoko silently, not sure what to say. "Chi, how are you feeling?"
"Hey, it sounds cute." I grin. "If you still feel off, you should probably rest. Fevers don't get better if you are up and about too much."
"Really? Well, if I'm dead you're in more danger. See, I have some friends. And when those friends find out that I'm dead, they'll be more desperate than ever to kill you," I say, succeeding in outwitting her.

"Your insolence makes me want to kill you more."

"So…how exactly are you going to kill me?"
I follow the foot steps until I am by a set of two trees and a rock. "The trail ends here..." I mutter and look around for where the foot steps could have gone.
"So where is Ravioli?"
"You mean Raphael?"
"Same thing."

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I look at the exact point the foot prints disappear and look in that area. Looking to a rock, I notice something strange sticking out of it.
I lean against the rock. "Hey Alex, would you say no if I-" I get cut off as a hidden lever is knocked by my arm and it opens a secret floor underneath.
"James your a genius!" I say hugging him.
"I am?"
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"That…can be discussed later. The fact right now is that you ARE going to die."

I raise my eyebrows. "You waiting for something?"

"Your friends will see you die."

"Wow, aren't you obsessed about killing me?"

"It's not just you. OK, it's MOSTLY you."
As the passage opens I call to the others to get over here. "He is probably in there...." I mutter.
"THEN LETS GO!" I say and charge down the hall.
"Wait up!" I call to him as I catch up.