Dark Veil (Roleplay)

When I wake up a long while later, I realise that I had curled up while I was asleep, just like I always did when I was little.
Please don't let James be in here.... He'll mock me for this... I think, before opening my eyes to see if he's there.
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I walk into the aura room, I didnt get very much sleep last night, I was to busy checking up on everyones condition due to the events of yesterday. I see my sister curled up, now awake. "Hey, sis." I chuckle at her. "Do you feel better now?"
Oh gosh...
"Hi James..." I mumble, straightening myself out as quickly as possible. I sit up, and add, "I feel great now, thanks."
"I have absolutely no clue..." I reply.
"Do you want me to have a look at your staff for you? I might be able to fix it, depending on what the problem is."
Taking the broken staff, I shuffle back onto the bed, so that I can cross my legs while I examine it.
"Hmm..." Nothing seems to be wrong with it at first glance. This may take a while...
I wait patiently as Misa fixes my staff. I wonder if Alex is doing okay, she looked really messed up last time I saw her.
I wake up in my bed. I don't feel any better than yesterday, I still feel weak and I look very pale. Where is everyone? I think to myself as I get out of bed slowly.
(Feindra's preggers)
Waking up in the Aura room, I see Misa and James talking. "What happened?" I ask.
"Nothing, just fixing my staff, a lot happened yesterday." I tell Fein. "The last time I saw your girlfriend, she looked pretty bad, you should really check up on her."
(O.O Does that say what I think it says, purpl?)

"Hi Fein. I'm trying to fix James's staff, it's broken," I reply.
"James, the staff looks to be fine from here, the problem with it might have something to do with the core..." I mutter, turning the staff in my hands. Grabbing my own from the side table by the bed, I use it to split James's into halves down th middle so that I can examine the centre of it.
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I nod at Misa, I turn when I hear the door open and Alex slowly wonder in.
"Hey." I say in the strongest tone I could muster.
"Alex, you look terrible!" I say startled at how ill and pale she looked.
"Thanks, moron." I tell him rolling my eyes.
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(O.O Does that say what I think it says, purpl?)

"Hi Fein. I'm trying to fix James's staff, it's broken," I reply.
"James, the staff looks to be fine from here, the problem with it might have something to do with the core..." I mutter, turning the staff in my hands. Grabbing my own from the side table by the bed, I use it to split James's into halves down th middle so that I can examine the centre of it.
"That sucks." I say.
As I split the staff in half, I completely ignore Alex walking in as I stare at the shiny surface if the staff core.
"James, since when has your staff had a gold plated core?!" I ask, astounded.
"Well I've worked out why it doesn't work properly... but still, how'd you manage to get gold? Mine only has iron!" I exclaim. I think back to when dad explained about staff cores. A staff works better if it has some form of metal in the core, as it channels energy through it better. If I remember correctly, gold works the best, followed by... um... silver? Then iron, like mine.
"Well, regardless, I know why the energy output is screwed up now. See where the gold has a large lump near the top?" I ask, pointing to he part I'm referring to. "To much energy is being released at once because of that."
With my own staff, I create a jet of fire hot enough to slowly melt the gold, and use it to melt the lump at the top. As it melts, it runs down the core, until the lump is gone and the whole thing is level again. "It should be back to normal now," I say, fixing the two halves together again and handing the staff over.