
None of use ever told nothing has been added. True, many features been added, features we never knew in the past. Some features are really good, like terraforming and giving extra fun, not denying it.
Increased storage capacity is really good upgrade - still I agree with you.
However... I'm not sure if I can agree with everything... whilst we can create lot of things (with limitations), we can customise some of them... this is... so lonely. I'm personally finding more attractive to order customisation, make more interesting using ores, clothes... but this is my opinion.
Miles vs. Meow points... in my opinion it's easier and more flat... for me... now we got thousands of miles and we have nothing we can buy for it. For example, my GF has reached 1,000,000 Miles yesterday, but any idea what to buy for it? :cool:
I admit, never played NL before 1.5 update, and I feel I was lucky enough to get a complete game, and maybe it's unfair sometimes to compare something finished with something unfinished?

I'm not time travelling either, not complaining about locking / unlocking events... it doesn't bother me at all. However, once I started playing both, NH and NL in daily basis, I can observe differences, sometimes like New Years Eve NH wins (for me), but on the New Years Day in NH we got nothing... at least NL gave something extra.

For now, we got a promise of late January update, no more, no less. We got brief promise a game will be updated and mainly focused on events. I think, if we may expect extra buildings, extra other things... maybe we would be told?

No trust me, I understand the frustration and the perspective. I think it just depends on a person's play style. For me, because I am an extremely slow player, it works for me. Decorating is my favourite thing about Animal Crossing so it is very well suited to my needs. Everyone will see this differently. But to me, the word "lackluster" means devoid of features, empty, boring in comparison to older titles. For me specifically, I wouldn't describe it as that. It's just different, in my opinion. I loved New Leaf, but if I went back, I would say that New Leaf is more "lackluster" than New Horizons. Simply because New Horizons added more features that catered to my playstyle. I mean I WISH they had put in ALL the features already in New Leaf in this game from the very beginning. But wishing this doesn't make it true, so I just enjoy it for what it is and what makes it special, which is all the features it has that is missing in all the others :)

But if it were up to me, I would have made the game differently to make it 100% perfect for me, and that perfect for me, will not be perfect for you, and so on. They can't make a game perfect for you or me unfortunately :( Nothing can be perfect. Trust me, I have moments of frustration or wishing it was different somehow. But I try my best to just enjoy what I can and think positive. This doesn't mean anybody else has to see it the same way. Everyone's opinion is valid :)

As for the updates, it's been mention by the developers that the game will receive updates for 2 to 3 years, so we have many more things to look forward to! It won't just be event updates either. So I'm really excited. While a lot of people hate the update system, it could mean that they can freshen up events, add lots more items and features, and listen to the community about what we want and don't want and truly make it a game that will make people forget that it was ever considered lackluster!
Has it been Confirmed anywhere it’s 2-3 years of updates? I read a comment saying We hope players can enjoy the game for 2-3 years and still be discovering new things. (I’m paraphrasing)

The reason I hate breakable tools is simple, I love animal crossing to relax, it’s my anti anxiety game if you will. I love fishing in the game. It’s jarring to know I could be fishing happily and boom my rod breaks. Sure I can go buy a new one if the shop isn’t shut but if it is I have to craft it, so I need materials. Time to go on a material hunt. It feels like busy work and takes away something that should be relaxing.
We are already missing a lot of furniture sets, having less furniture gives us less to work with, less to craft. And so much of the crafting is random chance. I for example have played since launch, I don’t have the iron garden set. I had to get my friends to craft it for me. That bothers me. A game where I have my own little utopia has now become dependent on multiplayer and paid multiplayer at that.

I like New horizons. I played for a significant time Today. I was decorating the whole time. Not once in my 4 hour play session did any of my villagers initiate conversation with me. They completely ignored me. It bothers me because my villagers are my favourite part of AC and they don’t do that in the other games. They ping me constantly.

I’m good friends with my NH villagers. But I can’t deny my new horizon island feels soulless.
For me something else is confusing... as Able Sisters had no store and started as "travel merchants" - finally got the shop, obviously for some reason excluding their sister. Other "travel merchants" visiting our island from time to time and don't want to stay for some reason... why?

