Two words: rock show. Moshing, circle pitting, crowd surfing. I leave an example here in the video, though the sound is terrible, and you can't really get a feeling for what
anything is like live watching it on a screen. But it still gives you somewhat of an idea.
Whatever is on your mind, whatever's been weighing you down, a burden on your shoulders, all gets left behind after a night of completely exhausting yourself at a rock show. The feeling of leaving the venue fatigued, sweating, maybe even a little beat up, is the best feeling in the world. And the brilliance of it all, is at the end of the night when the lights go on, everybody is high-fiving. Through the ferocity, you bond friendships and brotherhood. Whatever was bothering you beforehand? Doesn't matter anymore. That concern is long gone.
It's not a 100% cure-all, don't get me wrong. It's not going to make your ex or your boss completely disappear off the planet. lol But trust me, it helps and relieves more stress than you would ever imagine.