Dark Veil 2

(Third chapter)


Cindra and Cordelia moved up to the Aura room, and Fein decided to join them. “Did you miss me?” he asked. At the same time, Taylor moved over to the Aura room.

“Sort of...” Cindra replied.

“Oh hi, Fe-” Cordelia hiccuped loudly, interjecting her speech. She looked away in embarrasment, covering her mouth.

“Hi Cordelia. So, what are your talents?” Fein asked, sitting down by them.

“I guess I’m okay with daggers,” she said. “I didn’t show my skills in the competition, but I’m determined to be better in next assignments.”

“I’m sure you will be. My talents are basically archery and thievery. I’m quite the accomplished thief. Cindra can draw, as you can see, sing, and heal. Speaking of which, can we see some more of your drawings, Cindra?”

Cindra smiled. “Sure.” As she picked up her backpack, all of her papers and drawings spilled out. She gasped and started to gather them all up. “Sorry! I’m clumsy...”

“Oh, let me help you with that.” Fein leaned down, and picked up some of her drawings, when he noticed something sticking out. Runes? He gave it to her quickly and continued to help her clean up.

Cindra blushed, and stuffed her drawings back in her bag. “Um...I’m good with throwing knives...”

“Throwing knives...” Cordelia echoed. “I’ve been trying to get the hang of those, but it’s so hard!”

“And you, Cordelia?”

“Oh, uh, daggers and stealth.”

“Cool. So, guys. I was thinking....maybe we should have some sort of alliance? We aren’t the most talented, but I’m pretty sure all of our skills together could do great things. Plus, we would make a great team when it actually counts,” Fein said, hoping for a positive answer.

“Yes,” Cordelia nodded. “I mean... the spirits seem pretty ferocious, it’ll be hard to take them on. But with an alliance, we can triumph. Maybe we should also discuss this with the Brute team.”

“I guess. And one last thing... friends?”

“Friends,” Cordelia repeated. She smiled sheepishly, overcome with glee. My first friend...

Alex went to the bedroom where everyone had gathered, standing in the corner and listening in.

“I’m tired. I”m going to sleep...” Cindra said. I just can’t...can’t do this...

“Me too.” Fein noticed Cindra’s face was full of pain. He wrote a note saying, Are you okay? If you need anything, just let me know, ok? Friends, remember? He slipped it in her sketchbook.

Cindra took the note, and read it. She went to a bed, and climbed under the covers. A small tear leaked out of her eye that was visible, but she turned over.

Looks like everyone is friends, well apart from me, but I don’t really care, that’s not my style. Alex smirked cheekily and went to the brute room to flop on her bed to have a nap.

Misa was planning to try out the new spells she just learned, but she was too tired, so she didn’t even bother. She didn’t even bother getting changed. She just went over to the bed farthest from the door and lay down. By this point, she had noticed that some of the Aura were in there, but she pretty much just walked straight past them.

Cordelia watched Cindra head to her bed. Did we make her feel uncomfortable? She yawned, then rested her elbows on the table. “It’s getting dark, I think I’m gonna go to bed.” She took of her robe and slipped into bed.

Cindra wasn’t asleep, but her eyes were closed. She thought about the day. Why are people...so hard? I’m scared... She turrned back over and scribbled a note to Fein. It said, I’m sorry, I just...can’t deal with people. I’m scared...

She placed the note next to her backpack and hoped he saw it, then turned over and went to sleep.

Misa put her staff under her pillow, like she usually did, and quickly fell asleep.

Raphael woke up from another nightmare. Why won’t these stop? What’s going on? he thought. He shuffled up to take a shower, but even that didn’t seem to calm him. He changed into his swimsuit and tread in the pool outside, which seemed to comfort him a little. He decided to stay outside until morning.

Cindra woke up, and the note was still there. She decided to go for a walk. She walked through the long halls of the hotel and went outside. The only place she felt at peace.

Raphael saw Cindra walking around. He waved her over by the pool, after all, he hadn’t really gotten to talk to many recruits.

Cindra went over to Raphael. “Yes?” she said quietly.

“Nothing really, just wanted to talk,” he responded. “Sit down, make yourself comfortable.”

She sat down next to him and fidgeted with her charms. “I’m not very good at talking to people...” she admitted.

“Don’t worry,” I comforted. He suddenly realized he was very tired. “I’m going to be sleeping out here. We’ll talk later, OK?” He shook her hand, walked over to a comfortable flower bed, and slept there.

