
Still you should continue using it because it helps save a lot of time from running around the island just to get to certain places. Here's a tip. If you want to say empty your storage quicker, put the pipe inside your home and then put one by the Nook Shop so you can sell the items and get bells. Or if you want to start fishing or diving have a Pipe by the Nook Shop and have one in your pocket if you want to go back to the shop quickly. Trust me I tested this myself and it works.
I know how they work.

I've used them and don't want to use them again, because they are ugly.
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to be honest, i’ve never really been a fan of mario so i wasn’t too excited for this. that being said, the items seem a lot cooler than i thought they'd be! i’m still blown away by the pipes as i wasn’t expecting something like that but i’m looking forward to using them! :’^)
I like the items, but won't likely be using too many of them. They don't fit my Island theme, and I don't have room anyway. I will be using the pipes, and the flower and mushrooms are cute. I'll find a place for them.
I will be purchasing them for collection sake. But I might wear the clothes from time to time, especially the hats or mustaches. I will definitely be using the warp pipes though and place them behind trees or buildings.
The warp pipes are probably the most functional item added to the game. I'm already seeing creative ways to add them to islands (hiding them to make a subway), and can't wait to see how people use 3 or more for their own island mini games.
if the thwomp could actually squish your character they prob wouldn't make it out alive lmao

but anyways, personally that's my new favorite item since they've been one of my favorite enemies for a really long time. overall I suppose I have little room for praise, being a really big fan already I was bound to love this update. I love that you can actually collect the coin now and the? block bumps when you walk underneath it. I haven't found anything that I'm disappointed with though I haven't had a chance to order all the items yet.

I guess the only thing I'm disappointed about is that they still forgot about my boi Waluigi but oh well.
I know how they work.

I've used them and don't want to use them again, because they are ugly.

Ha! They do look ugly, and don't match my island at all, but I'm hoping to hide them behind simple panels or something else. Maybe directly behind a house or building like a secret passage.

Maybe they can reintroduce the same feature but with the telephone booth or a patch of flowers or something. 😅
So i like the items overall - The pipes are really pleasant surprises i'd say. Never expected that honestly and for this reason they stood out to me the most out of all the mario items. I also really like the mushroom platforms - probably the only ones i could utilize and fit into my nature/cottage core town in the collection.

I never expected to get hurt by the thwomp...did people expect that? Lol. And I guess it should have been expected that you couldn't walk under it. Either way, kind of a shame that you can't. Anyway, I'm pumped for this update. I didn't even realize that tomorrow was the 1st of March already. That 5 items per order rule is going to be painful to abide by. Definitely need two pipes first...

Yeah i actually thought you'd get knocked over and faint by the thwomp (just like how the character reacts when they get sting by tarantula/scorpion) but agree it's kinda a shame that it's purely for decoration purposes.
I'm not a fan of Mario so I wasn't too excited about these items myself originally, but was pleasantly surprised by the warp pipe. I think this item is going to be super useful for me when cleaning out my storage or something since you could potentially easily go back and forth between your house and Nook's very easily.

I hadn’t thought of this! Genius!
Just got this morning the whole Princess Peach outfit along with the Wario one and two pipes. Overall, the items are quite good, although I may not have such a huge use for any of the mushroom items. The Peach outfit is so freaking cute and I already love the pipes. One thing I noticed is that if you place a pipe next to a cliff, it's possible that your character jumps off the pipe right onto the cliff, as long as there's space on the cliff for your character. I found this out while I placed one pipe next to my house while the other one near the airport, right next to a cliff. When I then warped to said pipe, I actually jumped off of it onto the cliff. When I tried it again, my character ended again on the cliff. I had to place the pipe to a other spot since I can't get off that cliff without a ladder. 😅 It's quite funny to use it. I will try out later to use more than two pipes to see at which spot of my island I ended up the most.
i personally think the items look cool and are a nice touch for certain themed items. i love the mushroom platforms, i feel like those can be used in a lot of different ways! the warp pipes, just as everyone says, are really cool, and extremely helpful for people who want to constantly go to a certain area quickly. however, the fact that if you have more than 2, it will take you to a random pipe, kind of seems odd to me. id assume they’d put a mini pop-up screen to choose which one to go to, but then again, how could you tell which one’s which without getting a view of the full map, so i don’t know how they’d come across that anyway. i also really like the thwomp, there’s something about it that’s really cool. as someone else said on here i didn’t really expect to be able to walk under it, as every single item in the game has to have what you call an invisible wall. overall, i enjoyed these items as most were in nl too, however they are missing some items which i guess can be a bit disappointing. maybe if they added newer items (other than the thwomp, warp pipe, mushroom platforms, lakitu’s cloud rug, yoshi’s egg rug, and of course a few parts of the clothing items) than it could’ve felt more exciting and mario-like, i just feel like it somehow needed more newer items, as there are so many different mario type items that they could of been inspired from to create a new item, or atleast imported from nl so it feels similar, but, im done expecting them to bring back all the items from nl they’re missing at this point. however, i am pleased with the item selection and this update was overall refreshing to say the least.
Even if the Thwomp could hurt you it wouldn't do you any good in having friends over for mazes. Every thing that makes someone feint is disabled in online/local multi play.

I'm excited about the warp tunnels for a chore reason but I'll probably clean them up before saving my dream addresses. Over all I'm not a huge Mario fan but the items look nice.
The pipes are fast, and will be very useful in the way I intend to use them. I'm not a big Mario fan, so I don't see myself using any of the other items with my natural town style.
I'm going to use the Mario items in similar fashion to how they're used in the game. You enter one pipe, then it takes you to an enclosed area where you collect coins, get power-ups, hit the flag pole, etc. I'll leave one section of the fence open where I'll place the thwomp. I'm excited!
I'm going to use the Mario items in similar fashion to how they're used in the game. You enter one pipe, then it takes you to an enclosed area where you collect coins, get power-ups, hit the flag pole, etc. I'll leave one section of the fence open where I'll place the thwomp. I'm excited!

How cute ♥ !

i hope you have a dream code, once you have arrange the area i would love to come by and see it :)
Can you customize the pipes in another colour?

Was surprised to see these are not seasonal, that's a good new like that we have more time to buy everything we want but a little frustrating as we only can buy five items a day fortunately I have two guys on my island but even it's not enough haha
Thought you can jump with the mushrooms but it's not the case right? A little disappointed with the Thwomp as well, an animation could be funny, like your character surprised and jump back...
We had more items in NL no? They miss me more infortunately.

Not a big fan of Mario as well but some of them are nice though so I'll use a few!