Daylight Savings Time

Is it time for daylight savings to die?

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Usually in the winter when I leave and come home from college its dark so when the clocks change its a nice to actually see where I'm going in the morning:blush:
Happy end of daylight savings time everyone! How's that extra hour of sleep treating you all?

What's your opinion on daylight savings time?
I don't know about you guys... but I think daylight savings needs to die.

I understand why it exists and why it was started,but I feel that in the modern day and age we no longer need it.
It's unnecessary and I feel like my body is 'meant' to be on the time we are now.
I hate it when we have to 'spring forward' not just because we lose an hour of sleep but I hate when it's still light out at 9pm and I have to try to go to bed. I don't want to go to bed when it's light outside.

In my opinion, we should abolish daylight savings time. It's time to fall back for good.

How do you guys feel?

While I agree the dislike of it still being daylight outside during the late hours of the evening when I'm winding down for the night, I cannot stand having to wake up to complete darkness within the early hours of the morning. I've always been an early bird to the point of even waking up at the crack of dawn watching the sunrise. The days do seem longer during the summer and it does put me off, the only advantage is waking up to lovely sunshine.

However, I do find it odd to watch the sunset at 15.30 and walk home from work at five in complete darkness. It's still considered to be afternoon for me, not evening.

I suppose I will never be satisfied with the timings, I always have something to complain about hehe.

Having an extra hour in bed doesn't bother me,
It's pointless. I lived in places with no DST for 6 years straight (Hawaii and then Japan) and that was better. No needing to adjust clocks or getting your sleep schedule out of wack for the next several days afterwards.

There are simply less daylight hours in the winter than in the summer. Humanity just needs to accept that.
how many countries even observe this practice of Daylight Savings Time? i have no idea...
idk honestly, i never really noticed a difference. if anything i like how it gets darker earlier for November, it gives it more of a winter-y feel. personally the afternoon is my least favorite time of day, I like the extremes (morning and night) so I always love when it goes away. what annoys me about it each time is that I have to fix my console clocks, that's about it. there's not much of a purpose for daylight savings nowadays but eh.