She cracked a small smile. “Okay. I think I’ll stay out here too...” She picked a flower and tucked it in her pocket, then went back to the hotel room. She placed the note near Fein’s bed, then went back to sleep.

Cordelia slipped out of bed. 3 AM. She crept out of the room in search of a dummy to practice her new daggers upon inaudibly.

She consulted the hotel map down in the reception, there was supposed to be a gym around there. She followed the directions to reveal the large, vacant room. She found a punching bag. This would be okay for slashing, right? She thrust her weapons from her holster with a satisfying “ssssssssssh” and began incorporating slashes with kicks, spins, rolls, and punches. I hope mother would be proud of me.

Misa woke up far earlier than she should have, but she wasn’t really tired enough to go back to sleep. She looked at the clock next to her. 3:30 AM. Nobody was going to be awake. Deciding that she wanted to practice the spells she learned earlier, she headed off in search of an empty room. Her first option was the gym, but when she walked over to it, she could hear someone slashing away at something. Half of her was trying to force me to go inside and talk to them, and the other half was telling her to chicken out and go back to bend. In the end, a bit of each won. She decided to slip in quietly, and walk over to the far end where she could practice, and hope that they didn’t notice her. So she did just that.

Cordelia turned. She saw a dark figure, but she couldn’t make out who it was. “Uhm, hello?” she mumbled.

Crap, she noticed me!
“Oh, um, hi...”

“Is that you Misa?”

“Y-yeah. I was looking for somewhere to practice...”

“Oh, uh, so was I...”

Misa glanced over at the punching bag, noticing that it was covered in slashes. She let out a little giggle at the sight of it, though somehow she didn’t think Anastasia would have the same reaction if she came in.

Cordelia looked at the punching bag, too. “Oh, crap,” she muttered. “I wasn’t thinking straight when I did that: I just wanted to try out my daggers...”

“Here, I might be able to fix it...” Misa muttered, pointing her staff at it. The slashes began to fix themselves, one at a time.

“Wow,” Cordelia breathed, gently stroking the bag. “The stitching is rectified, and all!” She smiled in the darkness. “Thank you so much!

“No problem...” Well, so much for not talking to her...

Her stomach rumbled, and she remembered that she didn’t have anything to eat before going to bed. She held out her hand, and made an apple appear in it, which she started eating. “Want one?”

“Okay,” Cordelia agreed, and took an apple.

At the same time, Alex decided to get up and train. She walked past the 2 girls, and began slashing on a dummy.

“I wonder who’s that,” Cordelia murmured to Misa.

“That looks like a brute.”

“Maybe we should go talk to them. If we’re going to be fighting together, we should get to know them.”

“Um, sure...”

They walked closer, and she recognized the brute as Alex, the girl she was talking to last night.

“Hi,” Cordelia said, taking a bite of her apple.

Are those Aura girls coming over? Alex thought as she slashed at the dummies. Should I talk to them? It will probably go as bad as it did yesterday. “Erm, hey.”


“Your swordfighting is impressive,” Cordelia said fondly.

“Erm...thank you. I saw you fighting too, very impressive,” Alex smiled, trying to be friendly.

Cordelia was thankful for the poor lighting, nobody could see her sheepish grin. “T-thank you!” she blurted, flattered.

“I don’t think I have really introduced myself, I’m Alex.”

“Um, I”m Cordelia. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Misa, though you already know me...”

Cordelia took another bite of her apple, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Nice to meet you too, Cordelia.” Alex let out the slightest smile (another rare sight). “I already introduced myself to Misa, but I may have been...a little tipsy and made myself look the fool...as usual...:

“It’s fine,” Cordelia smiled. “I don’t really drink beer, but it seemed like it was pretty tasty.”

Misa took another bite of her apple. “Do you want an apple?” she asked Alex politely.

“Y-yes,” Alex said. Nobody is ever this nice to me!

“Your magic is so impressive, Misa,” Cordelia said in awe. “I’ve only read about magic in my dad’s encyclopedias.”

“Here,” Misa muttered, handing Alex an apple. “Thanks...” she said to Cordelia.

Alex took the apple and thanked her. “I agree, Misa, your magic is beautiful.”

“It’s not really that good... I’m more impressed at how skilled you both are with blades.

“Thank you,” they both said.

“But in a battle, it’s not all about strength, magic is just as handy as physical brawn.”


