
I'm in the same boat, super excited for more design slots, but then the actual content is... Trash, and lacking, I've been saying this for months, Nintendo doesn't care about the game, they do the absolute minimum effort, mostly just unlock locked events that were probably already done by release anyways..
I wouldn't be surprised if the developers had all moved to Splatoon 3 before NH even released.
I think y'all are expecting more of an Animal Crossing game than you should. Sure, there's stuff missing that would be nice to see back — mini games, better dialogue, more events that aren't just do three things then you're done, yada yada.

But you guys also need to realize that Animal Crossing isn't an adventure game. It's not a story driven game. Building and taking care of your island / town, paying off your loans, etc. has literally always been the heart of this series.

I'm really not getting what people are going for other than a reboot of the past games, or a game that isn't AC at all. 🧐
Personally I feel the game only needs one thing to claim its definitive status as the best animal crossing game.
And thats mini games.

The game is already amazing and I have no real complaints about it.
Apart from... when my friend comes over to my island, or I go to theirs, we have nothing to do.

Mini games would add so much to the game in that regard and I really hope we get them.
Yeah, I feel the same way too. The extra design slots are nice, but there isn't anything big with this update. I'm not into the Sanrio characters/items either, so other than customization, it's just more...stuff. I'd only be into the whole "more stuff" thing if it was a big furniture set update. Otherwise, I was looking forward to actual game changes (updates to buildings, the introduction of new/existing NPCs, mini-games, stuff like that). I'm still entertained by the game since I'm a collector myself, but it just feels like "Decoration Items-The Game" at this point.
I think y'all are expecting more of an Animal Crossing game than you should. Sure, there's stuff missing that would be nice to see back — mini games, better dialogue, more events that aren't just do three things then you're done, yada yada.

But you guys also need to realize that Animal Crossing isn't an adventure game. It's not a story driven game. Building and taking care of your island / town, paying off your loans, etc. has literally always been the heart of this series.

I'm really not getting what people are going for other than a reboot of the past games, or a game that isn't AC at all. 🧐
nobody on this post has asked for an adventure game or a storyline or anything - people are literally just asking for features that were in old games (which appeared in those games even despite the limited hardware of the consoles they were on). you can see that as ‘asking for a reboot of old games’ if you want, but the only reason that people are even asking for those things in the first place is because there’s literally next to nothing FROM old games in new horizons. more than half of the NPC’s are missing, a ton of old shops/areas are missing, and there’s frankly nothing to do anymore. nobody is asking for anything new - they’re asking for a proper animal crossing game.
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Even though I am excited about the update and hopefully I can find a pack of cards there are things that are still missing. I’m hoping mini games come back in a summer update. Online needs some work if they want people to continue to have a Nintendo subscription. I still have furniture I would like to trade for but other then that and maybe fishing there’s nothing else to do online. It’s also missing NPC’s like Brewster and NL furniture. I don’t believe we are getting the NL furniture back even though a lot of it would look good outside. I will just have to accept my sweets set isn’t coming back.
I can completely see where you are coming from. I myself am satisfied with this update and excited about the new Sanrio collab and new items. But the game has taken a way more "generic" style in the sense that we are missing niche sets. More niche and clutter items would be nice in my opinion, I was wishing I could put an Eiffel Tower in the game and I was completely surprised to find out there was one in previous games, so I'm confused as to why they'd take it out, it was so pretty. It's also harder not to repeat furniture to fill your island with if you want to go a specific theme.

Other than that, I feel like what the game is missing the most is shop upgrades and new buildings, really that would be the only thing I'm missing in this game. I have been vocal about my distaste when it comes to the island setting, and I'd find it so sad if they push buildings away with that excuse. Sure, those wouldn't contribute "nothing new" but it's still nice to have several options to spend your day on (Kappn Island, the minigames, the shops, missing NPC's areas) sometimes it's just fun and relaxing to take a walk in your shopping area and appreciating all there is, at least in my opinion.
nobody on this post has asked for an adventure game or a storyline or anything - people are literally just asking for features that were in old games (which appeared in those games even despite the limited hardware of the consoles they were on). you can see that as ‘asking for a reboot of old games’ if you want, but the only reason that people are even asking for those things is because there’s literally next to nothing FROM old games in new horizons. more than half of the NPC’s are missing, a ton of old shops/areas are missing, and there’s frankly nothing to do anymore. nobody is asking for anything new - they’re asking for a proper animal crossing game.
I'm not sure I agree that the game is missing as much as you say it is.

Its got the core NPCs in Tom nook, isabell, timmy and Tommy, able sisters, that the game really needs to function. It's got the holiday NPCs. It's got leif and redd. We have kicks.