As a part of "discounted New Leaf" thoughts... is it really improvement to take away one sister, take away another room in the store / department, and replace it with... nothing? Is it a progress?
However, please look at Sable behaviour - she, from the very beginning acts same as she was in NL, she was shy, she remained shy, and in time she progressing having a contact with player. So if this feature was copied literally from New Leaf, how not to compare to New Leaf?
That's not confusing, the Able Sisters opening their shop and Label being a visitor had a story reason on the game. Mabel visited the island because of Nook, and seeing the player character (and the other islanders on the "background") buying so much from them, they decided to open a store- as friends and customers are there. (Obviously the "irl" reason is that a general store and a clothes shop are basic needs that cover everything shop-wise) The sisters and Label also constantly mention how Label is living and fulfilling her dream of being a designer after previous experiences (working with Grace and her sisters) and she keeps being a visitor, at least for now, because she goes around the world to widen her horizons. Sable mentions to you that Label visits them and tells about her journeys and how the player helps her.

Label wasn't taken away, she's still on the game and fulfills a role (being a visitor that highlights the improved clothing mechanics). Her room on the store was taken away but put on the main shop itself, it's still there. They weren't replaced by nothing, the old roles and mechanics were replaced with other things. You can like or dislike the changes, it doesn't mean they are not there.

Other visitors at the moment like to spend time on the island but also have their own itinerary and fulfill the whole concept of visitors. Sahara's whole character is being a wandering merchant, Redd is supposed to be trying to dupe fools around the world, Flick/C.J. live somewhere else doing their other jobs (freelance artist/streaming), Gulliver and his totally not him lookalike Gullivarrr are sailors/pirates with their own crew. The only two who can indeed become permanent residents are Leif and Kicks, they don't have much implied like the other 7 visitors- but when you have 7/9, you can clear any confusion.

The whole visitor system was one of the results of the devs wanting people to experience something new every day. It makes every day unique because you can't access everything at once. It also helps that as of now, each visitor has a defining role highlighting AC playstyle and mechanics:

Leif: Bushes, different flowers and the newly added vegetables.
Redd: Art and different colored furniture.
Label: How easy is to change clothing, the different styles.
Gulliver: Clam digging
Gullivarrr: Diving
Kicks: Backpacks
Flick: Better payment for bug catching, models that require more fishing than the standard donation
C.J.: Better payment for fishing, models that require more fishing than the standard donation
Sahara: Rugs, animated wallpaper and flooring

That's not to say that the devs can't add/replace some visitors. They can easily say that "after a year" there are more people interested on visiting the island or whatever requisite they add.

Comparisons can be fun and can indeed help broader our own views, but many of them are very biased and don't look at the whole picture.

I'm not time travelling either, not complaining about locking / unlocking events... it doesn't bother me at all. However, once I started playing both, NH and NL in daily basis, I can observe differences, sometimes like New Years Eve NH wins (for me), but on the New Years Day in NH we got nothing... at least NL gave something extra.
Going by the wiki for NL, this was how NYD was celebrated there:

*Cut-out standee
*Special music
*Isabelle acknowledging the day (on the plaza)
*Letter from mom with bells/plant
*Item relating to the chinese zodiac
*NPC's and villagers dialogue

The "nothing" of NH is:

*Isabelle acknowledging the day (announcement)
*Special music
*Special visuals, emphasis on sunrise/sunset
*Item relating to the chinese zodiac and other 6 items relating to various NYD festivities
*NPC's and villagers dialogue
*Nook Stop giving additional miles

Apologies if I'm misunderstanding, but there were even more things celebrating New Year's Day on NH than NL, but you seem to have missed all of them. Even if the wiki is wrong and there were more things on NL, NH did have more than "nothing". Sure, you may prefer the cut-out standee and the letter than say, the Nook Stop greeting you and special visuals, but that's personal opinion.
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New leaf also has special music for New Year’s Day, your villagers will have a conversation about new year and if they write to you, they wish you happy new year. Wild world and city folk are the same. And even the original game has the the fountain wishing event.
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New leaf also has special music for New Year’s Day, your villagers will have a conversation about new year and if they write to you, they wish you happy new year. Wild world and city folk are the same. And even the original game has the the fountain wishing event.
Thanks for the info, wiki didn't list the special music. I'll edit my previous post to add that bit.
Has it been Confirmed anywhere it’s 2-3 years of updates? I read a comment saying We hope players can enjoy the game for 2-3 years and still be discovering new things. (I’m paraphrasing)
By the current rate of NPC return (12 or so a year) it looks like it's gonna take a few years for everything to be back, and that dovetails nicely with the (assumed) point where the Switch gets replaced by another console. However, it's originally from this article: https://www.cnet.com/news/youre-not-crazy-tom-nook-is-nicer-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons/

A game where I have my own little utopia has now become dependent on multiplayer and paid multiplayer at that.
Isn't the whole part of it being a "communication game" communicating with other people as well as communicating with the animals?
This isn't to say getting 6 million different duplicates of things is Actually A Good Thing, but... it's designed so that you can trade for stuff that's hard to find.

