I'm just a ghost.
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Any idea what you get if you beat all the Nook Miles achievements ?I felt burnout when I finally unlocked terraforming and started to work on my island, as I didn't have any idea what I wanted to do with it. I took days, even weeks off from playing to do other things, hoping that I'd get inspiration or just the want to play again. It eventually happened, but I felt bad that I had left my villagers for so long.
Recently I did "finish" my island and uploaded its dream address, something that I wanted to do since starting. I haven't turned the game on since. I feel bad, but there isn't much for me to do besides try to finish catching things for the museum and getting pictures from villagers. I honestly don't feel "inclined" to finish Nook Miles achievements as I always thought those were optional and I'd eventually finish those whether I was trying to or not.
I haven't met anyone negative from the Animal Crossing community, but then again, I don't usually converse/trade all that much. But I do agree with what lemoncrossing said in which you should block out people that make you feel negatively. It's totally not worth it, and I'm trying to do it in real life with my job, but unfortunately that's not as easy as with people online. Either way, I do feel that this community is one of the nicest one's I've ever conversed with.
I have not felt burnt out, but sympathize with those who do. I think many people felt pressure to complete things like the museum and nook miles achievements and the amount of grinding required to do so is very intense.
though I have logged a lot of hours in the game (~1800) I think a lot of the time I log in and just do my do anything ‘productive’. I really just like talking to my villagers and cleaning up things like sticks and shells and fossils and running around my town aimlessly. So I think for me that balanced out when I was more intently trying to accomplish something like catching the barreleye (which never happened when I was really working for it at all of course) or decorating my island (and sometimes totally overwhelmed and not knowing how to translate the picture in my head to the game)
I have not completed my nook milestones (I am not currently doing more to work toward them than trying to remember to see kk, help wisp, and make my tools instead of buying if I am not feeling too lazy) and I have not completed the art section, though I have caught all the bugs and fish and found all the fossils.
to be honest, when I was first playing I was rushing more, because I was sure I would get bored/ burnt out sooner rather than later.
however, now that it has been a year I actually feel less pressure now, since apparently I am not getting tired of the game anytime soon. So I really just don’t mind still having art to find for my museum or milestones to complete as it gives me something to look forward too.
I don’t time travel very much (not because I think it is bad, but because it kind of stresses me out and I feel weirdly guilty not talking to my villagers while I mess with their space time continuum). And I don’t really use social media or anything which might make me feel like I should play a certain way. I don’t heavily terraform or go out of my way to avoid terraforming.
to be clear I do not think there is anything wrong with people who have a different play style than me, just basically musing on why I have not gotten burned out yet, and the truth is I really don’t know. I also have a fairly obsessive personality…which could play into it too.
I feel like those who are burned out should not feel ashamed or like they are doing something wrong. Everyone has different thresholds for things like this. There’s nothing wrong with putting aside a game that is not longer making you happy, or on taking breaks and coming back to it when it makes you happy to do so.
so although I am not burnt out and still fully enjoying the game, I don’t think that’s related to any value judgements on me, other players, or the quality of the game. It’s just the normal variability in a highly subjective experience. There’s no right way to experience it, and so for those who are burnt out don’t give yourselves a hard time! Even if you are taking a break from the game, you can still participate in the community, etc, it doesn’t make you suddenly not a fan or something.
I hope this comes across. I wanted to share my own experience, but I am not intending to hurt any feeling or make anyone feel bad for not having the same experience
I have to say it because some people on this site don't seem to understand the difference between having an actual valid opinion and then having to be attacked by others who simply don't agree with you. Its a hurtful feeling.I find it pretty sad that you feel the need to preface your question with a disclaimer in which you state that you don't want to come across as a negative person. I've noticed you've started a lot of your messages like that and I don't think you should feel like you have to do that. It is your opinion and no one is entitled to berate you for it.