Its missing porter but we don't have a train station. We have an air port with its own NPCs.

We are missing the pelicans. They got replaced by the post card stand. Outside of charm nothing has changed there.

Harriet is missing but she has no purpose in this game. We can change our appearance when we want which is so much better.

We are missing tortimers island which I don't miss since it was weird having a summer island all year where we could get the best bugs and fish really easily. I do very much miss the mini games from it though.

We don't have katrina but she never actually did anything beyond say what your luck is once a week. Luck is gone and I dont miss it.

There are missing furniture items, but we have gained new furniture as well as kept a lot of the old too.

And there is brewster which is data mined to be coming back.

I think if you looked at it a bit closer, you would see the vast majority of the older games is still in this game. It's just a few bells and whistles you'd like back.
I am very excited about the extra 50 design slots, and being able to access custom designs after 9pm will be very welcome. I would most like to see, however, some of the things that others have already mentioned on this thread. There needs to be a refresh in terms of the conversation things that villagers and Isabelle say and so forth, and I want to see new DIY‘s! all in all I am extremely happy with this game. I will say, however, that I have never played any of the other AC games so I don’t have that perspective.
I don’t know what people are smoking but animal crossing has never been that content heavy. You can bring up acnl’s content but even then I got bored after a certain point. No other game gave me over 1,000 hours of play time last year. I’m not at all concerned with the future of acnh because I really love this game.
I get kinda confused when people talk about there not really being much to do anymore in NH because to me AC was always that easy going, slice of life kind of game that you pick up and drop whenever. Like even if we got a cafe and more NPC’s I don’t see how that will improve longevity for some for much longer than a few weeks. Even though it’s a real life sim, I always viewed AC as a more relaxed game in that genre. It’s one of the reasons why I never got into it when I first played it (the very first one), it just paled in comparison to me to games like Harvest Moon.

with that being said I love New Horizons. It’s the first game that’s made me understand the fuss behind the series. But I don’t TT, rarely buy amibos and feel like there’s still so much I want to achieve on my island.
i also just want to really emphasise that there’s more to people’s unhappiness with the current state of the game than just ‘WHAT I WANT ISNT IN THE GAME SO ITS BAD!!!!!!’. many of us have been playing this game for years - over a decade! - and the fact of the matter is that there’s really very little to show for this game being out a year, especially when prior games had everything in them from launch. it was one thing to have the game this bare bones at launch, but i think a lot of us were very optimistic and excited for what was to come. for me, personally, that optimism has run out. it feels to me like they’re really not putting much effort into delivering anything other than orderable furniture and MAYBE an old NPC every 3 months. it’s getting very frustrating and it’s a little sad to see a franchise i’ve been playing for 14 years deliver so little.

i’m not just being a ~hater~ and i don’t appreciate the implication that expecting old furniture sets and NPC’s to be in a game is selfish/childish/stupid. i also don’t think it’s helpful to come into a thread where people are understandably frustrated to imply that we’re just mad because the game devs can’t read our mind and add a brewster mini game where we literally run a cafe or something. if you disagree then that’s fine, but what is the point of coming into the thread to tell us that our opinions are wrong because actually, an animal crossing game from half a decade ago also had nothing to do (even though it likely had more content than new horizons does).
I don’t know what people are smoking but animal crossing has never been that content heavy. You can bring up acnl’s content but even then I got bored after a certain point. No other game gave me over 1,000 hours of play time last year. I’m not at all concerned with the future of acnh because I really love this game.
I do have to agree with you here.
I've played the older games and to me this one has the most content out of any of them because there is so much more to do now than fish, catch bugs, or decorate your house.

The NPCs that are missing from this game were charming sure, but they added no more than 5 minutes content a day if I'm being generous.

Outside of the fact I have little to do with friend in this game, I can't think of a single thing I would go back to an older game in the series for.
nobody on this post has asked for an adventure game or a storyline or anything - people are literally just asking for features that were in old games (which appeared in those games even despite the limited hardware of the consoles they were on). you can see that as ‘asking for a reboot of old games’ if you want, but the only reason that people are even asking for those things in the first place is because there’s literally next to nothing FROM old games in new horizons. more than half of the NPC’s are missing, a ton of old shops/areas are missing, and there’s frankly nothing to do anymore. nobody is asking for anything new - they’re asking for a proper animal crossing game.

I've seen someone else say somewhere else that the game doesn't have much of a story; while it wasn't op and wasn't in here, I just inferred from another poster that is, indeed, something someone saw an issue with .. for some reason. Lol.