“I guess...that didn’t help James though...” Misa said before she could stop herself.

“James?” Cordelia queried, tilting her head slightly.

“My brother...”


It took a lot of effort for Misa to fight back tears as she ate her apple. I shouldn’t have said that out loud, I hope no one asks about it...

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything...”

Seeing that the situation was awkward, Alex swept her short red hair from her eyes and accidentally scratched a scar while doing so. “Anyway, I’ve taken too much of your time.” She nodded her head down slightly. “I have to get back to my room, I have something I need to do...” She gave a salute-like wave before she went.
(okay, here is mine, but keep in mind, I am no where near done. Also, I plan on joining all the characters up to create 'dark veil' later on XD)
Dark Veil: High school

Chapter 1: First day.


Feeling a bone crushing weight on top of James this early in the morning was too much for him to handle. The excitement of his little sister, Misa, could not be contained as she jumped all over James's bed.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Misa squealed before James rotated his body to push her off his bed and onto the floor. Wrapping his blanket around him, he buried himself into a little fortress trying to cherish every second of being comfy in bed.

"Go away!" James grumbled tiredly as he closed his eyes.

"No, get up!" Misa said jumping to her feet and rubbing her sore back she had bumped when she hit the floor. "It's out first day!"

"You make it sound like I am five, it's just a new school. Nothing has changed." James moaned and gripped his blanket.

"No stupid!" Misa yanked the blanket away from James quickly, pulling it off him. "Everything is different; we can't be late on our first day!"

The word 'late' startled James a little. Slowly moving out of bed he went to his wardrobe to get his new uniform. Glancing out the window, he noticed it was still dark outside.

"Sis, what time is it?" He faced his sister who pulled out a small watch.

"4:23." She giggled before getting a pillow to the face.

"JESUS THIS EARLY LET ME SLEEP!" James said pushing past her and diving back onto his bed. "And for the love of god, get out my room!"


Several hours had passed and James was awoken by his mother, who had a much more peaceful way of waking James up. Yawning and heading for the bathroom, James brushed his teeth and quickly brushed his hair.

"Stunning, as per usual." James muttered sarcastically at his reflection in the mirror. James had blue hair that matched his blue eyes. Last month James had turned 17, he was in his last year of high school, but his family had to move away due to complications. Older than most kids in his year, he also looked it, he was skinny and taller than the average teenage boy. Changing into his new uniform, he noticed how formal it was, blue blazer, white button up shirt, red tie, brown pants and white shoes.

"This won't do." James fidgeted with his buttons until his blazer hung loose and his tie wasn't as tight. "That?s better."

Leaving the bathroom, he wandered downstairs into the kitchen. Their house wasn't extremely big, but it was fairy modern and got the job done.

"Morning dear." James's mother smiled as he flopped into a chair at the table. He ate his breakfast of bacon and eggs slowly, looking up he saw his little sister, younger than him by around a year and a half, gulping down her breakfast quickly. Misa was also wearing her new uniform; it was a traditional Japanese sailor fuku with a colour scheme of a pale blue, on the skirt and hems of the outfit, a white blouse with the usual blue sailor collar. A red ribbon, similar to his red tie, hung neatly directly under the collar of her uniform. Her hair, which was the same colour as his, flowed beautifully down past her shoulders and Misa had interwoven an orange ribbon into her hair. When it came to looks, his sister certainly wasn?t lacking them.

"Where's father?" James asked as he finished off his breakfast and swivelled around in his chair to face his mother.

"Work, he had to set off early this morning." His mother said picking up the empty plate and taking it to the sink. "After all, it's your fathers first day too, at work I mean."

As time ticked by, James slipped on his shoes and approached the door. Picking his bag up from the rack his mother had prepared for him the previous day, he opened the door.

"Okay, I'm going now." He called to his mother before seeing Misa dash around the corner.

"I?m walking with you." Misa said, sounding a little nervous.

"No, you will embarrass me.? James snapped as he left the house. He felt his sister grab his collar and pull him back.

?Please, it?s my first day and I?m well... nervous.? Misa muttered as she fidgeted with her hair.

?You?re in the eleventh grade!? James lightly pulled her off his arm and walked towards his bike. ?Grow up.?

?But, brother!? Misa said chasing him. ?Just today, pretty please!? Giving him puppy dog eyes, James sighed.