I like New horizons. I played for a significant time Today. I was decorating the whole time. Not once in my 4 hour play session did any of my villagers initiate conversation with me. They completely ignored me. It bothers me because my villagers are my favourite part of AC and they don’t do that in the other games. They ping me constantly.
They mainly just do the "thought bubble" stuff, although I do also get some pings.
By the current rate of NPC return (12 or so a year) it looks like it's gonna take a few years for everything to be back, and that dovetails nicely with the (assumed) point where the Switch gets replaced by another console. However, it's originally from this article: https://www.cnet.com/news/youre-not-crazy-tom-nook-is-nicer-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons/

Isn't the whole part of it being a "communication game" communicating with other people as well as communicating with the animals?
This isn't to say getting 6 million different duplicates of things is Actually A Good Thing, but... it's designed so that you can trade for stuff that's hard to find.

They mainly just do the "thought bubble" stuff, although I do also get some pings.
Thanks for the link!

I don’t know, I mean yes all the animal crossing games had multiplayer but this is the first game that in a way punishes you for not playing online. For example if you want all the fruits in New Horizons you have to trade with other people. You have no choice. In the previous games non native fruits could be obtained from the villagers and later on Tortimer‘s island. The colour of the train station didn’t determine and lock certain items as certain colours in previous games. In New Horizons if you want white lamp posts as I did I had to trade with a friend with the Orange airport.

Of course you could still trade in the previous games and playing online with others gave you access to different items perhaps your store doesn’t have the lovely lamp but your friends store does for example and that still holds true for New Horizons but it bothers me there are items players are forced to trade for, particularly the way the market can be for trading.

I technically have two New Horizon islands. I haven’t started the second island. I feel really relaxed about starting a second island as I know when I do if I reset it’s not a big deal. I can restart as much as I like as things like fruits I can get from my first island. When I wanted to restart my main island back in the summer it was a huge pain, not because I lost progress but because I was dependent on others to get basics like fruit.
I have multiple Wild world and new leaf towns, restarting any of them never bothers me because I know I can get all I need without relying on others. If I restart my main animal crossing town I’m at the mercy of other people for basic things and I just don’t agree that should be behind a pay wall.
Thanks for the link!

I don’t know, I mean yes all the animal crossing games had multiplayer but this is the first game that in a way punishes you for not playing online. For example if you want all the fruits in New Horizons you have to trade with other people. You have no choice. In the previous games non native fruits could be obtained from the villagers and later on Tortimer‘s island. The colour of the train station didn’t determine and lock certain items as certain colours in previous games. In New Horizons if you want white lamp posts as I did I had to trade with a friend with the Orange airport.

Of course you could still trade in the previous games and playing online with others gave you access to different items perhaps your store doesn’t have the lovely lamp but your friends store does for example and that still holds true for New Horizons but it bothers me there are items players are forced to trade for, particularly the way the market can be for trading.

I technically have two New Horizon islands. I haven’t started the second island. I feel really relaxed about starting a second island as I know when I do if I reset it’s not a big deal. I can restart as much as I like as things like fruits I can get from my first island. When I wanted to restart my main island back in the summer it was a huge pain, not because I lost progress but because I was dependent on others to get basics like fruit.
I have multiple Wild world and new leaf towns, restarting any of them never bothers me because I know I can get all I need without relying on others. If I restart my main animal crossing town I’m at the mercy of other people for basic things and I just don’t agree that should be behind a pay wall.
If you wanted other fruits in ACGC, you needed to trade with other players too. But it was even harder because you needed a second memory card.
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Also, you need multiplayer to upgrade Nooklings in Wild World (which isn't exactly doable now that NDS Wi-Fi support is down)
So, this is The ACNH Rant Thread part 2, right?

Kinda reminds me of how we had dozens of threads about "look, I found Raymond" in the first couple months of the game...

