
Can you customize the pipes in another colour?

Was surprised to see these are not seasonal, that's a good new like that we have more time to buy everything we want but a little frustrating as we only can buy five items a day fortunately I have two guys on my island but even it's not enough haha
Thought you can jump with the mushrooms but it's not the case right? A little disappointed with the Thwomp as well, an animation could be funny, like your character surprised and jump back...
We had more items in NL no? They miss me more infortunately.

Not a big fan of Mario as well but some of them are nice though so I'll use a few!
Sorry you cannot customize the pipes which really bothers me because in the actual Mario games there was so much different colors. Here's an example of these pipes in Mario Maker 2 using the SMW style:
It sucks we can't walk on-top of the floating brick blocks, I was going to use it as a way to make new bridges 😂. But at least we can make some pretty cool underground tunnels now; I'm excited to see what people do with them.
Sorry you cannot customize the pipes which really bothers me because in the actual Mario games there was so much different colors. Here's an example of these pipes in Mario Maker 2 using the SMW style:
View attachment 358870
That hurts. Customizing the pipes would have been what tipped the scales into it being a worthwhile event. I wanted that so badly.
I really like the Mario games but following the trailer the only items I'd been excited for were the warp pipes, none of the other items looked like they'd work well around my island and I was really disappointed that the only Yoshi related item was a rug, but he's my favourite character in the games so maybe I'm been too critical on the lack of Yoshi content. Mainly out of curiosity, and to not waste the 5 item limit, I decided to order a large mushroom platform, a super mushroom and a super star with my two pipes and then TT'd to try them out. The only positive I found about the platform was that it was customisable but it isn't something I'll be using, maybe it's just me but the large platform looks tall enough to allow me to run under it so it was annoying that I kept coming up against an invisible wall.

On a positive not though I'm very pleased with the warp pipes (though when they made other items customisable it's a shame that these aren't) and I've been enjoying using them to travel quickly around my island, currently I'm just sticking to 2 but might add more in the future. I was also pleasantly surprised by the super mushroom and super star, they're not really interesting items but I found some areas around my island where they'd work well for decoration. The other items still don't look like they'll be much use to me but it's nice to see they're not time limited in case I change my mind in the future and to give everyone else a chance to get everything they want. Looking forward to visiting some dream addresses to see how creative other people have got with the items though :D
It sucks we can't walk on-top of the floating brick blocks, I was going to use it as a way to make new bridges 😂. But at least we can make some pretty cool underground tunnels now; I'm excited to see what people do with them.

One more thing about the floating brick blocks is that you can't interact with the furniture you placed over it, it's feeling so bad you are not able to make a Festivale confetti machine floating in the air and then turn it on. (outside case)
I am not really into the Mario items that much but I do have pipes that are very helpful to use while I am building a area at the back of my island.
I've put down some of the short mushrooms on my island and they work great.
Really happy with the update overall
I'm a pretty big Mario fan, and am in general pretty happy with this update. I wish there were things such as the fire bars, or cannons from previous games though. The warp pipes are possibly the most useful item ever created in AC, which is pretty fantastic. I really wish they added more customization colors to the items though.

Also the fact that they aren't seasonal, and can be ordered through the catalog later, is a huge bonus.
I've got a mushroom-y swamp that I'm sure those mushroom platforms will fit in with quite well :) seems like they will fit with the Mush furniture in general
The coin is a little addicting to pick up, but I don't have any practical use for it sadly. I just placed one randomly in my town for now. I might have to play with the mushroom platforms and see if I can make them work for my town theme.

I wish there were things such as the fire bars, or cannons from previous games though.

Oh yes, I didn't realize it until now, those are missing. I'd love to trade the Thwomp for the fire bar.
Though not a fan of Mario, the mushrooms give me an idea to make like some sort of mushroom village [I actually thought you could walk on the platforms and jump on them 😆 but alas] and put some garden gnomes on them to look the part, the pipes is what I was looking forward to but I find it difficult to place on my island, as many have mentioned here, not pretty😣

Ha! They do look ugly, and don't match my island at all, but I'm hoping to hide them behind simple panels or something else. Maybe directly behind a house or building like a secret passage.

Maybe they can reintroduce the same feature but with the telephone booth or a patch of flowers or something. 😅

I agree, I wish we could customise it like maybe a mushroom circle or a tree as well or even change its colour like if you use a pair of colour coded pipes it would go to that same colour then you can have more pipes [red to red, green to green etc.] it's too big to hide behind a simple tree and I don't feel like carving a space for it in a way that is inconspicuous but will find somewhere eventually.

I put one in the house for now because I liked the idea of a portal room but it might just be inconvenient in the long run, hiding it behind bookshelves would be a good way to hide it too. at least it is an interactive and useful feature, I always wanted a way to "teleport" from one place to the next in my island:giggle:. 🌻
I only liked the Super Star item and Peach's Crown since the crown we already had in game was ugly to me. The pipes are cool but, I probably wont use them due to the color of them, The rest of the items I don't care about.
The Mario items look nice and honestly I would love to see islands themed after the series. That said, I don’t see myself using them on my island just because it doesn’t work with what I have in mind in terms of theme / aesthetic. I will say, however, that the pipes are useful when it comes to traveling from one end of the island to another! And funny enough, I always expect to see the amount of coins I’ve “gotten” when I walked through them like a Mario game, aha! ^^;
I love the pipes! It really helped with transferring one character's storage to another character's, who lives on the opposite side of the island. I'll definitely find some use for them! :) I also love the outfits and the mushroom platforms, but I'm not sure I'll get too much use out of the rest of the items. They're all very cute but I just don't really want to have a Mario themed island hehe.
Never been a huge fan of Mario in general. BUt I think the pipe and floating block are pretty cool, seeing how some people use them to make lil subway entrances. It's neat! Also more mushrooms are always good
The coin is a little addicting to pick up, but I don't have any practical use for it sadly. I just placed one randomly in my town for now. I might have to play with the mushroom platforms and see if I can make them work for my town theme.

Oh yes, I didn't realize it until now, those are missing. I'd love to trade the Thwomp for the fire bar.
You take that back right now! The Thwomp is far better than the firebar in both aesthetics and pragmatism. Think of all the wasted negative space the firebar would have whilst rotating, while the Thwomp comfortably resides in its 2x1 space, waiting for someone to pass.
I think all the items are quite nice! My favorites are:
-Warp pipes (obviously)
-Peach's crown
-Super star
-Small mushroom platform (baby pink and yellow are so cute!!)
What I love about the Thwomp is that if you have an unfinished room in your house that you're working on and don't want people to go in, you can just use him as a blocker! It's so much cooler than using some basic item to block it off. So I actually like that you can't walk underneath him!
I really like the rest of the items as well but especially the warp pipes. They're such a game changer like you said.
I was missing a piranha plant item and more outfits but idk, I get the feeling next year we'll get another mario update with some more items and clothing.
Im not sure if anyone has said so already Buuuut hahaha i just noticed the princess shoes 👠 and let me tell you oh boy ! Hahaha ❤️😍. Ill post the photo of how i am dressed today and im just feeling a mixture of Minnie from Disney and a mixture of “the devil wears prada” the movie vibe. Really loving the shoes 👠. Sorry i know its just a tinny object, but we dont have anything similar to them and loved them 🥰