?Fine, just for today though.? Rolling his eyes he climbed onto his bike and rode on the edge of the path. ?But you better walk fast.? Cycling at a slightly fast pace, he passed his sister.

?With an attitude like that, you?re going to make no friends at Olympus!? Misa called to him as she jogged, trying to catch up but couldn't.

?Whatever.? He said answered back. Olympus High, what a stupid name for a school.


?Welcome to Olympus High School.?

James was sitting in a small office room, finally separated from his little sister, he felt at peace. The chair James sat on was slightly comfortable so he lent back into it as the school principle, Mr Trevor Swanson, informed James of the basic school rules.
?So, Mr James Blake, I expect you understand that we have high expectations from you.? Mr Swanson informed James.

?Yes sir.? James lied; he hadn?t really been paying much attention since the principle opened his mouth. A knock on the door woke James up a bit.

?Mr Blake, I would like you to meet Olympus?s student body president, Mr Raphael Thorn.? A student walked through the door, he wore the same uniform as James, but his blazer was black, to inform the other students that he was part of the student council.

?Hello Mr Blake.? Raphael smiled and wandered casually into the room to stand beside James. Raphael looked around the same age as James, but his features were very mature. Long blonde hair was tied back loosely into a small ponytail; loose strands of hair that passed over his face were pushed away with a flick of his wrist causing his aqua eyes to shine freely in the light. I?m sure all the girls fall for him. James thought to himself.

?Mr Thorn is in the same year as you; the twelfth grade, and will take you to your class and fill you in on all the other topics we haven?t covered.? Mr Swanson said sharply as he arose from his chair and lead James and Raphael out of his office. ?I hope you have a good time with us, Mr Blake.?

Raphael quickly filled James in on school policies as they walked to his first class of the year, class 3-B.

?Okay, Mr Blake, I see on you application sheet that you are taking the standard english, mathematics and the basic science classes all students must take. Your special/option lessons are extra physical education, extended physics, resistant materials and geography. Is this correct?? Raphael asked James who wasn?t really paying attention.

?Huh? Oh,yeah.? James muttered, earning a small frown from the student body president. Why was he so serious?

"Are you listening to me Mr Blake!" Raphael snapped, even in anger, he was very formal.

"Yeah, sorry." James lied as they approached the door of his class. Raphael sighed as he knocked then opened the door to class 3-B.

Entering the class room behind the president, he saw the eyes of his class mates shift to him as he entered the room. The teacher, a tall middle aged woman with long bright silver hair smiled. Raphael had told him that his English teacher, Mrs Athena would be teaching his first class, so he assumed it was her.

"Oh, so your the new student." Mrs Athena said kindly as she placed her book on the table and approached them. He could hear the class whisper as they looked at him.

"Mrs Athena, this is James Blake, he has transferred here today." Raphael told the teacher before he was excused and left. In a corner he saw a small group of girls giggle at him, but he ignored it. Everyone seemed to have there eyes on him, all except one girl in the corner of the class room. The girl was daydreaming and looking out the window in deep thought, not paying any attention to him.

"Okay James, would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked. James cleared his throat.

"I'm James Blake. My family moved here a few weeks ago due to complications back where we used to live in America." James spoke clearly, he wasn't the type to get nervous. At the sound of his voice, the group of girls giggled and blushed. Some lads in his class seemed to be bored out of there minds and some had sat in groups, playing with their pencils and rulers.

"Any interests?" The teacher asked curiously.

"Well, not much really, but I do like baseball." James shrugged his shoulders. At the mention of baseball, he saw a spark of life come from the daydreaming girl, whose gaze had shifted to him.

"Okay, class is about to begin, you can sit wherever you want." The teacher left him and got her things ready for the lesson.

The class erupted into chatter as eyes watched him as James tried to find a seat. Passing seats, he saw hardly anywhere to sit. He had the choice to sit at the very front next to two nerdy boys, beside the group of giggling girls or at the very back corner directly beside the daydreaming girl. Deciding he prefers peace and quite, he pulled up at the back and took his seat next to the girl. The two sat awkwardly for a few minuets, she mustn't like to talk, James thought.

"Hey." James tried to break the silence. The girl turned to face him, her eyes were a dark green and the ferocity of them took him back a bit.

"Hey." She replied bluntly before looking away again. Her hair was very short, almost like a boys, and was blood red. Despite her intimidating look, James found her somewhat cute.

