Datamine Summer Speculation

i haven’t watched any of switchforce’s videos as i’d much rather stay away from youtubers who use clickbait and over-exaggerations to get views. i’m also kind of in the dark about this potential summer update but regardless, i prefer to not speculate about upcoming updates and features as i honestly don’t know what nintendo’s plans are for new horizons and i don’t want to set myself up to be disappointed. i’d love for there to be more furniture, npcs, things to do, etc but i’m not gonna speculate as i’m not sure when or even if those things will ever come to fruition. i always enjoy hearing about new datamines and thinking about what might come one day but for now, i pretty much have a “whatever happens, happens” attitude when it comes to upcoming updates.
Ya I'm not a coffee person so I shouldn't judge. I'm sure they're good...they wouldn't make them otherwise right?

Do you like tea? It's like canned tea. Some brands are better than others.

More on topic: I want more drinks to carry around my island. Whover suggested having a cotton candy to carry around with you is genius! That would be adorable.
Never really mentioned it in my previous posts, but my expectations will always remain pretty low. Developers may be adding these functions, but that doesn't mean they'll be used. Things can be done to test things, etc. Though, Nintendo does tend to always use things eventually in most cases, so that has me a little hopeful. Regardless, I'll keep my expectations low.

I just hope Nintendo doesn't disappoint us this summer, I feel like the fanbase being disappointed two updates in a row will be very bad for the game and the community.
Personally, I try to avoid "speculations" until things are confirmed. There are so many things missing from NH, and speculation or "things we hope for" videos just get my hopes up and make things feel worse lol.
Personally, I keep my expectations of updates pretty low these days. Most of the updates have been a let down and I was very upset when I first originally brought the game and realised it wasn’t anything like I hoped for.
Has everyone seen this article?
Do you like tea? It's like canned tea. Some brands are better than others.

More on topic: I want more drinks to carry around my island. Whover suggested having a cotton candy to carry around with you is genius! That would be adorable.

I can totally see them adding stuff like that for the Summer update (much like the other stuff you get from Redd, you could also get some drinks and cotton candy).
Switchforce is at it again, he uploaded video talking about how there is going to be a "Paid DLC" according to leaks. Yep not going to watch his content, because clearly this another clickbait video.
Switchforce is at it again, he uploaded video talking about how there is going to be a "Paid DLC" according to leaks. Yep not going to watch his content, because clearly this another clickbait video.
I use to like Switchforce’s videos— he was more positive and ahead of the curve than some other Youtubers. However, he’s lately been putting out post after post of speculative vids without any credible sources, and clearly uses clickbait titles to get clicks. It is really sad. I find Mayor Mori and Crossing Channel a little dull, but at least they don’t post clickbait.
This is pretty much known as clickbait. It happens with most videos or links. Someone will make something seem way more exciting than it is, and when suddenly it’s not, everyone becomes disappointed. I think datamines blow things way out of proportion. I don’t think it’s ever a great idea to assume things before they happen. That’s how people wind up disappointed. I’m definitely for staying optimistic, but with speculations on a video game, it never goes well. See how many people are currently disappointed with the updates. 😅
This is pretty much known as clickbait. It happens with most videos or links. Someone will make something seem way more exciting than it is, and when suddenly it’s not, everyone becomes disappointed. I think datamines blow things way out of proportion. I don’t think it’s ever a great idea to assume things before they happen. That’s how people wind up disappointed. I’m definitely for staying optimistic, but with speculations on a video game, it never goes well. See how many people are currently disappointed with the updates. 😅
As the old saying goes "Do not believe everything you read on the internet" but most people keep falling for it.
Y’all I don’t even know anymore, like, Nintendo makes me so tired, like, their weird decisions lol. At this point I really don’t expect anything tbh. If it happens I’ll be super happy but right now I’m assuming we’re stuck with seasonal items once in a while only. I kinda doubt AC will get an update during E3 too but we’ll see ☺️ I guess I found closure with the game being what it is rn lol
Okay, yeah don't trust everything you see on the internet, but here are my thoughts on some things that dataminers found.
I noticed in the latest datamine that they hinted at maybe brewster moving into a museum expansion and having a cafe, which FINALLY would be so exciting! There is also evidence of fence customization, so maybe we'll finally get those white picket fences. There was also some data that was found that would change conversation when talking to a crafting villager, which would be such a relief. It also looks like you will be able to throw flowers for a wedding. Finally, it also seems like some villagers will be holding different items in hand this summer with Cnut, GlDr, Trwl, DStk, Pitc, SpnR, Pict, STWN, CoCa, TaDr, SnBa. I personally and excited for Cnut, assuming I get to see my villagers with little cocounts in hand! Here's the website I usually read for datamines in game:
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Also, just to clarify, brewster wasn't confirmed, but there is evidence of a camera change in the cafe entrance, and many codes that were changed that had to do with the cafe, so although this still doesn't confirm anything, I would call it pretty solid proof.
This is pretty much known as clickbait. It happens with most videos or links. Someone will make something seem way more exciting than it is, and when suddenly it’s not, everyone becomes disappointed. I think datamines blow things way out of proportion. I don’t think it’s ever a great idea to assume things before they happen. That’s how people wind up disappointed. I’m definitely for staying optimistic, but with speculations on a video game, it never goes well. See how many people are currently disappointed with the updates. 😅

Datamines don't blow things out of proportions - people do. People have too high expectations, and datamines containing 'super secret things' that people want, people blow it out of proportions and 'content creators' blowing it up with clickbait doesn't help.

This sort of stuff is way more exciting when expectations are set low, so you don't get disappointed and when it doesn't turns out to be real, you can feel better about it.
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