
Canada, I bought new leaf in march 2014 so it might've gone down in price but new horizons I bought like a month after release
That makes sense. Exchange rate between US and Canadian Dollar would put the game you paid $80 for in Canada $60 in the US. And New Leaf at one point came down to $20 US, which would put it at $30-ish Canadian.
People still making these threads? 😂

Why do we have to compare New Horizons to other games all the time?

So it's missing a few things. OK, cool. If we remain hopeful and positive, maybe Nintendo will give us those things in future updates.

We get it. Villager dialogue isn't great, there's not enough of this, not enough of that. You know what though? I'm not going to worry about it too much, and just relax and play the game for what it is. I personally have really being enjoying the game ever since it came out.

I'm sure I'm going to get a few not so nice responses to this, so let me just add this disclaimer. This is MY opinion. And you have your opinion. Which is great. I'm just sharing my 2 cents, and asking why it's necessary to constantly go on about what's wrong with the game. I don't see it solving anything.

Please be nice to me... I just wanted to get that out of my system.
I spent around 1400 hours on New Leaf over the course of a couple years. Whereas in New Horizons I spent 1,105 hours playing it since it came out. It hasn't been a year yet. I am a little burnt out on it right now but I imagine when there are many more updates, I will spend even more time on it.

I think people just gotta be patient with New Horizons, with more updates it'll get there. With the huge success its had, I imagine they will focus a lot of time on pumping out more updates
has Animal Crossing not always been about doing the same tasks? like throughout the series there wasn't necessarily something new to do everyday? these threads are baffling because once you unlocked all the shops, caught all the fish/bugs/etc, and decorating your town in New Leaf there wasn't much else to do. I love NL, but when I play I don't play for the same reasons I play NH.
I will admit I miss the shop upgrades for Nooks, and all those characters they left out of NH (Katrina/DJ K.K./Pelly and Phyllis, GracieGrace). however I think the reason they left out shop upgrades was because of the introduction of DIYs. whether you like it or not DIYs are a huge facet of NH and there's a lot of customisation options.
You known one of the arguments that always confuses me is people complaining tools break. In a game where you craft and customize having the tools break actually makes sense, as it gives you a need to use that mecanic. For people that don't want their to craft they can buy new ones. Or customize old ones to avoid it. Its not a male or break it thing for me.

For me I take the game as it is. Its a great game and has its uos and downs like any great game. But it cannot and will not ever be New Leaf or any other version of itself
has Animal Crossing not always been about doing the same tasks? like throughout the series there wasn't necessarily something new to do everyday? these threads are baffling because once you unlocked all the shops, caught all the fish/bugs/etc, and decorating your town in New Leaf there wasn't much else to do. I love NL, but when I play I don't play for the same reasons I play NH.
I will admit I miss the shop upgrades for Nooks, and all those characters they left out of NH (Katrina/DJ K.K./Pelly and Phyllis, GracieGrace). however I think the reason they left out shop upgrades was because of the introduction of DIYs. whether you like it or not DIYs are a huge facet of NH and there's a lot of customisation options.

This is how I feel about it too. Sure, there are different things to do in the older games, but they are equally repetitive/grindy in nature. Over time, more activities like that will likely be introduced into NH as well, but it's not like the other games feel more complete to me.

I often see people mention how they go back to an old game and find it incredibly fun to do all those other things, but I feel like that's just because those mechanics are new to them at that point. Let's be honest, Gracie, Katrina, the pelicans, they too got very old after a while.

I'm actually pretty glad that they chose to include some new mechanics in New Horizons. Not everyone is going to like the changes and that's up to them, but otherwise I'd just be repeating what I'd already done for hundreds of hours in the last game.
You known one of the arguments that always confuses me is people complaining tools break. In a game where you craft and customize having the tools break actually makes sense, as it gives you a need to use that mecanic. For people that don't want their to craft they can buy new ones. Or customize old ones to avoid it. Its not a male or break it thing for me.

