I walk to Raphael again, curious as to what he has to say.
(Since when was Raphael jelly of Fein and Misa? XD )
( http://prntscr.com/30l75q So majestic )
(I mean, he kissed Misa, and rather...passionately, so I had to.)(Yeah, but when has Fein showed any interest in Misa XD)
(Well... my life is complete)
"Well.... I'm sort of going out with Cindra." I say, walking back."Don't you dare steal my girl Misa," I quietly hiss. "I don't want to see you trying to go out with her. Got it? Good." I walk away, giving him the "I have my eyes on you" gesture.
(WHAT? WHEN?)(I mean, he kissed Misa, and rather...passionately, so I had to.)
"Well.... I'm sort of going out with Cindra." I say, walking back.
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