For crying out loud, what is it now? I think, being woken up once again by a shout. Looking out of the window, I see the others gathered at the garden, so I go down to see what's wrong. I take my staff, just in case.
Pulling out a knife from my shoe, I point it at the bushes where the rustling was coming from. "Stay back." I say firmly, gesturing for Cindra to get behind me.
(You are lucky the queen is in a good mood today...) I arrive at the garden. "What's going on!"
- - - Post Merge - - -
I wake up in my bed and no one is around. I hear commotion, "What..." I slowly get out of bed and walk out the room to find the others. As I walk, I feel a presence in the air, something evil. Whats going on...
I arrive at the garden and see Cindra had passed out but was now up and weak. "What the?" I turn and face the smog that is saying demonic things. "Look after her!" I tell Fein as I run at the fog, axes drawn and ready to fight. I see Alex join us and run at the smoke, "Alex wait!" I say but was unable to stop her.