Dark Veil (Roleplay)

(LOL xD edited!) I took his feet while James took his upper section. With a heavy heave, we managed to carry Taylor just above ground level, and started lugging him towards the bed. man this guy is heavy! What does he eat?
With both our efforts, we mange to get Taylor back into his bed. I shake my head, "Uhhh, he can be a real moron at times." I chuckle as I stretch my arms.
The extra strain on my fingers turn it red, as I just exhaled a breath of exaggeration. "Yes, he is a moron." I jabbed a thumb towards the doorframe. "What are we gonna do with the broken door?"
I shrug, "We really need to fix it." I go up to the broken door and kneel beside it. "It's broken pretty bad," I mumble. "If I can get ahold of my sister, we could use our magic to fix it."
What's going on? I think, hearing commotion as I try to fall asleep. I walk out of the room and see Lily and James by a broken door. "What happened?"

(Nice signature Leah xD )
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I nodded at James, silently beckoning him to explain. Surely she will fix it, the broken door, of course.
"I found him knocked out." I tell my sister. "With Lily's help, we got him off the floor and into that bed." I say, pointing in Taylor's general direction.
I give up, and go to where the noise was coming from. James, Misa, and Lily are standing next to a bed with Taylor on it. "What's going on..?" I say, rubbing my eyes.
I looked back where the Taylor crashed my eyes trail towards his head, and my hands feel a bump upon examining it. "He hit his head on the door." figures.
I roll my eyes. "What did you expect? He is a complete moron." I say as I move towards Misa. "Sis, if you hold up the door, I will weld it." I say pointing to my staff.
"No, you won't. Your staff is broken, remember? You hold the door, and I'll weld it," I reply, not wanting it to get out of control like with the fire earlier.
I glanced at Cindra. "Perhaps it had something to do with you, Cindra. He seemed fairly upset after the conversation you two had."
I grinned. she changed a lot from the beginning. She's not as shy anymore. "Well I'll give him that, always being idiotic." I turn to the two siblings, watching them bicker and heave up the door.
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Tilting my staff forward, I send a concentrated jet of fire towards the hinges, welding them to the door frame. I make sure not to melt any of the metal where it has to move for the door to swing open, to make sure that the door can still move afterwards.
I sigh, and my arms drop to my sides. "Honestly, he just about said that stupidest thing to me."
"No it's okay, we got this." I tell Lily as we fix the door. I turn to Cindra, "Is this about Taylor liking you?" I say bluntly, "What an idiot." I chuckle.
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