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Giveaway Delicious pumpkin pie DLC! :3 [ENDED]


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Jun 26, 2013
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Chocolate Cake
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96.6% (27) +
Don't know why there's a hype for this dang pie...so I decided to give one away *shrugs*

To enter: Make a short story about this pumpkin pie (A couple of sentences will do) that is either cute, humorous, or outrageously personified, anything unique I guess!

The contest will end on August 14th 5pm MST :)

Winner: PinkWater
2ND WINNER: Because I liked the stories so much ;) bobthecat

Will PM once I am home for pick up and what not!
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Ok, I'll bite. :p

Pietro hummed happily to himself as he put down the freshly-bake pie on his balloon table. Pumpkin, it was; his favorite. It was a good thing he'd traded his crane game for the mayor's stove. He'd been looking everywhere for one! But he digressed...

Ecstatic to finally devour the baked good, he pulled up his prized balloon chair and was about to dig in when suddenly, the pie found itself in his face.

"Hah! Gotcha good!" Pinky squealed from behind the pumpkin gunk that was now splatted all over her and the sheep's face.

He forgot that he'd invited her over to partake in some of this delicious pie with him, and now regretted it. As the pie tin slid off his face, he scowled, knowing her reason.

"Pietro covered in pie!" She laughed. "Truly a sight to see!"

The End
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...I was a DLC.

A pumpkin pie. Delicious. Pretty. A perfect addition to any stable kitchen room, which all real players of the crossing community had. I belonged to a girl named Beanie. I expected she'd place me somewhere on a table to show me off to her visitors, perhaps demand outrageous prices for me on some board trading and selling DLCs. But I never expected this.

She didn't sell me. She didn't put me out. She kept me in her cupboard, in that lonely, cramped space, glanced over by that cursor, but never removed. Never shown. There were other pies, you see. Did they have something I lacked? Was I special at all? Or just... one of many DLCs to be forever passed along, forgotten as the seasons moved on in endless time and the mayor retired from the game?

She's giving me away now. I can only hope that, wherever I may end up, someone will put me out for others to see. Someone will keep me out of the cold, confining cupboards. Someone will love me.

-Pumpkin Pie
Why is pumpkin pie so special?
It's tasty and sweet and brings families together
Its a nice orange color and slightly unhealthy
But who cares?
Pie is meant to be shared.
Deanpie: A Tragic saga (based on supernatural)

Dean stood alone, breathing heavily, as he looked upon the room he had always dreamt about. Every single night he would see images of it, flickering in and out of his nightmares. There it stood; his dream come true. An empty room stood upon him, with just one small item on a grim table. A single pumpkin pie resided there, its smell making Dean want to faint of joy.

"Oh heck yeah," yelled Dean with enthusiasm, making his way towards the heavenly sight.

The pie beckoned him, and he just couldn't take it any longer. Dean picked up the pumpkiny circle from heaven and he took a deep breathe through his nose, savoring the wonderful fragrance.

"I have always dreamed of this moment," he murmured.

He sat down, grabbed a spoon, but… something was wrong. He didn't want to eat god's glorious gift. He just stared at the pie.

She was beautiful… her golden crust, the gorgeous pile of whip cream on the top. He tried to get past the beauty, but he couldn't. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he damaged the angelic pumpkin filling.

Dean refused. He threw the spoon across the room, staring at it with horror. He picked up the pie and gently stroked the metal tin holding the breathtaking work of art.

"Oh man, you are stunning," he whispered, his hands shaking as he realized he almost ruined the most beautiful creation he had ever seen. Dean picked up the pie ever so carefully and carried it to his beloved Impala. He knew he had to take her home; there was no excuse not to.

After Dean drove up the driveway of the place he was currently residing, he snooped around to make sure no one was around. No one could find out about his little secret. Holding the fragrant pumpkin pie, he made his way into the abandoned house and strutted to the nearest bedroom. He laid his pride and joy onto the bed and beamed at her; he couldn't believe what a discovery he had made.

