Arize from Azulon
None of use ever told nothing has been added. True, many features been added, features we never knew in the past. Some features are really good, like terraforming and giving extra fun, not denying it.
Increased storage capacity is really good upgrade - still I agree with you.
However... I'm not sure if I can agree with everything... whilst we can create lot of things (with limitations), we can customise some of them... this is... so lonely. I'm personally finding more attractive to order customisation, make more interesting using ores, clothes... but this is my opinion.
Miles vs. Meow points... in my opinion it's easier and more flat... for me... now we got thousands of miles and we have nothing we can buy for it. For example, my GF has reached 1,000,000 Miles yesterday, but any idea what to buy for it?
I admit, never played NL before 1.5 update, and I feel I was lucky enough to get a complete game, and maybe it's unfair sometimes to compare something finished with something unfinished?
I'm not time travelling either, not complaining about locking / unlocking events... it doesn't bother me at all. However, once I started playing both, NH and NL in daily basis, I can observe differences, sometimes like New Years Eve NH wins (for me), but on the New Years Day in NH we got nothing... at least NL gave something extra.
For now, we got a promise of late January update, no more, no less. We got brief promise a game will be updated and mainly focused on events. I think, if we may expect extra buildings, extra other things... maybe we would be told?
No trust me, I understand the frustration and the perspective. I think it just depends on a person's play style. For me, because I am an extremely slow player, it works for me. Decorating is my favourite thing about Animal Crossing so it is very well suited to my needs. Everyone will see this differently. But to me, the word "lackluster" means devoid of features, empty, boring in comparison to older titles. For me specifically, I wouldn't describe it as that. It's just different, in my opinion. I loved New Leaf, but if I went back, I would say that New Leaf is more "lackluster" than New Horizons. Simply because New Horizons added more features that catered to my playstyle. I mean I WISH they had put in ALL the features already in New Leaf in this game from the very beginning. But wishing this doesn't make it true, so I just enjoy it for what it is and what makes it special, which is all the features it has that is missing in all the others
But if it were up to me, I would have made the game differently to make it 100% perfect for me, and that perfect for me, will not be perfect for you, and so on. They can't make a game perfect for you or me unfortunately
As for the updates, it's been mention by the developers that the game will receive updates for 2 to 3 years, so we have many more things to look forward to! It won't just be event updates either. So I'm really excited. While a lot of people hate the update system, it could mean that they can freshen up events, add lots more items and features, and listen to the community about what we want and don't want and truly make it a game that will make people forget that it was ever considered lackluster!