For me I take the game as it is. Its a great game and has its uos and downs like any great game. But it cannot and will not ever be New Leaf or any other version of itself

Yes, I agree with you there. It makes a lot of sense for tools to eventually break. I don't get the complaints about that one 😂 I think it might just be because we were all so used to New Leaf, where it was easy and nothing ever broke.
I don't think most opinion have changed since 2 weeks before when we had the same thread, I'll link it here so you can read it: https://www.belltreeforums.com/threads/new-horizons-feels-like-a-discount-new-leaf.584226/

To not repeat my previous posts, Nook's Cranny upgrades are the most confusing thing to me. We had 1 upgrade and thanks to the rearranging of the furniture, there's no point on upgrading aside from an aesthetic difference and a false sense of progression. The current cranny offers like 20+ products and it changes with the season/festivities; so I'll never understand why that's a fatal flaw of the game. But to each its own. By the way, the museum had 2 upgrades and Resident Services had 1 so there's a total of 4 building upgrades atm (not counting how you also upgrade Mabel from a visitor to a shop and how you upgrade the Nooklings from RS to own shop).

For me something else is confusing... as Able Sisters had no store and started as "travel merchants" - finally got the shop, obviously for some reason excluding their sister. Other "travel merchants" visiting our island from time to time and don't want to stay for some reason... why?

As a part of "discounted New Leaf" thoughts... is it really improvement to take away one sister, take away another room in the store / department, and replace it with... nothing? Is it a progress?
However, please look at Sable behaviour - she, from the very beginning acts same as she was in NL, she was shy, she remained shy, and in time she progressing having a contact with player. So if this feature was copied literally from New Leaf, how not to compare to New Leaf?

People still making these threads? 😂

Why do we have to compare New Horizons to other games all the time?

So it's missing a few things. OK, cool. If we remain hopeful and positive, maybe Nintendo will give us those things in future updates.

We get it. Villager dialogue isn't great, there's not enough of this, not enough of that. You know what though? I'm not going to worry about it too much, and just relax and play the game for what it is. I personally have really being enjoying the game ever since it came out.

I'm sure I'm going to get a few not so nice responses to this, so let me just add this disclaimer. This is MY opinion. And you have your opinion. Which is great. I'm just sharing my 2 cents, and asking why it's necessary to constantly go on about what's wrong with the game. I don't see it solving anything.

Please be nice to me... I just wanted to get that out of my system.

Why do have to compare NH to other (older) games all the time? So, could you please why not to compare, or maybe compare with something else, maybe with Minecraft or Terraria?

Few things missing? Cool, ok? No, not so cool and it's not ok. I will explain why... When is inconvenient, "protectors" trying to prove it's not NL... but what if we all see copy / paste things (many things) from NL implemented into NH?

Are you trying to convince us, if we remain hopeful and positive... maybe Nintendo will give us something what we want? What if we will act differently? Will we be punished and got nothing? Is it any new fairy tale about Santa Claus merged with Nintendo?

I want to clarify, I'm not offending you, I'm far from this - just like you, expressing my opinion.

And finally, I have to agree with you, whatever is wrong with this game, whatever is missing - our discussion will not change anything, will not change a bit, but as we are here, discussing different aspects of this game, we are talking about good and bad things.
I'm sure I'm going to get a few not so nice responses to this, so let me just add this disclaimer. This is MY opinion. And you have your opinion. Which is great. I'm just sharing my 2 cents, and asking why it's necessary to constantly go on about what's wrong with the game. I don't see it solving anything.

The reason why it's necessary is because OP is free to voice their opinion on why they feel the game is as the title states.
I separated a whole area from the villagers to make a little shopping centre and the only two buildings are the tailor’s and Nook’s. I want a shoe shop again at least.
I separated a whole area from the villagers to make a little shopping centre and the only two buildings are the tailor’s and Nook’s. I want a shoe shop again at least.