"I'm James, but you probably know that." James said as he rocked back in his chair. The girl didn't answer for a few seconds, she just stared into space.

"Alex." She replied, but didn't look at him.

Before he could reply, the lesson had begun and James wasn't very interested in conversation anyway. During the lesson, Alex still seemed very distant, only when the teacher called her name would she respond.


Once classes where over, it was break. The girls had relocated to a corner and others simply left. Rising from his seat, he moved towards the door before feeling someone grab his shoulder. James turned to face the person who had ahold of him.

"Hey, new kid, come sit with us." The boy who had ahold of him was ever so slightly taller than him. He recognised the boy as Fein, he remembered the boy fall from his seat in class earlier in an embarrassing fashion.

"Sure." James shrugged and joined the boys, maybe he could make at least one friend. Two boys sat together and James joined them as they introduced themselves. The first boy, Fein had medium length choppy brown hair, semi-tan skin and pale green eyes. Fein seemed to be a happy and bubbly boy, always smiling and laughing.

The second boy introduced himself as Taylor, he seemed a lot more intimidating than the other boy. Dark black hair framed his face and red eyes made him just that extra bit scary. As soon as Taylor spoke, it was clear that he not only looked like a villain, but sounded like one.

"We are waiting for someone else to join us." Taylor said and twirled a pencil in between his fingers. "So your the new kid right?"

James nodded and rocked the chair onto the legs and rested his arms on a table behind him. "That's me."

"You have a sister as well don't you?" Fein smiled.

"I heard she is quite the looker." Taylor laughed as James rolled his eyes. "Don't worry we won't be going after her."

"Yeah, I have my eyes fixed on a certain someone..." Fein trailed off and let out a loving sigh.

"Cough, Cindra, cough!" Taylor snorted. James had a confused look on his face.

"Cindra?" James asked curious.

"Dude, she is the hottest girl in school!" Taylor said rolling up a piece of paper and chucking it across the room.

"Popular?" James says, trying to imagine what this girl these boys are obsessing over looked like.

"No, in fact the opposite." Fein crossed his legs in the chair and lent back. "She is so cute and seems to be super kind, but she doesn't really talk to anyone."

"I see." James said, to be honest he wasn't really bothered about some sweet girl.

As James went to say something he heard the door open behind him.
(okay, here is mine, but keep in mind, I am no where near done. Also, I plan on joining all the characters up to create 'dark veil' later on XD)
Dark Veil: High school

Chapter 1: First day.


Feeling a bone crushing weight on top of James this early in the morning was too much for him to handle. The excitement of his little sister, Misa, could not be contained as she jumped all over James's bed.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Misa squealed before James rotated his body to push her off his bed and onto the floor. Wrapping his blanket around him, he buried himself into a little fortress trying to cherish every second of being comfy in bed.

"Go away!" James grumbled tiredly as he closed his eyes.

"No, get up!" Misa said jumping to her feet and rubbing her sore back she had bumped when she hit the floor. "It's out first day!"

"You make it sound like I am five, it's just a new school. Nothing has changed." James moaned and gripped his blanket.

"No stupid!" Misa yanked the blanket away from James quickly, pulling it off him. "Everything is different; we can't be late on our first day!"

The word 'late' startled James a little. Slowly moving out of bed he went to his wardrobe to get his new uniform. Glancing out the window, he noticed it was still dark outside.

"Sis, what time is it?" He faced his sister who pulled out a small watch.

"4:23." She giggled before getting a pillow to the face.

"JESUS THIS EARLY LET ME SLEEP!" James said pushing past her and diving back onto his bed. "And for the love of god, get out my room!"


Several hours had passed and James was awoken by his mother, who had a much more peaceful way of waking James up. Yawning and heading for the bathroom, James brushed his teeth and quickly brushed his hair.

"Stunning, as per usual." James muttered sarcastically at his reflection in the mirror. James had blue hair that matched his blue eyes. Last month James had turned 17, he was in his last year of high school, but his family had to move away due to complications. Older than most kids in his year, he also looked it, he was skinny and taller than the average teenage boy. Changing into his new uniform, he noticed how formal it was, blue blazer, white button up shirt, red tie, brown pants and white shoes.

"This won't do." James fidgeted with his buttons until his blazer hung loose and his tie wasn't as tight. "That’s better."

Leaving the bathroom, he wandered downstairs into the kitchen. Their house wasn't extremely big, but it was fairy modern and got the job done.

