
Frankly, what I miss the most is the witty, fun, adorably mean, and immersive dialogue villagers used to have (looking at ACPG and WW) and other interactions such as visits, flea markets and hide and seek... I guess I can't complain too much because villagers in NL and NH interact with the world around them and don't just aimlessly wander around.

I also really miss the island tours and Tortimer Island, and Kapp'n and his family. Going to the island felt like going on an adventure in paradise~ me and a friend of mine on the forum (who's no longer active) used to stay up late at night just goofing around Tortimer Island, playing mini games and bonking one another on the head with our toy hammers lmao and chasing around that dumb cornimer RC car was the absolute BEST! Good laughs ☺️

If NH wasn't compared to NL and past titles in general all the time maybe people would be just a little happier with the game. Believe me I'm guilty of it too but honestly NH is enjoyable and charming in its own right so I'm never really too terribly displeased with the game. It's brought me hours of entertainment, and it still does. That's all that counts imo it wasn't a waste of $60 bucks lol
I'm with Bubble Pop! Last I checked, putting out a NEW game meant just that. A NEW game. A NEW experience. If you want what you had in Wild World, there's nothing stopping you! Go ahead and pop that sucker in and play away!

For me, each game was about what's new. Not what's missing from the previous games. I get it. You loved that stuff and you want it in a new format. But Nintendo doesn't have to ditch its plans on what it wanted to do with this game because you're unsatisfied that it's not catering to what you liked from previous games. This is a new title in the series, and they gave us a LOT of stuff that you DON'T have in previous games. And the fact that you're downplaying all of it as much as you are suggests that, in all honesty, nothing will please you except for re-releasing Wild World with these same graphics, and then allowing you to terraform and move buildings, etc. etc. Let's face it. What you want is the stuff that's new in this game and then everything from the old games. What you want... is an expansion of a previous game. And as disappointing as it may be, that's not the purpose of a new game.

You're allowed to dislike this game for whatever reason you dislike it. That's fine. But suggesting that Nintendo is doing minimal stuff for a game is kind of rude. And if I were somebody from Nintendo, I would feel like it wouldn't matter what I wanted to do with this game. It's just not going to make people happy, unless I were to ditch all of my plans and change the game to be what it was fifteen years ago.

Thankfully, I do see a lot of people who actually are happy with this game. For me, it caters to everything I wanted. I don't even really do much terraforming, but the fact that I can decorate the entire island? Move buildings? Change just about EVERYTHING? Love.

Do I still want some things? Yes. I would love to have better dialogue with my villagers. And more mini games. Absolutely. But I won't let that detract from how much I enjoy playing this game, and I can only hope that some day you'll be able to really enjoy it too.
genuine question: why is it that whenever people on here express disappointment with the game, people find it necessary to flood the comments with demeaning remarks about how people are wrong to have expected NPC’s that have been in every game previously or old furniture sets or whatever? why is it that when people say ‘i’m sad that XYZ isn’t in the game but i’m still really enjoying it!’, people feel the need to make passive aggressive comments about how well, actually, they personally got bored with new leaf but they LOVE new horizons so this game is actually the best and anyone criticising the game fairly is just whining, as though all of us have to have the exact same experiences and feelings?

it’s beginning to get to the point where i feel like there’s nowhere to express any disappointment in this game on here. very few people are even insulting the game, and people like OP have made an effort to make a dedicated thread to 1) keep complaints out of the main/unrelated threads with an obvious title that should keep people who don’t want to see it away and 2) opened a space for FAIR discussion - not discussion where people can come in and indirectly insult specific people or make passive aggressive comments about how certain opinions are wrong and reflect poorly on whoever holds them. i’m not saying that people can’t disagree - i’m just saying, as someone who has been criticising the game recently, it’s beginning to make me anxious to say anything mildly negative about this game at all on here because i know i’ll inevitably read a passive aggressive comment somewhere about how if you want more in the game you’re an entitled brat.
i think the best route acnh couldve gone is by making updates progression based like the old games, and not having us wait a month for something new to happen. this would help us feel like our work on the island has an impact, and the updates would help us feel like we’re slowly transforming our deserted islands into decorated communities.

at least that would’ve justified them taking away old content and slowly siphoning it back in under the guise of an update ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's because we've secretly turned into twitter lol.

