Dark Veil (Roleplay)

"You should ask your girlfriend to go, make it a date!" I chuckle, giving Fien a cheeky wink before getting a slap from Alex on the back of the head.
"You should ask your girlfriend to go, make it a date!" I chuckle, giving Fien a cheeky wink before getting a slap from Alex on the back of the head.

I stay silent at that comment. I'd tease him, but with the recent event of my admittance of a crush to Fein's girlfriend, I just quietly sit down. I may or may not have blushed in jealousy. I don't know.
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"Kanade from Angel beats, since Alex stole Misa..." I reply. "It would've been cool for me to go as a character with my name, but she already got the costume..."
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(Yeah, it's hard to type when I'm having intense feels because I am rewatching Angel Beats...)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"You can have my costume if you want." I tell Misa. "I might get another one any way."
"It's fine, I already got the Kanade one anyway..." I reply. "Plus, James has Light, right? It'd be cool for you two to balance an anime couple!"
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"Angel Beats. The anime that makes everyone cry, unless they don't have souls." I say in response to Taylor.
"Oh my gosh, that'd be so cute!" I exclaim, taking a step back to try to imagine Alex with pink hair. "James already has Hinata's blue hair! You'll have to flatten it a little though..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Angel Beats. The anime that makes everyone cry, unless they don't have souls." I say in response to Taylor.

(One of our friends didn't cry when she watched it </3)
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"Yeah, your a lot like her! Annoying, whiny..." I tap her on the head comparing our hight, "small."
I get him into an armlock, "Take that back!"
"I was right, you are just like her- OW!" I say as she twists my arm.
"Hmm.... I don't know whether my costume should include the wings that she programmes in or not..." I mutter, sitting down to debate with myself whether or not that's a good idea.