Dark Veil (Roleplay)

"Alex, are you sure you shouldn't still be resting? You really don't look too good...." I tell her, a little concerned.
"It's just..." I hold my hands against my chest, "I feel, like I'm dying."
"Don't be dramatic." I chuckle.
"No, Im serious." I say cutting off his laughter. "I feel like since the fog, I missing a part of me."
"I will be... Okay..." I say as I start to stand, but I am too weak and just flop back down into my chair. "Agh." I let out a little sigh of pain.
"Alex, don't ware yourself out." I say as I touch her forehead to take her temperature. I quickly snap my hand away. "Jesus, your ice cold!"
"Clearly you won't be okay, unless we can figure out what's wrong..." I say, watching James yank his hand away from her forehead.
"Here." I create a small flame with my now working staff. "This will heat you up."
The flame hovers just out of reach of me, but it warms me up slightly. "T-thanks." I stutter.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(If i don't post, wifi has gone off)
"I don't know... I'm not sure what's wrong with her..." I mutter. Does this have something to do with that black smog from yesterday?
(Sorry, school and dinner. I'll continue yelling at Taylor.)

"What?" I say authoritatively. "Say that, one more time?"
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