I can't lie, I will try these updates, but the last few updates really haven't done much to pique my interest. The Mario one was just me TTing to get all the items. This will be the same case. If I want any of the Sanrio stuff that is.
genuine question: why is it that whenever people on here express disappointment with the game, people find it necessary to flood the comments with demeaning remarks about how people are wrong to have expected NPC’s that have been in every game previously or old furniture sets or whatever? why is it that when people say ‘i’m sad that XYZ isn’t in the game but i’m still really enjoying it!’, people feel the need to make passive aggressive comments about how well, actually, they personally got bored with new leaf but they LOVE new horizons so this game is actually the best and anyone criticising the game fairly is just whining, as though all of us have to have the exact same experiences and feelings?

I don’t really feel like it’s that, at least it’s not for me. People are welcome to share what they don’t like/feel disappointed with the game. I think it can actually be pretty interesting to see the ways the game could continue to develop. But ngl, the comments where people are like “another update that sucks. I’m quitting this game” (and inevitably don’t) are a little jarring. Like if you preferred the older games so much that you’re not enjoying this one, go back to them. They haven’t disappeared, nothing is stopping you lol.
I don't think there is anything wrong with pointing out things you wish were different in the game.

Here's my list of big things.

1) mini games. I really want to play with friends again. They've seen my island, I've seen theirs.

2) I have millions of bells. Gracie was a huge money sink. Would be good to have some major costs again.
Hell, I'd even accept gold ore being sold in the shop for 1m bells. I'd buy it.

3) The triangle shades.
I used to have a dirk strider cos play going in new leaf. Now they're granny glasses. Sad times. Fix it.

4) mannequins. I want to make it look like people are at my beach party. A headless dress doesn't do the job at all so I have no one.

5) I don't have a 5 right now but if I think of one later I will say it
Post automatically merged:

the character
hni_00312.jpgthe old glasses
my cosplay

See what I mean? I really want the old glasses back
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I'm with Bubble Pop! Last I checked, putting out a NEW game meant just that. A NEW game. A NEW experience. If you want what you had in Wild World, there's nothing stopping you! Go ahead and pop that sucker in and play away!

For me, each game was about what's new. Not what's missing from the previous games. I get it. You loved that stuff and you want it in a new format. But Nintendo doesn't have to ditch its plans on what it wanted to do with this game because you're unsatisfied that it's not catering to what you liked from previous games. This is a new title in the series, and they gave us a LOT of stuff that you DON'T have in previous games. And the fact that you're downplaying all of it as much as you are suggests that, in all honesty, nothing will please you except for re-releasing Wild World with these same graphics, and then allowing you to terraform and move buildings, etc. etc. Let's face it. What you want is the stuff that's new in this game and then everything from the old games. What you want... is an expansion of a previous game. And as disappointing as it may be, that's not the purpose of a new game.

You're allowed to dislike this game for whatever reason you dislike it. That's fine. But suggesting that Nintendo is doing minimal stuff for a game is kind of rude. And if I were somebody from Nintendo, I would feel like it wouldn't matter what I wanted to do with this game. It's just not going to make people happy, unless I were to ditch all of my plans and change the game to be what it was fifteen years ago.

Thankfully, I do see a lot of people who actually are happy with this game. For me, it caters to everything I wanted. I don't even really do much terraforming, but the fact that I can decorate the entire island? Move buildings? Change just about EVERYTHING? Love.

Do I still want some things? Yes. I would love to have better dialogue with my villagers. And more mini games. Absolutely. But I won't let that detract from how much I enjoy playing this game, and I can only hope that some day you'll be able to really enjoy it too.

omg thank you!! you formed into words what ive been feeling for so long.

ive played animal crossing since wild world came out and i loved every game but especially new leaf. i had so many towns with different things, so many hours and i just have to say i love new horizons even more because it gives me even more to do with my island.
honestly i had a few time where i havent played the game for a few weeks but i always came back for it. and its normal that you cant play the same game all the time. i swear this game is the best animal crossing game ever and i will always stand behind it.
like someone else said, the only thing im really missing is something to do with friends like the mini games and also mini games you could do on your own (i loved hide and seek and farming for those island currency) but other than that i really just want to have more things to decorate with and thats it haha
im not even sure why people want brewster back, the only thing i really loved and miss about his cafe was meeting all the npcs. i get that but thats also like 5mins of your day, its not a game changer.
anyway, i love this game and i have even more fun with it than with the older games.
to be honest i shared the same opinion that i want more and more content, but i feel like i would be too overwhelmed if they added too much at once so i'm fine with little updates here and there! although like lots of others, i expected more for the 1 year anniversary :(
Ignoring all other features/complaints/updates. But whether you agree with the complaints or not, whether you think we have unreasonable expectations or not.

