
Nooo kappn is my favorite character!! I don’t care if he’s an adulterer he’s cute af!
I just sadly always found his singing and his look creepy and annoying. I don't know why. I wish I could love him more. 🥺❤️‍🩹💔
I agree that the game is missing a lot of things. It was evident to me because I tried to recreate my new leaf houses and have had to change everything and remove some room ideas that are impossible to recreate. A lot of the new content isn’t really my taste ( I don’t see myself using the st Patrick’s, Mario, Easter, festival, mermaid , and many others).

That being said, though I have less hope for some things returning, I still play and I’m still enjoying the gameplay. Multiplayer things like mini games were never my thing anyways, and though I trade a lot, apart from that I mostly play by myself.
im not even sure why people want brewster back, the only thing i really loved and miss about his cafe was meeting all the npcs. i get that but thats also like 5mins of your day, its not a game changer.
honestly, since a brewster update would almost surely bring gyroids back too, I just want him to have his gyroid storage feature from city folk back

it was one of my favorite new additions to that game, and something I'm still not sure why it was dropped in new leaf

but that's still not a huge game changer, as you said
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Plus also Kapp'n is annoying and creepy 😳💀
kapp'n is cancelled
As a long time player of this game, I feel like I agree and also disagree. I like NH so much more than NL but far less than WW. Something I have noticed in life simulation games recently is that they gravitate towards aesthetics more than life. And I think this is the case of NH(similar to the sims 4, except the sims 4 is by far the worst sims game ever created). I don’t need more furniture for the moment and neither mini games to feel more into the game. What I have really been missing is little things, normal small little things that made this game my favorite since I was 9. Decorating is fun, terraforming is interesting, although a bit frustrating at the beginning, the new graphic is amazing but...I’m missing life in this game. It feels more like the window of a shop; super pretty but shallow.
I hope that sometime in the future they will bring back villagers visiting your house, flea markets, commemoration days(simple ones, like the one where you had to say something nice to everyone). What I miss the most is the experience, not objects, and the April fool update is the major example of that: a squeaky cushion instead of Blanca? Is that for real?
I don't really agree for a number of reasons:

1. NH is not dying nor due anytime soon. There's still an active community a year after its release and more players are starting the game this year. Nintendo has already said that they'll support the game with free updates for a couple of years, which tbh is more than they usually do with other games. I can see a lot of new players joining AC when a new Switch version comes out (which has been heavily rumored about). Likewise, the game is reviewed very favorably still: 90% on Metacritic (a Meta-critic must play), GOTY nominee, Bafta nominee.

2. I think it's fine that people don't like the game or don't like it as much as other games in the series. I'd say it's also okay that you're upset that a lot of content is missing from the game (I am too about certain content, not all), but I find it hyperbolic to say the game is lacking or barebones. NH, alone, has introduced: terraforming, new and expanded bridges/inclines, being able to move houses/buildings/trees, easier ways to get villagers/prevent villagers from leaving your island, customization, fencing, crafting, vegetables (pumpkins), paths, more immersive events/holidays (like Nature day, May Day, Museum Day and Wedding Season), camera mode, Harvey's cabin, HHD-style design in your homes, better character customization, vast upgrade in character clothing options, more QoL changes than every other game in the series, more design slots and items to design on, more fish, bugs and art, more villagers, 8 player multiplayer and 4 player (I think) co-op, and a long etc. While simultaneously bringing back features lost from previous games: GCN-camera angle, glowing hole, message in a bottle, Wisp, sending letters to players online, NPC dialogue (Blathers babbling and Sable and Mable talking about their life story, which was completely absent in NL), etc.

Also, and while controversial, I think the villager dialogue in the game is top notch (NL was a robotic mess filled with requests). And while GCN and WW is also excellent dialogue, it was just as repetitive as NH is (not to mention: GCN dialogue was filled with "tutorial" like dialogue even years progressing into your game and you got a lot of dialogue in the form of "buy/trade/give me that item you have").

3. I see a lot of people pointing out that multiplayer is lacking. I mean, every AC game (besides NL and GCN, for obvious reasons) was pretty much as it is now in NH. There were no mini games, it was all about visiting your friends islands and that was it.

I still get that there's still plenty of content missing from the game (especially when it comes to NPCs). I do believe a lot of it is coming in upcoming updates, but obviously I can't be sure. But what I'm sure about is NH is definitely not a barebones game by all means. I can't help but laugh thinking about how this forum would react if GCN AC or WW or CF released today as they are. Those games would be heavily criticized because of their abundant lack of content.
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Well I seen what everyone has to say and wow I can see there is a divide here. People seem to understand what I was saying in the OP but then I still saw others defending the game saying how they are still happy with it and they are enjoying it. I have no problems with that but I think its important to understand both sides of the argument.

