
Yep. Its just crazy to me how they got rid of soooo many little things that make NO sense why they got rid of them. And honestly pocket camp made me sooo hyped to see the outdoor furniture in NH, but I was so disappointed with the lack of exterior furniture.

Why did they get rid nice little things that made the game feel more immerse. Like villagers coming over your house, having public work projects, town ordinances, customize town hall, and so much more. NH definitely introduced a lot of cool things (terraforming), but everything else just feels so empty.

I want better exterior furniture, I want mini games back for online, I want shop upgrades, and I want public work projects.

I'm not sure if I even want to wait for these slow updates every few months anymore
I don't think most opinion have changed since 2 weeks before when we had the same thread, I'll link it here so you can read it: https://www.belltreeforums.com/threads/new-horizons-feels-like-a-discount-new-leaf.584226/

To not repeat my previous posts, Nook's Cranny upgrades are the most confusing thing to me. We had 1 upgrade and thanks to the rearranging of the furniture, there's no point on upgrading aside from an aesthetic difference and a false sense of progression. The current cranny offers like 20+ products and it changes with the season/festivities; so I'll never understand why that's a fatal flaw of the game. But to each its own. By the way, the museum had 2 upgrades and Resident Services had 1 so there's a total of 4 building upgrades atm (not counting how you also upgrade Mabel from a visitor to a shop and how you upgrade the Nooklings from RS to own shop).
I disagree, but I haven't really played the other games other than a tiny bit of Pocket Camp and the original.

Honestly the amount of content feels fine to me. We will be getting free updates all this year which is wonderful. I've got almost one thousand hours in the game, so don't feel like I can complain about lack of content. 😅

Edit to add: One thing I do feel is lackluster compared to older games is the music. Personally, I don't like it nearly as much.
I agree. I know, I know, we have cool features like terraforming and outdoor decorations, but I feel like everything else is a step back.

The tool durability is probably the biggest offender in my eyes. I just don't understand how someone can play the other games and think "this game is pretty good, but you know what would make it better? If the tools broke!" It makes no sense to me. I personally think only the flimsy tools should break, but everything else shouldn't. They had a perfect chance to make the golden tools iconic by making them unbreakable and they dropped the ball. What's the point in me making golden tools when I know they'll just break?

I also think the villagers are the worst in the entire series. When you play the older games, you feel like you're part of a community, a piece of a bigger puzzle. Here? I feel like my villagers are mindless animals. I walk up to a villager sitting. "Let's chat!" "I'm sitting." Truly incredible dialogue. And there's so many weird decisions that Nintendo made when it comes to them. Why do you always start off with an Uchi and Jock? Why don't their houses eventually change to reflect their original style? I don't get it.

Another thing that frustrates me is the lack of iconic NPCs and buildings. New Horizons is bigger than New Leaf and yet we're missing buildings and NPCs. It makes no sense to me. I have so much room on my island and yet I can't place the Roost or the police station or a Resetti center. Why?

And finally, the updates. Oh, the updates. I understand people like them. I do NOT. When New Leaf was shipped, it felt like a complete game. If they had never released the Amiibo update, nothing would ever be amiss. You can still enjoy New Leaf in its original form. So when Nintendo makes this big fuss about holding back the game to make sure fans get a proper product, I'm expecting, well, a full game. Instead, Nintendo releases a half baked game and decides to drip feed stuff that should've already been in the original release. If they weren't actually finished with the game, I would much rather they held it back for however long they needed instead of releasing a poor product and promising to polish it later on.

I wonder if people are being lenient with Nintendo because this is the first time they've tried something like this with the Animal Crossing franchise, but personally, it worries me. In the time of Early Access and Kickstarter, I've seen a disturbing amount of AA companies release half baked products and then promise to fix it up later with updates or DLC. I'm just tired of it. I would much rather pay for a complete game that I can enjoy for years to come then a game that was released half baked but gets frequent updates.

...sorry for the long post. These things have been on my mind for a while and none of my friends play, so...I kind of get lost in thought when I finally have a chance to air my grievances. 😅
i will always disagree with that but its also just a matter of how you like to play the game. i love to decorate and terraform and for that its the best game in the series by far and no one can tell me otherwise. im mostly finished with my main island but i also want to re do half of it so i still have a lot to do. i stopped playing a little in the late summer months but other than that i play it almost every day.
i dont really care for nook upgrades or other shops or stuff like that. the only thing im really missing are some mini games for online but i can wait for it.
i really think its the best game in the series and i just cant go back to the old games in terms of making your island truly individual.
i think a lot of people would help it to have a second island tho i think that was a big part in new leaf that almost everyone had at least 2 towns so there was more to do overall.
I agree with Amilee here. The decorating and landscaping and all of that just makes this game so much better for me. I don't really miss much from the previous games, although I most certainly wouldn't complain if they added things in that you guys are really feeling is too much to not have. I have New Leaf, and I've tried going back to it, but for me, it is too boring. The town is so much smaller, I can't go and swap out decor in it, the weather just doesn't feel as dynamic to me.

We could definitely do with more shop upgrades, and more shops in general. But then if we get added buildings, we'd have to find somewhere for them to be, and that would definitely take away from the space we have. Like if I'm being honest, I really don't know where I would put these new buildings without uprooting a bunch of stuff, and I really like my island the way that it is right now.

Personally, the things that would make this game step up for me would be more UPGRADES to the stores, with Kicks joining the Able Sisters and Leif going in with Nooklings. I think putting Brewster in with the museum would be terrific as well, whenever he's finally added in - assuming he is. And then I would love it if they would add more with the villagers - visiting your house, asking you to come check their place out for opinions, and especially MORE DIALOGUE VARIATION.

But I definitely don't feel like it's lackluster. I can easily play this game for HOURS every day.
I agree with a lot of these things, though I’m still having fun customizing my island and my characters—I love all the robust options we have this time around!

The villagers themselves are the only unforgivable change for me. I used to agonize for weeks or months about letting characters move. As a kid playing Wild World I would cry when three moved out. I played a thousand hours of my main town in New Leaf and by the end, I still had five of my first ten villagers because I’d grown so attached. While I enjoy my villagers in this game and feel guilty letting them move, after a day or two has passed I barely even notice their absence. They repeat the same one or two lifeless phrases nonstop. AC has always been about the villagers for me, so I’m really sad to see that even I can’t connect with them in this installment.
I think the updates can get annoying. Trying to collect diys via shooting down balloons is a horrible way to make the game worth while. I want the items in game for decorations, but this is making the game very tedious.

In GC Animal Crossing, there are always interesting things going on - like sales day, a monthly raffle day, and igloos. They are just way more fun.
Honestly, I was kind of hoping after HHD, we would also get to help decorate public buildings that could be used by the villagers. Like you get a blank slate building and can make it whatever you want inside and you could see the villagers use it for whatever you designed it to be (like a cafe, school, health clinic, etc.).
Deja vu topic...well while I agree with some points, this game is still not NL, its NH. It was advertised as a "deserted island getaway package", and that's what it is. It still hasn't been a full year yet, and so I can see why they hold back the updates. They obviously want us to play in a slower pace when it comes to events, enjoy the deserted island life and...so yeah it can get pretty boring. The lack of interesting daily tasks is problematic but that is because of the main sisue: The "Animal Crossing" without the "animal". Might as well replace every villager with Ribbot because thats what we have. The villager downgrade is still the main reason why I have no incentive to chat with my villagers every day. As a result, I play less, I do less, and it gives me more time to play other games...until the next update.