How would that work now that Abel Sisters' have nearly all the shoes? If I understand correctly, the shoes Kicks sells you are unobtainable at the Able Sisters' store, so it makes them a rare collectable and his visits more valuable.
I also think that the game did bring with it a lot less stuff than other titles have, I miss things like gyroids and Brewster's cafe and Gracie's furniture sets, even some classic furniture sets I loved like the lovely sets are missing now, but on the other hand, it also brought a lot more new content that brings a huge new array of possibilities we've never had. Also, I can't really complain, I've been playing every single day since launch, my island is not even close to being "done" nor do I think it will ever be fully done, as I take it as a constant WIP, and as Snek said, not even a year has passed, and we have a lot more content coming.

Lately they've focused on holidays, because last update was mainly for the two major end-of-the-year holidays, but they also brought a lot of new reactions and the new hairstyles, and tbh, I can get behind not having those missing things since launch if they bring them later. I personally believe the updates do make the game less monotonous, since you know there's going to be new stuff coming, and that alone does make one want to play more. I think it's a smart choice, specially considering how much some people rush this game; which isn't bad, you know, but many people are already complaining about being bored of the game and have reset their island like a trillion times, and again, not even a year has passed. I think we could all use a bit more chill in that regard
Post automatically merged:

If I understand correctly, the shoes Kicks sells you are unobtainable at the Able Sisters' store, so it makes them a rare collectable and his visits more valuable.

Mabel also visited in the beginning of the game, and later offered to build a store in the island, so I think Kicks could potentially also either open up his own store or be added as an update to the Able Sisters selling more socks, shoes and bags! And as for a Nook's update, I personally hope they will eventually bring Gracie back with her absolutely overpriced furniture sets, because I really miss them~
While it dropped a lot of features, it also added a bunch. Terraforming, significantly larger pockets and storage, being able to break rocks, cliffs, putting furniture outside, villagers not leaving when you don't play the game for a while, being able to choose where they go so they don't destroy everything, being able to move buildings, being able to change our faces instead of being locked at the start, making the dressing room to make it easier to change outfits, being able to go island hopping to invite villagers, crafting so we aren't stuck waiting for our furniture orders 5 pieces at a time, long term nook mile goals and miles in general, visitors not being able to destroy your town anymore, in game pathing, etc. People forget that a lot of these features are things we ALL wanted when we were playing New Leaf. If New Horizons had come first, and then we received any of the older games after, people would be saying the same thing - that so much is missing.

I suppose I don't see it the same way because I've never time travelled, so the events had always been technically "locked" at the specific time that they were going to happen. So even if everything was already in the game, I would still experience them at the same time as when they are being released as updates. It doesn't bother me :)

I do agree there is SOOO much that i want to return to the game, like Brewster, the pelicans, Booker/Copper and the police station etc, and it may be different and not ideal to have the update system.. but I'll leave my judgement of that for when the game is no longer being updated and is finally in it's "complete" form. Because I really believe a lot of it will come back. And for the moment, I'm really enjoying all the things the game has to offer currently.

Now if the updates stop and those things that I want are still gone, I'll be VERY disappointed. But I don't believe that game will be lackluster just because features in the old game are missing. It will just not be my ideal, dream, perfect Animal Crossing game like I wanted it to be. But it will still be one of my favourite games ever, and I think that's good enough!
I suppose I don't see it the same way because I've never time travelled, so the events had always been technically "locked" at the specific time that they were going to happen. So even if everything was already in the game, I would still experience them at the same time as when they are being released as updates. It doesn't bother me :)