I am somewhere in the middle. While I think there is things in the game that do way better and it does do really good from past AC games there is still other stuff that sets it back from being a perfect game. Here's the thing remember way back in the day on the GameCube you would used to have 2 towns on each memory card? Well most people when they saw New Horizons were hoping to make multiple islands but instead they got the one island per switch which caused a lot of backlash.

Some of you who picked up the game recently and not last year won't remember this, but way back when game came out in March 2020 there was so much anger that the game would "one island per switch" it caused issues where people had to share islands with their loved ones and causes arguments of who should be in charge of the island. If you go on Metacritic and look at the user score and look at the lower ratings most of the negativity came from that. Since then the hate has died down and no one's talked about it sense but just thought I mentioned that.

So today New Horizons after 1 year later where I can see from what others have said is still being enjoyed by a lot of people and they are happy with what it is at the moment. I will say regardless if you like the game or not like it its important to understand to acknowledge the flaws of the game and not ignore it. New Horizons is a good game, but its not prefect so its like with any other game, many people will still like it for what it is, but for others they will not like it as much. Thats okay everyone has their own opinions so as long as we can see where they coming from and respect it.
I'm on the side where I think the game is great, and I'm still really enjoying playing it everyday. It is just a game after all, I don't see the need to get so worked up and argue over what we do and don't have.
Having said that, because I know someone will come for me. All opinions about this game are VALID and you're more than welcome to express them. If there is something you don't think is good about the game or could be improved, that is FINE. If you love the game and don't see any issues with it, that is FINE.

I'm getting pretty tired of seeing people in this community literally tear each other apart over ACNH. It's really gross and makes me not want to be a part of this community at all. It's a GAME. It's not life and death, please.
I try to stay away from threads like this, because they usually mostly just cause drama and I don't like drama. But if you want my personal opinion here it is:

I love ACNH. I love all the amazing new features that have being added. Stuff that New Leaf didn't have like terraforming, waterscaping, the ability to move your houses and buildings. You can so so creative with these features which I love, because I'm a creative person. I would absolutely love to see more content added in the form of more furniture, more quality of life updates, more dialogue etc. But it's not stopping from playing the game almost daily. I'm just continuing to enjoy the content for what it is.

There's my 2 cents.
I am not that interested in this update as well. It would have my attention if it was something like mini games or more things to do with villagers like house visits. This paid for online is just nowhere near fun as it was in new leaf since we dont have island tours so i want that added the most, plus i just spend a looot of time playing the mini games even when solo.
NH is a different game, with different kinds of content than other games. It's no perfect and could be improved. I'm not concerned for the future because I'm already satisfied with the game, even much more than anticipated.

Some features from older games would be cool to see, like Brewster, the gyroids and online minigames. I'm no longer as excited as I was to see these features coming on future updates thanks to the people constantly yelling as if they were holy grails. Some features from older games I'm glad they took out, like the luck system, the animals being mean or the grass deterioration. Other features I was more or less indifferent, like the furniture sets from previous games- I now definitely don't want them back but won't complain if they are added.

NH has always been held to unachievable golden standards and hype. Nothing actually doable would have satisfied some people. This is not about people expecting "things that are on previous game", this is about people literally expecting a Frankenstein game with ALL the features of ALL games with NEW features AND constant updates. Yes, I would have also loved to see that game, but I would be playing it on 2030.

People keep failing to understand that almost copy/pasting all your furniture items from a previous game wasn't possible with the jump to HD for example. Like, the villager photos of previous games are mostly the same, while NH took its time to give each photo a different pose or background.

This is also about how people use concepts/definitions such as "staple of the series" only when it's convenient for them. When you have that kind of double standards, nothing will satisfy you.

This is not about how some people can be disappointed. You can. You can dislike, even hate the game. Most things are subjective, and even if one can only roll his eyes at seeing some absolutely baffling takes about the let's say the quality of furniture, that's a subjective opinion and welp, nothing to do. But if you are trying to discuss objective things, like numbers; then you can expect people discussing with you- because that is subject to debate. For example, I really, really can't understand how people can objectively say New Horizons is devoid of content or is barebones. This is not a personal attack or something passive agressive, I just keep being perplexed about how that statement is still thrown around as a matter of fact.
I've said this before and I don't think people get it...you can't have all the old stuff AND expect new stuff. If NH was just NL 2.0 people would STILL be complaining that there's nothing new, and that they miss (insert whatever you want here) from WW/CF.

AC games are heading in the same direction as Pokemon did, and look what happened there. They removed Pokemon/Moves and fans were furious. If fans keep pushing for new this this and that, then expect villagers to become casualties...and it wouldn't matter what villagers they cut, because much like the Pokemon scenario, every villager is someone's favorite.

