Dark Veil (Roleplay)

I start to swing the staff around. "I don't get it, why isn't it working?"
"Idiot, you don't just swing it around." I chuckle, I garb her arms and move them into the right position and hold her. "You have to focus your energy first."
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Grabbing my own staff, I take out a bottle of water and use magic the lift the water from the bottle, suspending it in a ball a little way in front of me. "Here's a target. Point the staff forward slightly, and focus on freezing this water."
I try to focus my energy and picture freezing the water, but I can't do it. "It's hopeless." I sigh lowering my arm, but James grabs it quickly and puts it back into place.
"Don't just give up." I snap.
"But I can't do it." I mumble.
"That was what I said when I was little, and James taught me my first spell," I say. "He didn't let me give up, and now I can do all sorts."
I focus as hard as I can but it doesn't work. "I can't do it!" I snap at James angrily.
"You can do it, try harder!"
"Shut up, I'm trying as hard as I can." I force as much power into the staff as I can.
"Come on, you can do it, I know you can!"
I feel the spell start to work, but due to my rage, instead of hitting the target, ice blasts around everywhere, hitting everyone surrounding me.
"AAAH-" I shout, before the spell hits everything in the room except the water, including myself, freezing my left arm and half of my face. The force of it knocks me off my feet, and I fall to the ground.
"Misa!" I call to her as she falls, pushing James out of my way and dropping his staff. I crouch next to her, "I'm sorry, are you okay?"
I also crouch beside Misa. "Sis are you okay?"
Moments after I fall, I pass out from the shock of the ice, and banging my head off the hard floor. I see Alex and James rush over to me as I lose consciousness.
I briefly look at my surroundings, I appear to have frozen most of the room. "James, do something!" I snap at him.
"Give me a second." I get up quickly and pick up my staff Alex had thrown to the ground. I go up, ready to create a fire spell to thaw out the ice on Misa's face and arm. Before I cast the spell, I feel something go wrong, there was to much power. "CRAP!" I had already started the spell so I pull my staff away from Misa so I don't burn her, but to do that I point it in Alex's direction. The fireballs hit Alex and the force knocks her off her feet. "Alex!"
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When I wake up, I feel around for my staff, just barely being able to reach it. With difficulty, I unfreeze my face, and sit up. Before I even have a chance to thaw out my arm, I notice Alex on the floor. "What happened?" I ask James, hurrying over to Alex.
When I hit the floor, to force knocks me out.
"My staff is broken! It's energy output is out of control! I tried to unfreeze you with a little fire spell but," I kneel beside Alex, "when the spell came out, I had to move it away from you, I didn't want to burn you alive! But when I moved it, I misfired and hit Alex!" I say panicking.
Quickly, I freeze the water that is on the floor from when I melted the ice on my face, and move it onto Alex to hopefully prevent her skin from burning, and ease any pain. "Let me have a look at your staff later," I say as I move the ice.
I hear voices but remain unconscious. I feel my back burn, not from my burns, but from the red star.
I move hair out of Alex's shut eyes. "She doesn't look so good..." I notice her eyes move frantically under her eyelids.
(I know, I'm so excited! Ugh if I'm mafia again(I was in mini mafia IV) I might cry)

(I can't play as scum to save my life. Mafia V I played the "disinterested townie" card. Ended up SBing N2. NO REGRETS cuz I was worthless)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Unsure of what to do next, we both tried to find the others. "Hey, ***face, I found him!"
"Really? Coming." I walked over to him. I noticed the others. "So, anyone know who threw that object at that target?"
"I would normally say we should get her into a bed or something, but given the circumstances it would probably be dangerous to move her in this condition. At least till she wakes up. I don't think we can really do anything except wait..."
My head, help! I scream in my mind. Don't let her... Out... My own voice in my head draining away.
Alex's eyes snap open. "Alex are you ok-" I feel her hand wrap around my throat and I choke. Looking into her eyes, I see they have gone completely red, the parasite must be in control.
As Alex tries to strangle James, I immediately pull grab her arm and pull it away from James. Is this her parasite along over?