I totally relate! I also enjoy the game the most when I take it slow, and still I did achieve something in this game that I couldn't bring myself to achieve in any of the previous entries: finishing my bugs and fish collection. Idk if it's because of the circumstances I'm in rn or if it's because of the nook miles thing incentive, but in previous games I just found fishing and bug catching so much more boring
While it dropped a lot of features, it also added a bunch. Terraforming, significantly larger pockets and storage, being able to break rocks, cliffs, putting furniture outside, villagers not leaving when you don't play the game for a while, being able to choose where they go so they don't destroy everything, being able to move buildings, being able to change our faces instead of being locked at the start, making the dressing room to make it easier to change outfits, being able to go island hopping to invite villagers, crafting so we aren't stuck waiting for our furniture orders 5 pieces at a time, long term nook mile goals and miles in general, visitors not being able to destroy your town anymore, in game pathing, etc. People forget that a lot of these features are things we ALL wanted when we were playing New Leaf. If New Horizons had come first, and then we received any of the older games after, people would be saying the same thing - that so much is missing.

None of use ever told nothing has been added. True, many features been added, features we never knew in the past. Some features are really good, like terraforming and giving extra fun, not denying it.
Increased storage capacity is really good upgrade - still I agree with you.
However... I'm not sure if I can agree with everything... whilst we can create lot of things (with limitations), we can customise some of them... this is... so lonely. I'm personally finding more attractive to order customisation, make more interesting using ores, clothes... but this is my opinion.
Miles vs. Meow points... in my opinion it's easier and more flat... for me... now we got thousands of miles and we have nothing we can buy for it. For example, my GF has reached 1,000,000 Miles yesterday, but any idea what to buy for it? :cool:
I admit, never played NL before 1.5 update, and I feel I was lucky enough to get a complete game, and maybe it's unfair sometimes to compare something finished with something unfinished?

I suppose I don't see it the same way because I've never time travelled, so the events had always been technically "locked" at the specific time that they were going to happen. So even if everything was already in the game, I would still experience them at the same time as when they are being released as updates. It doesn't bother me :)

I'm not time travelling either, not complaining about locking / unlocking events... it doesn't bother me at all. However, once I started playing both, NH and NL in daily basis, I can observe differences, sometimes like New Years Eve NH wins (for me), but on the New Years Day in NH we got nothing... at least NL gave something extra.

Now if the updates stop and those things that I want are still gone, I'll be VERY disappointed. But I don't believe that game will be lackluster just because features in the old game are missing. It will just not be my ideal, dream, perfect Animal Crossing game like I wanted it to be. But it will still be one of my favourite games ever, and I think that's good enough!

For now, we got a promise of late January update, no more, no less. We got brief promise a game will be updated and mainly focused on events. I think, if we may expect extra buildings, extra other things... maybe we would be told?
I think, if we may expect extra buildings, extra other things... maybe we would be told?

We weren't told about Redd's art, Gullivarr's pirate stuff, bushes, pumpkins, new reactions or new hairstyles for POC so I don't think that works that way; we're only told about the holidays but the rest is always a surprise, so we truly never know what's coming- of course we should manage our expectations though
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Miles vs. Meow points... in my opinion it's easier and more flat... for me... now we got thousands of miles and we have nothing we can buy for it. For example, my GF has reached 1,000,000 Miles yesterday, but any idea what to buy for it? :cool:

Btw I wish I had so many miles lol, I spend most of mine on NMTs to find new villagers I like when others leave so honestly, if y'all don't know what to do with them, maybe host a giveaway because some of us are running short lmao

I agree with the more shops too btw! I like to have cool buildings other than houses, but I have a feeling some people would complain if they added new buildings because they wouldn't have space to put them without getting rid of some cute area (it would personally help me though since I still have a huge empty area idk what to do with)
As a part of "discounted New Leaf" thoughts... is it really improvement to take away one sister, take away another room in the store / department, and replace it with... nothing? Is it a progress?

I mean.. that's just not true? All the items that were sold in the accessory room are still being sold in the Able Sisters. If anything they made it easier to get them because it doesn't require an extra loading screen AND you have a lot more options each day. Taking away a room is not a bad thing imo, they didn't replace it with nothing. They literally replaced it.
And Label wasn't taken away either - she has a new function now (although I do wonder what the future has in store for her because I can't imagine her being in our plazas forever).