In any case, I think it's arguable about that many NPCs actually being missing, especially when they're obsolete as was stated by Moritz, or have a new face — the game means change, which means, yes, new NPCs and the loss of some old ones to no loss other than charm and aesthetics.

A ton of old shops is more like three. And both Leif and Kicks still come by weekly, so while it would be nice to expand and give them space in the shops, they're not really gone. Gracie being back would be cool, but after you buy all those sets, she becomes obsolete again, so it could be a matter of making her more relevant before bothering to bring her back. If I missed one that hasn't already been pointed out as unneeded, lmk, because I honestly don't see any reason to act as if we aren't getting the content still in other forms.

There's always something to do if you want there to be. What else do you do in NL after your villagers are set, you've collected all the items and there's nothing more to buy on Tortimer's island? You just play for the joy of it. Garden — which you can do here. Collect bells — can be done here. Decorate your home — you can do that here, too, except now you can decorate your entire island, too.

Idk, I stand by saying a lot of people are just so hyped on the ideas of what this game could be — whether or not it was ever meant to be that way at all — that no one is seeing what this game is and what it's offering.

It's fair to want improvement, but people who have gone around saying every item in this game is garbage ( yes, I have seen that ), or there's been nothing to do at all after you finish the 'storyline' in the game ... I don't think they're even trying to enjoy the game, they're just stuck on thinking something they used to have was better bc nostalgia. Happens a LOT, there's a word for the phenomenon on the tip of my tongue, but. NL wasn't that much more content packed, and even with the WA update, it probably only added as much as a handful of the updates we've gotten for NH.

I see reason to be UPSET about bad dialogue, specifically, and maybe the lack of interactivity for the online feature we have to pay extra for, but not reason to be CONCERNED for the future of the game. They've been adding a LOT, even if it isn't always relevant to you.
I'm not really sure where people have got these expectations on things that should or shouldn't be in the game? As a brand new game in the series it has things missing like every game in the series does but it also has much more impactful new content. I think a lot of people are new to the series and also played it way more that is expected of it due to covid and here we are. I also think older fans are struggling with the shift in focus from life sim with design elements to island designer with life sim elements - although I have to he honest the life sim throughout the series has been pretty light. Anyway as a long time player of the series I can only say I have never had so much to do 1 year on from launch.

At the very basics having the option to actually move your villagers houses as you please was enough to sell me on it after New Leaf haha, let alone outdoor decorating!
I do have to agree with you here.
I've played the older games and to me this one has the most content out of any of them because there is so much more to do now than fish, catch bugs, or decorate your house.

The NPCs that are missing from this game were charming sure, but they added no more than 5 minutes content a day if I'm being generous.

Outside of the fact I have little to do with friend in this game, I can't think of a single thing I would go back to an older game in the series for.
Like many others I would love for past npcs to be implemented but most of them have no purpose now. Unless nintendo makes maybe a resort and past npcs (Nat, Harriet, Shrunk, etc) could stay there in like a hotel? A vacation resort that is similar to tortimer’s island.

But yeah I think nostalgia for past games makes acnh seem lackluster in comparison. I still own all of them. Acnl in particular got boring to me after awhile and then they added the welcome amiibo update. The dialogue was awful and repetitive. Sure there were more npcs but what did they really do? I never went into Club LOL once I finished getting all the reactions. Katrina’s shop was pointless in general imo. The cafe was cool but once you get all the items what else is there? Also the items weren’t very good. Re-Tail could potentially make a comeback but doubtful since we already can customize items. Tortimer Island and Gracie’s shop are the only two things I can see that would improve the game personally.
I agree. It's cool we're getting QoL and updates, but at the same time it's not stuff that makes me want to wait for the clock to strike to download and play the game. It's more like, 'I'll get to it when I get to it.'

This is an AC forum, so there's no surprise everyone likes the game to varying degrees. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. However, I know a lot of friends, forums, and discord channels where people used to play this game and now it's like the game dropped off of the planet and their memory.

This stuff happens all the time in the other games for sure. When this game first came out, social media flooded it. And now they're pretty much gone except for the hardcore AC fans like us. So they really do need to find a way to bring the casuals back. Sanrio is cool, but it's not as cool as if they did a huge QoL drop, some kind of store updates, brought a NPC/shop back, ect. Not all of this at one time, but one of them would really boost the numbers.

All the time I see the twitter page promoting it and even those comments are so divided between 'This is the best update ever' and 'What are you even doing Nintendo?' I still like the game and will boot up for the new content, but I can't see me getting much mileage out of it. I actually loved the Festivale. Never was my favorite holiday, but it was something unique to mess with.

I've just come to accept that New Horizon was/is geared more towards designers and most of the updates since then have been about that.