Dark Veil 2

"I take two quarters out of my pocket. I flip tem in the air, and both land tails. "James pays." I say, stuffing them in my pocket.
"Ugh, fine! This ice cream better be worth it." I say with a smirk. As we pass the shops, I notice the arcade and see a big guard. The same one from before. I stick my tongue out at him and continue to follow the others.
When we go in, the line is just about as long as when Aions and I were here. "Have fun waiting in that, James."
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"Ughhhhh..." I groan and turn to the others. "Okay, what does everyone want?"
"Strawberry." I state and go to find some seats.
Knowing all the orders I get in line. I'm going to be here forever!
I find a table with four seats by a window. "Here looks good." I say taking a seat.
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I look out the window as we wait. I notice that from this angle, we can see the local swimming pool. I cringe a little and look away, waiting for James to buy the ice cream.
Once I get everyones ice cream, I walk over to the table. Sitting down beside Alex, I pass Aions his ice cream and Chiyoko hers.
I go to pass Alex her ice cream, but accidentally drop it. "SORRY!"
The ice cream slides down my t-shirt and onto my lap. "James! Ew!"