I guess I've loved quite a few people throughout my life. Every time I would think "this is it, this is the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with." But in one way or another it's never really worked out. Recently I've taken a, "hope for the best but prepare for the worst" type of approach. And I try my best to not idealize others and relationships in general anymore. Otherwise through idealization you might easily overlook any possible red flags the other person may put out, and possibly open yourself up to being mistreated by the other person. And I'm not about that life anymore. Ya gotta take love with a grain of salt, because it's easy to fall in love, but love isn't enough for a lasting relationship.
Nope, I never have and I probably never will. I've realized I don't even like people in general. If I ever felt anything like love, it was most certainly not towards a real person.
The connection between the two of you sounds lovely! Good luck with making these next steps. Fingers crossed!
I'm a teen so I can't say I know for sure. There is a boy I think I like because when I talk to him my heart beats fast and my hands sweat and I get all nervous. Even typing about him got me like that, haha. But then again I kind of always get like this when talking to people I'm not close with. Might just be some social anxiety. And a friend of mine is also crushing on him and talks to him more than I do so I don't expect to get with him anytime soon.
I'd say that I've been in love twice. Reciprocated neither time. So...lol.
I'm not gonna be one of those bitter jerks who tells kids that love doesn't exist, though. People should still try.
I mean...for me, yeah...that ship has probably sailed. There's definitely a wall that you build around your heart after a certain point. It might sound funny...but, I do think that one or two people is all it really takes, depending on how much they take from you. In no way am I "depressed" or "self-loathing" about it. It's just one of those things that kinda happens. You learn to say "meh".
Fell in love with my handsome beloved guy in 2004 and have been delighted ever since! We married in 2016 and are very happy. We also have added two cats to the home and hope for a child next.
I've only had celebrity or fictional character crushes since I was a teen. From the people I've encountered growing up, I've never had someone I truly fell in love with or had a crush on. I am not a social person so I don't go out of my way to meet new people through social gatherings/dating apps, etc. I haven't created myself more opportunities, since so far (I'm 28), I've been enjoying my life doing my hobbies and spending time with just my closest friends (and not having any pressure from my parents to find someone definitely helps).
The only person with whom there is potential for more development going on is someone I know since university. It started when I introduced to him a cooking anime called Shokugeki no Souma. He fell in love with the series and started to share with me ever since his hobby for cooking, to which I show him my support. We care for each other's wellbeing and take interest in each other's different hobbies. He is not my type however so there is no crush going on. We've never expressed interest to each other romantically, so there is a high chance that we just stay as friends. There is also the fact that I am probably somewhere in the ace spectrum although I can't confirm for sure since I never dated someone. If he is somewhere in there too (which I suspect he is) then I can imagine our relationship growing further as opportunities arise.
Sadly no, not yet. I’ve been in a couple relationships and had a few crushes over the years, but wasn’t in love with any of them. One was an extremely close friend arguably more of a best friend than a boyfriend but unfortunately things fell through when I explained that I didn’t love him as more than a friend. He no longer talks to me anymore, but I respect his space if that’s what he needs to do.
Nope, never been in love with someone. Crushes sure but that isn't love.
Hopefully one day thou I can find someone I'll be truly head over heels for, but at this rate it ain't exactly happening. Not like I'm in a rush to be in a relationship either. I don't actively seek out people to date, and if I did develop strong feelings for someone that I already knew for quite a while, I still would delay on asking them out, or like drop very subtle hints/see if they even wanna date and who (like preference-wise).
The media does seem to glamourise it a lot of the time though, and I feel there’s a heavy pressure to be in a relationship. At least from my experience as a teenager, I always felt like I needed a boyfriend because my other friends were in relationships. Looking back, it just seems so stupid.
I’m happy to be single, I have a lot more time to myself and I can focus on the things that I want to do.
I think love is a little complicated. Personally I think love is something that needs to be maintained and cared for, very much like a friendship. Love is conditional because it depends on how you treat a person. For me, if someone neglects my needs or is constantly not listening, it's very easy for me to go into self-preservation mode and lose that love very quickly. I did love several guys in my life, but they just weren't meant to be and that's okay. I like to think the experience made me a little smarter and tougher than I was before. And despite it all, I honestly don't regret anything.
I do think that girl has a crush on you though. I think one of the biggest mistakes younger people make is to let fear hold them back. Go for it, ask her out. Don't overthink it and see where it takes the both of you.
There have been times where I felt like I wanted a boyfriend, or at least get a taste of romance, and I kinda have before, and I realized, it just makes me feel uncomfortable. :/
Me and my partner have been together for almost 10 years so yes we are definitely in love. Lots of ups and downs in the past decade considering we started dating in high school but we're still going strong.
You know our love is real cause he's a stinky cigerette smoker but I'm not and I still happily kiss that ash tray mouth. That's real love right there haha