Dark Veil (Roleplay)

"You fangirls have fun." I say, and head back to the comic book shop. Thankfully, the guard isn't there. I walk to Cindra, and sit down next to her. "Hello." I say, unsure of what to talk about.

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"Hmm... I'll need a costume too, but I don't know who... Any ideas?"
"You fangirls have fun." I say, and head back to the comic book shop. Thankfully, the guard isn't there. I walk to Cindra, and sit down next to her. "Hello." I say, unsure of what to talk about.

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(What would I wear for Ryuk? That's not exactly the easiest costume.... xD )
"I suppose Kanade would be a cute costume," I reply, before rushing off to the costume store to look for the things I would need.

(Angel beats <3<3<3)
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I shrug. "Sure! I have no idea about what to be. I don't know a thing about Anime.."

( I seriously don't...LOL )
"Fein, sorry bout that. I was just think of something. Please come over here again."

I followed Cindra. "So what's this with cosplaying?"
(Cintay vs. Feindra. If someone would like an idea of what to draw, draw two battleships with the S.S. Feindra and S.S. Cintay written on the hull of the ship. Then have them facing each other battling it out. :rolleyes:)
"It's great." I tell Cindra, "You should come with us anyway."

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(S.S Cindtay will be lost at sea, destroyed and broken due to the sheer power of the Feindra, with help of the Jalex airforce and Raphemisa military support... XD I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that.)
(Cintay vs. Feindra. If someone would like an idea of what to draw, draw two battleships with the S.S. Feindra and S.S. Cintay written on the hull of the ship. Then have them facing each other battling it out. :rolleyes:)

I walk to Raphael again, curious as to what he has to say.

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CreeperHugz said:
(S.S Cintay will be lost at sea, destroyed and broken due to the sheer power of the Feindra, with help of the Jalex airforce and Raphemisa military support... XD I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that.)
(This. This is going in my signature.)
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