Either way, I don't think it's in any way unreasonable to think the online multiplayer is very lacking, considering you have to pay for an online subscription.

I mean why did we need 8 players on one island and then just having gameplay that is walking around and chatting? My brother just started playing a month ago and we already don't go to eachothers island anymore because, why would we? If i wanna chat i can text him and if i wanna see his island i can dream.
I think the game is fine. It's Animal Crossing, so repetition is pretty much expected. It's been the only AC game that has had regularly post-launch support, too. I'm not sure why people suddenly expect game-changing updates so soon. Welcome Amiibo came out years after ACNL. If we do get anything, it won't be for a while. The game is clearly a success as-is, so they might as well continue riding the wave.
I think y'all are expecting more of an Animal Crossing game than you should. Sure, there's stuff missing that would be nice to see back — mini games, better dialogue, more events that aren't just do three things then you're done, yada yada.

But you guys also need to realize that Animal Crossing isn't an adventure game. It's not a story driven game. Building and taking care of your island / town, paying off your loans, etc. has literally always been the heart of this series.

I'm really not getting what people are going for other than a reboot of the past games, or a game that isn't AC at all. 🧐
This is how I feel. I understand wanting more things but, now at this point I feel like people are getting spoiled. Animal Crossing New Horizons isn't Animal Crossing New Leaf the remake. Plus the things that are wanted in my opinion don't add any core value to the game. Mini games are cool if you're with friends but by yourself it's boring. Gyroids are annoying to me except for a few and Brewster does nothing. I rather want QOL stuff instead of almost useless things. Acnh isn't acnl and I really wish people would quit trying to compare the two or expect acnh to be acnl.
I would love for all the content from the previous games to be back but to those who are disappointed with the missing stuff, I don’t think it’s going to change anything and be that magical thing that’s going to keep you playing for another 1000 hours like when the game was new. I’m excited to have Brewster back as much as anyone but after a week, everyone will probably treat him just like the Nook twins. Bulk crafting and shopping cart? Is that really going to change your enjoyment of the game now? Maybe for newcomers it will be an excellent update. Old furniture from New leaf coming back? Sure, it’s going to be great decorating some new areas for a couple of weeks but after that, it’s back to waiting for the next furniture update.

I’m sorry but if you’re not finding joy playing the game right now, I don’t think any sort of update will change that. Maybe it’s just time to move onto another game or take a break and come back when you find a reason to enjoy the game again.
Honestly, I absolutely love the game and I have fun with it, but I don't think it's being "spoiled" at all to want specific sets back when there's nothing else to replace them for or simply shops that bring one joy. Why people get pressed over others' desires is beyond me because it doesn't affect their gameplay at all.
The future of the game is bright. As shown by its sales.

Nostalgia aside, gameplay-wise, it is a bit concerning if they are going to adapt the same approach with future titles in the series. But let's cross the bridge when we get there. The game just entered it's second year.
after the direction the first update thread took overnight, i unfortunately think i've genuinely reached a point on here where i don't feel even remotely comfortable expressing my opinion(s) because i know the automatic response (much like yesterday) will be something passive aggressive if i'm lucky, or someone flat out indirectly calling me entitled and ungrateful if i'm unlucky. as a result, all i'll say is that i agree, OP. especially with the exclusion of blanca in this latest update, and the choice to (at least for now) relegate katrina to nothing more than a little icon on a semi-related mobile app.
It's also to point out that ACNH is a kids game and a game more for girls at that and most of the people that complain are teens and adults. You do know all the bright cute things n such are meant to appeal to kids and young girls at that? Pepole are expecting a lot of this game. You can be disappointed all you want I don't care but, we need to look at the bigger picture. The fact people say they got bored after they finished everything is strange yet, new leaf that had just about the same amount of features if not less features and no says they got bored? I find that hard to believe. Even me as a kid who put in well into 1000+ plus hours into all my NL games got bored of NL after I unlocked everything so how is NH any different?