Wasn't gonna say anything, but yeah this is what it looks like (these types of threads gain traction though, so...).
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I mean.. that's just not true? All the items that were sold in the accessory room are still being sold in the Able Sisters. If anything they made it easier to get them because it doesn't require an extra loading screen AND you have a lot more options each day. Taking away a room is not a bad thing imo, they didn't replace it with nothing. They literally replaced it.
And Label wasn't taken away either - she has a new function now (although I do wonder what the future has in store for her because I can't imagine her being in our plazas forever).

I agree with this. I think critiquing Nintendo because they split the sisters again is REALLY getting down to the wire. We still have all three sisters. We still have hats and accessories. Nintendo literally just changed the timing at which we see Labelle and her role. Therefore, there isn't a problem... right?
If you wanted other fruits in ACGC, you needed to trade with other players too. But it was even harder because you needed a second memory card.
Post automatically merged:

Also, you need multiplayer to upgrade Nooklings in Wild World (which isn't exactly doable now that NDS Wi-Fi support is down)
Really? My GameCube town has pears and Olivia gave me a cherry the other day. Wild world, city folk and New leaf resolved that issue. Quite why NH is insisting on going back there is anyone’s guess. I guess money. Back at launch before Lief even flowers were limited to what you got on your island.

As I said, I know it happened in older games. But there was ways around it if you didn’t play online, get a second memory card, get a second copy of the game if you have two consoles so you can trade. Or get a second copy if you don’t want to share a town with your family but only have one console but accept you can’t visit each other. I have a few 3DS consoles and i can still play local multiplayer in Wild World to get my store upgrade but I agree that was a bad choice. At least though it was free to play online.

Designs, fruits reverting back to being a tradeable item, dream suite being online, multiplayer having games removed but being tucked inside a pay wall is just something I will never agree with.
Really? My GameCube town has pears and Olivia gave me a cherry the other day. Wild world, city folk and New leaf resolved that issue. Quite why NH is insisting on going back there is anyone’s guess. I guess money. Back at launch before Lief even flowers were limited to what you got on your island.

As I said, I know it happened in older games. But there was ways around it if you didn’t play online, get a second memory card, get a second copy of the game if you have two consoles so you can trade. Or get a second copy if you don’t want to share a town with your family but only have one console but accept you can’t visit each other. I have a few 3DS consoles and i can still play local multiplayer in Wild World to get my store upgrade but I agree that was a bad choice. At least though it was free to play online.

Designs, fruits reverting back to being a tradeable item, dream suite being online, multiplayer having games removed but being tucked inside a pay wall is just something I will never agree with.
I guess buying a second system and a second copy of the game is more expensive than the NSO membership, no?
For me something else is confusing... as Able Sisters had no store and started as "travel merchants" - finally got the shop, obviously for some reason excluding their sister. Other "travel merchants" visiting our island from time to time and don't want to stay for some reason... why?

As a part of "discounted New Leaf" thoughts... is it really improvement to take away one sister, take away another room in the store / department, and replace it with... nothing? Is it a progress?
However, please look at Sable behaviour - she, from the very beginning acts same as she was in NL, she was shy, she remained shy, and in time she progressing having a contact with player. So if this feature was copied literally from New Leaf, how not to compare to New Leaf?

Why do have to compare NH to other (older) games all the time? So, could you please why not to compare, or maybe compare with something else, maybe with Minecraft or Terraria?

Few things missing? Cool, ok? No, not so cool and it's not ok. I will explain why... When is inconvenient, "protectors" trying to prove it's not NL... but what if we all see copy / paste things (many things) from NL implemented into NH?

Are you trying to convince us, if we remain hopeful and positive... maybe Nintendo will give us something what we want? What if we will act differently? Will we be punished and got nothing? Is it any new fairy tale about Santa Claus merged with Nintendo?

I want to clarify, I'm not offending you, I'm far from this - just like you, expressing my opinion.

And finally, I have to agree with you, whatever is wrong with this game, whatever is missing - our discussion will not change anything, will not change a bit, but as we are here, discussing different aspects of this game, we are talking about good and bad things.

It fi
The reason why it's necessary is because OP is free to voice their opinion on why they feel the game is as the title states.

