Decide the above poster's sentence game


Jul 17, 2013
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)
It's simple, basically the first person (me) posts the first part of a sentence while including my username in it. The person below me posts the second and last part of the sentence, deciding what happens to me (Please keep the decisions appropriate though). Example:

Person 1: Person 1 walks into a hospital
Person 2: and gets hit by an anvil.
Person 3: Person 3 walks into a hospital
Person 2: and gets confused for a firefighter.

I'll start:

1st subject: School

AnimalCrossingExpert(ACE) goes to school
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and receives ten years of detention.

Kuma sings a song
And losses her/his voice

Stormblader gets ready for class
and finds a pikachu in his/her school bag.

Bellxis becomes a superhero (I'm a girl by the way..)
Then losses her powers from an evil super villain

Stormblader waits for the bus (I'm a boy by the way and I'm also homeschooled)
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And then completes it

AnimalCrossingExpert(ACE) goes to karate class
she's being eaten.

AnimalCrossingExpert(ACE) threw a bowling ball
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At Beffa's face.

Stormblader Sits down on his computer
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then realizes that it was more comfortable to sit on a chair.

beffa goes to buy some new jeans
Then rips them at the store having to pay the 50$ to replace them.
For my birthday im given a plane ticket to go anywhere and...
50$ dollars for souvenirs.

Stormblader takes a walk
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And the pudding attacks her.

AnimalCrossingExpert(ACE) catches a baseball