December toys


Feb 9, 2016
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Pink Star Fragment
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
What are folks planning to do with all the toys being sold in in the Nook's Cranny? I love them all but I am kind of stuck since most of my island is complete at this point. I am debating making a new character for all the winter-themed furniture that's coming (snowman furniture set, Toy Day stuff, etc.)
I'm thinking about making an advent market, since there won't be any IRL this year. While I can do without the cheap toys (especially those knock-off FurReal friends - ugh), they are a staple.
I used the dollhouses and a dino toy to make a sort of Godzilla-style forced perspective thing at the back of my island, and I've put a tent on my beach since it fits in quite nicely. other than that I've been buying all the toys just to have them all but as of yet I'm not sure what I'll do with them - there's one area of my island I'm planning on redesigning and having it temporarily be Christmas themed so perhaps i'll put a bunch of toys around the tree there.
My friend made a big Santa's workshop and put a workbench and toys all around like someone was running a little workshop. It was very cute! I think honestly I won't be using most of the toys. I'll definitely be using the tents all year round. I was also thinking of making a little dog park with the animatronic dogs. I'll probably make a little Xmas area and scatter toys around and get rid of them after New Years.
Not sure since I'm not really sure what they do. Are they just another piece of furniture?
One of my houses belongs to a doll maker character of mine.
I'll be trading to get all the dollhouse variants and then setting them up in my miniature making room. Now I have a doll sewing room, a doll building room AND a doll scene making room! Sad that we didn't get any actual dolls as one of the toys. I'll just have to keep using the nesting dolls + dolly item.

I also do plan to use the new toy dog and tents on my island. The tents especially make for good scenery.​
I'm using the dollhouses in my fairy village. I had been using the pen stands and HHA trophies, which worked, but now I can swap them for "real" houses. I put a copter in my playground area, although I'll switch the color to match the winter theme (I've got pink right now). Placed a couple puppy plushies in my house, because they're cute. And one of the kids' tents is on the beach near my campsite. Cliché, but it works.

The rest will most likely go in storage, since I don't have much use for them. I may put a couple outside Filbert's house, but I'm not sure what or when.
Not much, honestly. I do like the new items, but they're not incredibly useful to me at the moment. Most of them will be in storage in case I ever go "this needs that item."

I did put a few of them in my character's bedroom and I like how they look there. Also, one of the tents inspired me to try something more interesting with my peninsula.

Definitely gather them to give away to your villagers on toy day! Even if you don’t decorate with them, that event is still going to be worth it!!
I’m hoarding them in my storage because I don’t have a use for them on my island but they’re so cute. I especially love the puppies and dollhouses. I might make a room in my second character’s house into a dollhouse room, but I’m not sure yet.
I made a camping area on the beach with the kids tent. I added some pop-up books to my book store/stationery shop. I put most of the toys in my outdoor airbnb area where the gnomes live :' )
Right now, I’m only using the kids tents and dinosaur toys: the kids tents are perfect for campsite builds (and I finally have something to build upon on my civilized beaches) and tentception, and I’m loving the dinosaurs for my gardens! Side note: the bunny day lamp is perfect for “lost world” builds!

IDK if I’ll use the other toys other than the puppy plushie (for the gnome king’s court) and MAYBE the dollhouse. I know for sure none of the mechanical toys are going to be used on my island lol
I will definitely be using the kids tent near my camp area (I want to trade for a different colour though) and I want to use the dinosaur outside of my museum as a miniature model. I also have some teddy bears sitting on stools in my outdoor restaurant area and I might let tin robot join them. I'm not sure what I'll do with the other toys just yet.
Like most, I am going to use the kid's tent around my island as little camping areas. I also will probably use the pop-up books as decoration (like place them on tables, etc), and can also see myself using the dog plushy in my own house as my "pet." I'd like to find a place for the dinosaur and robot toy too, but I don't think I will be using the racetrack, helicopter, or doll house at all, though they are super cool!
I used the toys as christmas tree decoration, at first I wanted to put them in my island but I will have to remove them after christmas so I did not do it, too bad....maybe next year ^^
Well, I sure have a lot of puppies running around the town, and living in the houses.Lol.
Im gonna use the puppy as a pet in my house, I guess I will gift the other toys i find to my villagers on toy day