Dark Veil (Roleplay)

(I have been rewatching it for the 2nd time... I no joke just cried... And it wasn't even the saddest part T.T)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Dubbed is in English, subbed is Japanese with subtitles. I watch it dubbed :3)
(Try Chia anime :p that's where I watched it, and I think it has it both subbed and dubbed, depending on which you prefer (I would've PMed you both, but Beary' s inbox is full xD))
I feel weirded out that we're going to some cartoon convention. "Um.. Why are you guys excited to go dressed up like a weird character? I mean.. I would love to go if there was an actual reason."
"It will be fun." I say releasing James from a head lock.
"Ouch, yeah it will be fun, but it will be even more fun if-" I cut myself off and get Alex in an arm lock, "IF YOU STOPPED DOING THAT!"
"Ouch, you started it!" I chuckle as I try to free my arm.
I shrug. I don't get what this is about but it might be fun. "Alright I'm in." (Gotta go)