Yes, and as I said I have my opinion, and you have yours :)
While I understand that NIntendo is adding things via updates, it just feels like the game should have had more content to start out with as it feels empty with nothing to do except wait for more to be added, but I am happy with what has been added so far and hope that eventually mini games and either Tortimer Island or something similar to Tortimer island will be added.
I been playing Animal Crossing since it came out on the Game Cube. To be honest I expected more from this game, I like but I thought it could have been better. There is so much they have taken away, yes it is a dessert Island but still they could have added other stuff. I loved the train station in the other AC, also the little Island were you could travel and meet with random ppl. I loved there were more stores, and that Nook store was really nice. You could upgrade and have more floors in the store which means more random items for you to buy and catalog. I mean the store is so small that the amount of stuff they have for sell is really limited. I hope they can bring The coffee shop again maybe with other interactions? A train station would be cool also. Anyways there are still some upgrades on the way, there is one for end of January. I hope we get cool stuff we will see soon :).
I guess buying a second system and a second copy of the game is more expensive than the NSO membership, no?

I suppose it depends if you buy used etc. In the Short term it’s more expensive, long term less so. Assuming your friends don’t stop playing. I don’t like playing with strangers after a few bad experiences.

My point is in ACNH multiplayer is less of an optional fun thing and more necessity.
That's not confusing, the Able Sisters opening their shop and Label being a visitor had a story reason on the game. Mabel visited the island because of Nook, and seeing the player character (and the other islanders on the "background") buying so much from them, they decided to open a store- as friends and customers are there. (Obviously the "irl" reason is that a general store and a clothes shop are basic needs that cover everything shop-wise) The sisters and Label also constantly mention how Label is living and fulfilling her dream of being a designer after previous experiences (working with Grace and her sisters) and she keeps being a visitor, at least for now, because she goes around the world to widen her horizons. Sable mentions to you that Label visits them and tells about her journeys and how the player helps her.

Label wasn't taken away, she's still on the game and fulfills a role (being a visitor that highlights the improved clothing mechanics). Her room on the store was taken away but put on the main shop itself, it's still there. They weren't replaced by nothing, the old roles and mechanics were replaced with other things. You can like or dislike the changes, it doesn't mean they are not there.

I know, there is a story behind this, I agree. However, previously (NL) always, as a player opening new store demands some action, some achievement. It was exactly the same with Able sisters... visitation because of Nook, players shopping, opening the store. True.
This story has a common sense, but I personally don't like it, and looking at Label standing since 5am with her luggage, with no invitation from her sisters, not visiting them for a second made me sad.
Another thing... I'm not sure, why Able sisters have more privileges than any other shop owners, for example Leif - some players may prefer to have an access to daily shopping at Able, some may prefer Leif or someone else.

Other visitors at the moment like to spend time on the island but also have their own itinerary and fulfill the whole concept of visitors. Sahara's whole character is being a wandering merchant, Redd is supposed to be trying to dupe fools around the world, Flick/C.J. live somewhere else doing their other jobs (freelance artist/streaming), Gulliver and his totally not him lookalike Gullivarrr are sailors/pirates with their own crew. The only two who can indeed become permanent residents are Leif and Kicks, they don't have much implied like the other 7 visitors- but when you have 7/9, you can clear any confusion.

The whole visitor system was one of the results of the devs wanting people to experience something new every day. It makes every day unique because you can't access everything at once. It also helps that as of now, each visitor has a defining role highlighting AC playstyle and mechanics:

Leif: Bushes, different flowers and the newly added vegetables.
Redd: Art and different colored furniture.
Label: How easy is to change clothing, the different styles.
Gulliver: Clam digging
Gullivarrr: Diving
Kicks: Backpacks
Flick: Better payment for bug catching, models that require more fishing than the standard donation
C.J.: Better payment for fishing, models that require more fishing than the standard donation
Sahara: Rugs, animated wallpaper and flooring

I still understand your point, and some of merchants were and still are wanderers. Some of them had own stores and taking away so much of them is really unnecessary, and I personally dislike this decision.
Leif - had a store, should keep it.
Label was a part of family, had own department in the store - why not to keep the same?
Gulli(both versions) - delusional drunk, with mental health problem, most probably addicted - not expecting from him to be permanent part of island community.
Kicks - Able's store could be upgraded, and if not giving him separate store, he could have at least own department.
Flick / C.J. - I agree, they rather should be visiting our island from time to time.
Sahara - I vote to be wanderer as she was.
Redd - had a tent before, and in my opinion it was really hard to find a differences between original and fake. Change his tent into boat, was a really good call and this was a good change.

That's not to say that the devs can't add/replace some visitors. They can easily say that "after a year" there are more people interested on visiting the island or whatever requisite they add.
I can express my opinion, and I feel I'm not alone. Many features taken out from NL are still wanted features.

