Datamine Summer Speculation

Let me clarify what is actually in the datamine at the same time quoting the dataminers themselves. This will be technical so I apologize. Also please don't ask me about these. I'm not a dataminer and I am interpreting these info as best as I can so we can all understand.

Evidence of fence cutomization:
- mRemakeFence and mRemakeFenceScale were added to the bymls. "Remake" indicates customization.

New unused tool strings:
- SpnR (SpanneR), DStk (DishStack), GlDr (Glass Drink), Cnut (Coconut), Pitc (Pitcher), Trwl (Trowel), STWN, CoCa, TaDr, and SnBa. The last 4 strings are currently unidentified. But to put it simply, these are basically objects that villagers & NPCs can hold.

A lot of people have been waiting on those white fences since before launch even lol

As for the strings, I'm pretty sure CoCa is code for Coca Cola/the pop can you see villagers walking around with.
I trust the established dataminers. They're clear about what they find and that their speculations are just that, their own interpretation of what the data could mean. Also at the end of the day, even if the code is added, it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be added into the game. It just means the code now exists in the game's files. Datamining is how we found out about a lot of features and content before they dropped so I'll continue to keep up with the news.
However, I don't really trust click-baity Youtubers or even gaming websites that make their own speculation based on the limited info presented on code they didn't find themselves or really have the knowledge to interpret, most of the time.
Switchforce is probably the most unreliable AC Youtube. The datamines are legit (
and in my opinion are pointing towards a major content update eventually
) but his videos are so click-baity. It's one thing to have fun speculating about what snippets of code might mean, but his videos, thumbnails, and titles are practically designed to trick you into thinking a major update just dropped, when it's usually him just musing about what he predicts (wrongly) are imminent changes.
No, these are unused. Those soda cans are different. Some speculate that CoCa might be coffee cans. But who knows.
Sometimes people will speculate that whatever is in the datamine will come to game. However, that could mean just be unused coding like you said or features meaning to say that it was supposed to be added in the game but it was left out. Its this thing with most other games when it comes out complete there are people out there who look through the games files just to see what was left out and what it could've been if it was added in. That doesn't mean to say that it will be back though so I can see why some people thinking it would come back would be wrong.
Sometimes people will speculate that whatever is in the datamine will come to game. However, that could mean just be unused coding like you said or features meaning to say that it was supposed to be added in the game but it was left out. Its this thing with most other games when it comes out complete there are people out there who look through the games files just to see what was left out and what it could've been if it was added in. That doesn't mean to say that it will be back though so I can see why some people thinking it would come back would be wrong.
However, in this case, there is reason to believe it will return or will be put in the game.

The mere fact that the cafe and fence customization were removed/hidden/untouched initially but resurfaced again tells otherwise. And this late into the game's update cycle, there is no reason and logic to add something that will not be used to begin with.
However, in this case, there is reason to believe it will return or will be put in the game.

The mere fact that the cafe and fence customization were removed/hidden/untouched initially but resurfaced again tells otherwise. And this late into the game's update cycle, there is no reason and logic to add something that will not be used to begin with.
Well I did my own research on this game and I found this website called "The Cutting Floor" that showed there were more things in the game that didn't make into the final version. The Cutting Floor
Well I did my own research on this game and I found this website called "The Cutting Floor" that showed there were more things in the game that didn't make into the final version. The Cutting Floor
You don't seem to get the point here. The latest datamine shows recent changes to the code that imply possible changes in the next version.

There may have things that were removed, but these things can resurfaces again. The game is not final as long as the game is still updated.
You don't seem to get the point here. The latest datamine shows recent changes to the code that imply possible changes in the next version.

There may have things that were removed, but these things can resurfaces again. The game is not final as long as the game is still updated.
I know and I am aware of that. I am just saying how its nothing new because its been a thing for a while now and just because its been discovered in the datamine doesn't mean its going to becoming back. Of course I could be wrong and maybe it can be added back, but like I said we really don't know when they will come. All I'm saying is that people have been speculating for the longest while that Brewster would be back soon but here we are today and he has not come back again.

There is no guarantee that it can be added in the next update. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up here and saying it can be added in a "2.0" update. Until we see confirmation from Nintendo of what they show with the next update whenever they decide to do release it I will remain skeptical of these speculations.
The mere fact that the cafe and fence customization were removed/hidden/untouched initially but resurfaced again tells otherwise.

Agree with this. There's no reason to be tinkering with code (specifically code for highly requested features like fence customization) if the team isn't at least considering implementation in the future. We aren't at launch anymore where old code (like direct references to Brewster) is still hanging around and needs to be cleaned up.

Of course we've seen some datamined code that hasn't played out yet (villager "visits", ceiling furniture, farming) despite being found months ago. My take is that we're more likely than not to see a major content update with these features eventually, but it's probably silly to assume that these major changes are imminent since there's never any guarantee of that.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stand Switchforce and his clickbaity titles. It's to the point where whenever I look up animal crossing videos I quickly do a scan of the usernames/icons of who uploaded to make sure I don't fall for more false information from him. It's one thing to speculate, but I'm really tired of youtubers trying to release videos hyping up unconfirmed information and not labeling it as pure speculation. I've noticed more and more youtubers have been doing this now. I mean, I get that they need to make money from their channel and they want views and the animal crossing updates lately haven't been exciting enough to draw people in but I'm not sure how they can be okay with leading people on purely for money. It's shady and gross. When I was at a really low point and needed something to look forward to and wasn't aware of Switchforce's nature I got clickbaited to one of his videos and it made me incredibly disappointed being let down by the false information. I am sure I'm not the only one that had issues with things to look forward to during the pandemic and for people to prey on this for views is just really wrong. I refuse to watch the video posted to give him the view, but from the thumbnail it looks like he literally is posting fake models of possible new buildings now? Can anyone confirm this for me?

I only trust the actual dataminers who are reliable. I usually find them in animal crossing discord servers.
Does anybody know any reliable dataminers that uses their own website(s) and/or other social media instead of just Discord ?
Well, obnoxious SwitchForce clickbait and overhyping certain aspects aside, it appears the Summer update might be a pretty sizeable expansion to the game. So, basically, exactly what we were hoping for with last month's lackluster update.

Also, when it comes to this sort of content, I feel Mayor Mori on YouTube handles it much better.
No, these are unused. Those soda cans are different. Some speculate that CoCa might be coffee cans. But who knows. cans? I'm picturing a can of coffee grounds but I can't imagine why anyone would be carrying that around. Wait...just had a brainstorm...since we have a cotton candy machine maybe we'll be able to walk around with a cone of cotton candy...or I guess some places get cotton candy on a stick... cans? I'm picturing a can of coffee grounds but I can't imagine why anyone would be carrying that around. Wait...just had a brainstorm...since we have a cotton candy machine maybe we'll be able to walk around with a cone of cotton candy...or I guess some places get cotton candy on a stick...

Canned coffee is a thing.

But cotton candy makes more sense. I think that might just be it.
Well, obnoxious SwitchForce clickbait and overhyping certain aspects aside, it appears the Summer update might be a pretty sizeable expansion to the game. So, basically, exactly what we were hoping for with last month's lackluster update.

Also, when it comes to this sort of content, I feel Mayor Mori on YouTube handles it much better.
Mayor Mori is one of my favorites. Switch force gets on my nerves sooo bad. He seems nice, but I can't watch his videos.