Dark Veil (Roleplay)

I walk into the gym, attempting to practice my sword skills.
I pull out a bow and arrow from the rack, and aim it at the target. Unfortunately, my right hand was a bit shaky, and it hit Taylor.
Just as I was about to give the final blow to the dummy, I feel something hit my back. It definitely wasn't sharp, but it had a suction cup at the end, and I was confused. I pulled it off, and it was a practice arrow. I confront Raphaeal. "Yo. Watch where you shoot."
***face telling me what to do?! What a joke. I shove him as he turns back to his dummy training.
As I was about to go back and finish my dummy assassination, Raphaeal gives me a shove. I am sent flying into the wall, mainly because I was unprepared for it. I turn back around. I give him a look that clearly says "Watch your back."
I turn away from James and see Raphael and Taylor were fighting. "Are you guys okay over there? I don't have to knock some sense back into you guys do I?"
"Yeah, let your anger out on the dummies, not each other for christ sake." I chuckle.
"Fein, they'll notice us up here!" I whisper as he throws a knife, before moving around the room a bit in case any of them look to see where the knife came from.
A knife flys past us and directly at a target near Raphael, I jump at it shocked. "What?" I turn to see whoever threw it was gone.
"Did someone try and attack us?" I say a little angrily.
"Don't be stupid, if they would try to kill us, they wouldn't of missed a fairly still target."
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"What the crap was that?"
"***face, stay here, while - "
"Nope, here we go. Well, it came from here, and then it hit there, and then..."
I notice that Taylor and Raphael try to figure out what happened. "Listen up Sherlock." I say going over to them, pulling the knife out. "It didn't hit us because whoever threw it was doing it for a joke." I roll the blade in my hand. "And this blade, I have seen it before when we had been fighting. Most likely its Fein's."
I notice that Taylor and Raphael try to figure out what happened. "Listen up Sherlock." I say going over to them, pulling the knife out. "It didn't hit us because whoever threw it was doing it for a joke." I roll the blade in my hand. "And this blade, I have seen it before when we had been fighting. Most likely its Fein's."

"Interesting...go find Fein."
I nod and walk up around the room to look for him, leaving the three lads by themselves.
"What are you going to do when we find him?" I ask.
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I see a little sign of movement from across the room. It wasn't Fein I saw, it was Misa. "Misa?" I call to her. "Is that you?" When I realised it was her, I frowned a little, disappointed that she was spying on me and James again.
I go into the training room, and see Raphael, Taylor, Alex, and James. "What's going on?" I ask, walking up to them.
Swinging back into the lobby, I drop down, light on my feet, and head into the training room. "What happened?" I ask, wondering if they would figure it out.