Dark Veil 3

I feel loneliness and fatigue begin to clutch me. I guess it's time to go outside. I gather my books and begin to stroll out of the library.
" are you sure I bet you could do it" I say with out realising that my purple eyes were showing.
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" I must go you must hate me now since you have seen that I am a freak" I say at the time as running to the door.
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Outside, I look around for her. As I pass a ginnel, I see something glowing out of the corner of my eye, so I backtrack a few steps to see what it is. Isn't that Shady?
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I release a long sigh and climb into the bed, forming a cozy cocoon of the blankets and books. I used to do this all the time as a little kid - I'd draw in crayon and clay, stack all the illustrations round me, as if I was in my very own kingdom. The memory makes a small giggle escape from my mouth. Wrapping the sheets tighter, I continue to blissfully reminisce...
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Hey, I think. Nobody's here.

Nobody's here. I grin and hop off the bed with multitudes of pillows clenched in my hands.

I twirl about with the duvet wrapped around me, looking like a ginormous burrito. I did this all the time as small kid.

I roll about on the floor, giggling gleefully in my soft wonderland of pillows and duvets.
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