Comparisons can be fun and can indeed help broader our own views, but many of them are very biased and don't look at the whole picture.

Going by the wiki for NL, this was how NYD was celebrated there:

*Cut-out standee
*Special music
*Isabelle acknowledging the day (on the plaza)
*Letter from mom with bells/plant
*Item relating to the chinese zodiac
*NPC's and villagers dialogue

The "nothing" of NH is:

*Isabelle acknowledging the day (announcement)
*Special music
*Special visuals, emphasis on sunrise/sunset
*Item relating to the chinese zodiac and other 6 items relating to various NYD festivities
*NPC's and villagers dialogue
*Nook Stop giving additional miles

Apologies if I'm misunderstanding, but there were even more things celebrating New Year's Day on NH than NL, but you seem to have missed all of them. Even if the wiki is wrong and there were more things on NL, NH did have more than "nothing". Sure, you may prefer the cut-out standee and the letter than say, the Nook Stop greeting you and special visuals, but that's personal opinion.

I'm giving my personal opinion, and without hesitation I said already, New Year Eve event was much better in NH than in NL for me. However in NH I had no sense of special day during NYD. And finally, I'm not sure about additional miles you've mentioned. If you mean 500 miles due to cash point closed in NYE, player who's using 7+ days, not gaining anything but loosing 100 miles. But if you mean any conversation with Nook in NYD, receiving extra 500 miles - I probably missed it.
I know, there is a story behind this, I agree. However, previously (NL) always, as a player opening new store demands some action, some achievement. It was exactly the same with Able sisters... visitation because of Nook, players shopping, opening the store. True.
This story has a common sense, but I personally don't like it, and looking at Label standing since 5am with her luggage, with no invitation from her sisters, not visiting them for a second made me sad.
It's fine if you don't like it. That doesn't mean they removed a feature and replaced it with nothing as you previously stated.

Another thing... I'm not sure, why Able sisters have more privileges than any other shop owners, for example Leif - some players may prefer to have an access to daily shopping at Able, some may prefer Leif or someone else.
Sure, everyone can have preferences, but it seems the devs think the basic needs are the general store and clothing shop. Maybe they have feedback or data that supports it?

I still understand your point, and some of merchants were and still are wanderers. Some of them had own stores and taking away so much of them is really unnecessary, and I personally dislike this decision.
Leif - had a store, should keep it.
Label was a part of family, had own department in the store - why not to keep the same?
Gulli(both versions) - delusional drunk, with mental health problem, most probably addicted - not expecting from him to be permanent part of island community.
Kicks - Able's store could be upgraded, and if not giving him separate store, he could have at least own department.
Flick / C.J. - I agree, they rather should be visiting our island from time to time.
Sahara - I vote to be wanderer as she was.
Redd - had a tent before, and in my opinion it was really hard to find a differences between original and fake. Change his tent into boat, was a really good call and this was a good change.
The devs wanted to change things, it's as simple as that. The driving force of the game is a deserted island getaway which functions as a blank canvas for your creativity to shine through two brand new features; outside furniture and terraforming. The visitor system replaces buildings because then you have access to the same things (at maybe a slower pace) but also access to a full island to decorate.

Like many speculate and the like, yes, they can add buildings on future updates in order to make "progress of a story", but for the moment, this is the direction they wanted to have. Just because someone had a store on previous game doesn't mean they must have them on every iteration, it's just change.

I can express my opinion, and I feel I'm not alone. Many features taken out from NL are still wanted features.
amm sure? Haha sorry, I don't understand the relation with the quoted part haha.

I'm giving my personal opinion, and without hesitation I said already, New Year Eve event was much better in NH than in NL for me. However in NH I had no sense of special day during NYD. And finally, I'm not sure about additional miles you've mentioned. If you mean 500 miles due to cash point closed in NYE, player who's using 7+ days, not gaining anything but loosing 100 miles. But if you mean any conversation with Nook in NYD, receiving extra 500 miles - I probably missed it.
(yes, the Nook Miles is the compensation for RS being closed)

It's ok if you had no sense of a special day or whatever, it is, like you mentioned, your personal opinion. However you said that "New Years Day in NH we got nothing... at least NL gave something extra." which is not true. NH did celebrate the day. All the things listed are not "nothing".

There is a difference between "I personally prefer x than x" and "This has x and this one doesn't".[/quote][/QUOTE]