"Morning dear." James's mother smiled as he flopped into a chair at the table. He ate his breakfast of bacon and eggs slowly, looking up he saw his little sister, younger than him by around a year and a half, gulping down her breakfast quickly. Misa was also wearing her new uniform; it was a traditional Japanese sailor fuku with a colour scheme of a pale blue, on the skirt and hems of the outfit, a white blouse with the usual blue sailor collar. A red ribbon, similar to his red tie, hung neatly directly under the collar of her uniform. Her hair, which was the same colour as his, flowed beautifully down past her shoulders and Misa had interwoven an orange ribbon into her hair. When it came to looks, his sister certainly wasn’t lacking them.

"Where's father?" James asked as he finished off his breakfast and swivelled around in his chair to face his mother.

"Work, he had to set off early this morning." His mother said picking up the empty plate and taking it to the sink. "After all, it's your fathers first day too, at work I mean."

As time ticked by, James slipped on his shoes and approached the door. Picking his bag up from the rack his mother had prepared for him the previous day, he opened the door.

"Okay, I'm going now." He called to his mother before seeing Misa dash around the corner.

"I’m walking with you." Misa said, sounding a little nervous.

"No, you will embarrass me.” James snapped as he left the house. He felt his sister grab his collar and pull him back.

“Please, it’s my first day and I’m well... nervous.” Misa muttered as she fidgeted with her hair.

“You’re in the eleventh grade!” James lightly pulled her off his arm and walked towards his bike. “Grow up.”

“But, brother!” Misa said chasing him. “Just today, pretty please!” Giving him puppy dog eyes, James sighed.

“Fine, just for today though.” Rolling his eyes he climbed onto his bike and rode on the edge of the path. “But you better walk fast.” Cycling at a slightly fast pace, he passed his sister.

“With an attitude like that, you’re going to make no friends at Olympus!” Misa called to him as she jogged, trying to catch up but couldn't.

“Whatever.” He said answered back. Olympus High, what a stupid name for a school.


“Welcome to Olympus High School.”

James was sitting in a small office room, finally separated from his little sister, he felt at peace. The chair James sat on was slightly comfortable so he lent back into it as the school principle, Mr Trevor Swanson, informed James of the basic school rules.
“So, Mr James Blake, I expect you understand that we have high expectations from you.” Mr Swanson informed James.

“Yes sir.” James lied; he hadn’t really been paying much attention since the principle opened his mouth. A knock on the door woke James up a bit.

“Mr Blake, I would like you to meet Olympus’s student body president, Mr Raphael Thorn.” A student walked through the door, he wore the same uniform as James, but his blazer was black, to inform the other students that he was part of the student council.

“Hello Mr Blake.” Raphael smiled and wandered casually into the room to stand beside James. Raphael looked around the same age as James, but his features were very mature. Long blonde hair was tied back loosely into a small ponytail; loose strands of hair that passed over his face were pushed away with a flick of his wrist causing his aqua eyes to shine freely in the light. I’m sure all the girls fall for him. James thought to himself.

“Mr Thorn is in the same year as you; the twelfth grade, and will take you to your class and fill you in on all the other topics we haven’t covered.” Mr Swanson said sharply as he arose from his chair and lead James and Raphael out of his office. “I hope you have a good time with us, Mr Blake.”

Raphael quickly filled James in on school policies as they walked to his first class of the year, class 3-B.

“Okay, Mr Blake, I see on you application sheet that you are taking the standard english, mathematics and the basic science classes all students must take. Your special/option lessons are extra physical education, extended physics, resistant materials and geography. Is this correct?” Raphael asked James who wasn’t really paying attention.

“Huh? Oh,yeah.” James muttered, earning a small frown from the student body president. Why was he so serious?

"Are you listening to me Mr Blake!" Raphael snapped, even in anger, he was very formal.

"Yeah, sorry." James lied as they approached the door of his class. Raphael sighed as he knocked then opened the door to class 3-B.

Entering the class room behind the president, he saw the eyes of his class mates shift to him as he entered the room. The teacher, a tall middle aged woman with long bright silver hair smiled. Raphael had told him that his English teacher, Mrs Athena would be teaching his first class, so he assumed it was her.

"Oh, so your the new student." Mrs Athena said kindly as she placed her book on the table and approached them. He could hear the class whisper as they looked at him.

