Dark Veil (Roleplay)

I wasn't even surprised. "Whatever. I'm going to bed." I shrug and walk off down the hall briefly waving to the others.
"Taylor, seriously though, if I was you, I wouldn't make it so obvious. Fein might cut your head off." I say with a slight chuckle before also shrugging my shoulders.
(brb dying of laughter, just spent the last half hour rifling through spammy posts in mafia, this is a wonderful break)
(I think Kit is town. She either was trying to manipulate me by saying she believed me or actually believed me, I'm going with the latter.)
(The assingnment is being held by the OP, for reasons that will go unstated. But I could use one mission before the other one planned.)
(Will do.)

"Okay everyone, I'd like all of you in the lobby. We got another assignment."

(Note: Fox this isn't the preplanned one.)