Raymond/Audie/Judy/Sherb/Cyd/Reneigh/Megan/Dom were included at the expense of losing some old characters. Would you trade villagers to get NPCs back? I know I wouldn't.
I've said this before and I don't think people get it...you can't have all the old stuff AND expect new stuff. If NH was just NL 2.0 people would STILL be complaining that there's nothing new, and that they miss (insert whatever you want here) from WW/CF.

AC games are heading in the same direction as Pokemon did, and look what happened there. They removed Pokemon/Moves and fans were furious. If fans keep pushing for new this this and that, then expect villagers to become casualties...and it wouldn't matter what villagers they cut, because much like the Pokemon scenario, every villager is someone's favorite.

Raymond/Audie/Judy/Sherb/Cyd/Reneigh/Megan/Dom were included at the expense of losing some old characters. Would you trade villagers to get NPCs back? I know I wouldn't.
Since you mentioned Pokemon that community is still divided. Like when the Gen 4 remakes was shown people were angry at the art style? I mean really? As a Pokemon fan I welcome the art style and I am glad its coming but sheesh I wish people would stop being so judgmental about it. Also people were being too harsh with the other Pokemon game called Pokemon Legend Arceues where they say it looks bad. I dropped out the community due to toxicity but its really bad over there so I would not bother with them,

To get back on topic I do welcome what Animal Crossing New Horizons did to make the game go in a different direction with the whole terraforming since in past AC games the customization was limited. However with that being said and I will still stand by what I said that the game has flaws that should be acknowledged.
Since you mentioned Pokemon that community is still divided. Like when the Gen 4 remakes was shown people were angry at the art style? I mean really? As a Pokemon fan I welcome the art style and I am glad its coming but sheesh I wish people would stop being so judgmental about it. Also people were being too harsh with the other Pokemon game called Pokemon Legend Arceues where they say it looks bad. I dropped out the community due to toxicity but its really bad over there so I would not bother with them,

To get back on topic I do welcome what Animal Crossing New Horizons did to make the game go in a different direction with the whole terraforming since in past AC games the customization was limited. However with that being said and I will still stand by what I said that the game has flaws that should be acknowledged.

You can find fault with any game if you look hard enough, I just can't be bothered wasting my time on negativity. I enjoy the game for what it is, and I think everyone else should as well.

If you stepped out on to the street tomorrow and get hit by a car, are your last thoughts going to be 'Man...I miss Tortimer...'
I'm not particularly disappointed, I have the older games to play for those experiences. We can't forget that this game did bring a lot of new stuff to the table, it was never going to carry over all of the features from older games. There is only 1 thing that I would like to be seen brought over and that is Brewster. I will be very happy with the game then.
hmm, based on this part here "I am one of those people who is not interested in the Sanrio update, April Fools items, or even the Nook Points that they mentioned where you need to use the app on your phone," it really seems like you're venting about a problem that you're creating. You should let yourself get excited about the small things. Otherwise it's seems pretty pointless to worry about the future of New Horizons, as we are actively getting new content month by month, it just doesn't taylor to your very specific individual play style. my honest thoughts
hmm, based on this part here "I am one of those people who is not interested in the Sanrio update, April Fools items, or even the Nook Points that they mentioned where you need to use the app on your phone," it really seems like you're venting about a problem that you're creating. You should let yourself get excited about the small things. Otherwise it's seems pretty pointless to worry about the future of New Horizons, as we are actively getting new content month by month, it just doesn't taylor to your very specific individual play style. my honest thoughts
You were just reading part of my post. I clearly stated that I am happy that they are giving 50 new Custom Design Slots. I wasn't trying to sound ungrateful. I also made it clear that New Horizon's is a good game but its important to acknowledge the flaws of it regardless if you like it or not. Don't misinterpret it as if I'm trying to sound rude. I am just speaking from what I said in the OP and to clear up any confusion you might've thought.
Well, I'm not concerned at all. I used to be concerned, then waiting things out a few months and getting some amazing things in updates I understood that Nintendo is just slow with updating this game and giving us what we want. I desperately want more new things to do to bring me back into playing daily again, but I feel like that will just come with more time. I believe in the end we will have most of the stuff from New Leaf that makes sense in New Horizons and the majority of fans will be satisfied. A few things I think will come in time are Brewster, a few more NPCS, some more furniture that's missing that was in New leaf (or upgraded versions of it), shop upgrades, and mini games to play with friends. I get why some people are disappointed with how they're doing things and I get disappointed sometimes too because I absolutely love the game and see all the potential in it and would love to play a game that feels finished with a ton of things to do, but I believe it's just one of those things where you have to wait it out. In another year or 2 I believe the game will finally feel like a finished game.