"Mrs Athena, this is James Blake, he has transferred here today." Raphael told the teacher before he was excused and left. In a corner he saw a small group of girls giggle at him, but he ignored it. Everyone seemed to have there eyes on him, all except one girl in the corner of the class room. The girl was daydreaming and looking out the window in deep thought, not paying any attention to him.

"Okay James, would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked. James cleared his throat.

"I'm James Blake. My family moved here a few weeks ago due to complications back where we used to live in America." James spoke clearly, he wasn't the type to get nervous. At the sound of his voice, the group of girls giggled and blushed. Some lads in his class seemed to be bored out of there minds and some had sat in groups, playing with their pencils and rulers.

"Any interests?" The teacher asked curiously.

"Well, not much really, but I do like baseball." James shrugged his shoulders. At the mention of baseball, he saw a spark of life come from the daydreaming girl, whose gaze had shifted to him.

"Okay, class is about to begin, you can sit wherever you want." The teacher left him and got her things ready for the lesson.

The class erupted into chatter as eyes watched him as James tried to find a seat. Passing seats, he saw hardly anywhere to sit. He had the choice to sit at the very front next to two nerdy boys, beside the group of giggling girls or at the very back corner directly beside the daydreaming girl. Deciding he prefers peace and quite, he pulled up at the back and took his seat next to the girl. The two sat awkwardly for a few minuets, she mustn't like to talk, James thought.

"Hey." James tried to break the silence. The girl turned to face him, her eyes were a dark green and the ferocity of them took him back a bit.

"Hey." She replied bluntly before looking away again. Her hair was very short, almost like a boys, and was blood red. Despite her intimidating look, James found her somewhat cute.

"I'm James, but you probably know that." James said as he rocked back in his chair. The girl didn't answer for a few seconds, she just stared into space.

"Alex." She replied, but didn't look at him.

Before he could reply, the lesson had begun and James wasn't very interested in conversation anyway. During the lesson, Alex still seemed very distant, only when the teacher called her name would she respond.


Once classes where over, it was break. The girls had relocated to a corner and others simply left. Rising from his seat, he moved towards the door before feeling someone grab his shoulder. James turned to face the person who had ahold of him.

"Hey, new kid, come sit with us." The boy who had ahold of him was ever so slightly taller than him. He recognised the boy as Fein, he remembered the boy fall from his seat in class earlier in an embarrassing fashion.

"Sure." James shrugged and joined the boys, maybe he could make at least one friend. Two boys sat together and James joined them as they introduced themselves. The first boy, Fein had medium length choppy brown hair, semi-tan skin and pale green eyes. Fein seemed to be a happy and bubbly boy, always smiling and laughing.

The second boy introduced himself as Taylor, he seemed a lot more intimidating than the other boy. Dark black hair framed his face and red eyes made him just that extra bit scary. As soon as Taylor spoke, it was clear that he not only looked like a villain, but sounded like one.

"We are waiting for someone else to join us." Taylor said and twirled a pencil in between his fingers. "So your the new kid right?"

James nodded and rocked the chair onto the legs and rested his arms on a table behind him. "That's me."

"You have a sister as well don't you?" Fein smiled.

"I heard she is quite the looker." Taylor laughed as James rolled his eyes. "Don't worry we won't be going after her."

"Yeah, I have my eyes fixed on a certain someone..." Fein trailed off and let out a loving sigh.

"Cough, Cindra, cough!" Taylor snorted. James had a confused look on his face.

"Cindra?" James asked curious.

"Dude, she is the hottest girl in school!" Taylor said rolling up a piece of paper and chucking it across the room.

"Popular?" James says, trying to imagine what this girl these boys are obsessing over looked like.

"No, in fact the opposite." Fein crossed his legs in the chair and lent back. "She is so cute and seems to be super kind, but she doesn't really talk to anyone."

"I see." James said, to be honest he wasn't really bothered about some sweet girl.

As James went to say something he heard the door open behind him.

I shake off the water, and smile. "Thank you." I can feel a burning pain in my arm, and I lift it up, grinning. A thin wrap of ice forms around my wrist. "If you want to know what this was all for... Come to the cafe with me.
( You are talented writer, though! 8D )

(Haha, thanks I appreciate it XD)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I shake off the water, and smile. "Thank you." I can feel a burning pain in my arm, and I lift it up, grinning. A thin wrap of ice forms around my wrist. "If you want to know what this was all for... Come to the cafe with me.

I nod. "Okay, I'm curious about what the hell just happened."