The pie, she was charming…elegant, divine. Dean finally found his ideal match. He shushed the plastic lid, preserving her striking glaze. He stared at her for hours. Eventually, he fell asleep.

The next morning, Dean woke up with 6 messages from Sam. He ignored them, since he had better things to do. Dean thought about her, the pie. He turned to his left to finish last night's business.

Dean's jaw dropped. She was gone. He tried to scream, but he couldn't. He was speechless. He had never felt such pain in his life. He got out of bed, and looked around. He went into the kitchen; he couldn't believe what he saw.

It was the plastic lid. It was on the floor, there were splats of whip cream everywhere. "What kind of monster could have done this..!", He yelled firmly.

Worried, filled with horror, he called Sam. Telling him about the pie, Sam thought dean was crazy, ridiculous. "Did you even look at my messages? Call me when you get your act together, Dean!"

Dean had completely forgotten about them. He understood the pain Sam felt when Jess died, He understood completely. He had no idea this was what it felt like; to loose someone you truly loved.

The now heartbroken Dean broke into a sob. A gross, loud sob. He couldn't help it; the love of his life had disappeared as fast as she appeared in the wretched, but beautiful room. That room was miles away now, for he had driven with his lovely fair maiden for many miles before they arrived at their house.

He wanted to tell someone about his misfortunes, but the only one who would truly listen was now gone, murdered, and astray. At that very moment his phone buzzed. With a groan, Dean picked up his phone and checked his recent text messages.

It was nothing important. Just the same old "where are you!" texts. Dean was hungry and sad, he opened the fridge hoping to get something to eat.

He saw her. The pie, she was in the fridge. A slice missing. He had remembered what happened.

/ 7 hours ago /

Dean woke up, what was it? About 4am or so? Hungry, since he never got around to eating earlier that night he decided to take the pie into the kitchen.

Since he was half asleep, he couldn't even think. He tripped on the uneven tile and the lid of the pie flew right off the tray. "Whatever.." he thought.

He carelessy took a slice, and went back to bed.

/ present time /

Shocked by the sudden realization of what he had done to her, he collapsed to the floor. He put his hands on his forehead. "You… you idiot! You loved her! what did she ever do to deserve this!"

Ashamed, after sitting on the floor for a rough 2 hours thinking about his mistakes, he left. Returning to sam, humiliated and severely depressed.

Dean would never be able to forgive himself.
It was Halloween, Jeremiah's favourite time of year. He always got to engorge all the pumpkin seeds while his friends Lucky and Cherry carved out all the pumpkins to put outside their houses. Once Lucky and Cherry had finished off carving their pumpkins Jeremiah was stuffed.
"Aren't you coming out to see Jack and give out candy with us Jerry?" Cherry mumbled as Jeremiah collapsed on his blue sofa
"UGH, no I'm am stuffed, I think I'll just head to bed" replied Jeremiah
He headed upstairs as Lucky and Cherry went out will bags full of candy for the mayor.
Jeremiah woke up, his breath pacing and his palms sweaty. He peaked through the curtains seeing a distant glistening of the sunrise, but it was still reasonably dark. He glanced at his modern clock...
"3am?!" he thought to himself
He suddenly started to sweat rapidly, smelling something odd he decided to stand up only to find he could only roll out of bed. The sweet yet savoury smell start to become stronger as he headed towards his rococo lamp. He switched on the lamp and gasped in horror as he realised what the smell was...
His torso had transformed into a giant pumpkin pie. He looked behind him and saw a trail of crumbs from his bed to the lamp. He kneeled down and picked up one of the crumbs, he couldn't help himself.. he had to eat it. Before he realised he had eaten all the crumbs, craving for more he started to rip off pieces of pumpkin pie from himself, stuffing his face. Jeremiah was so engrossed in eating he didn't notice Lucky and Cherry standing in the doorway, the light suddenly turned off.
Lucky's yellow eye started to flicker with excitement in the pitch dark room.
"we want some pumpkin pie too" they said in unison as they walked closer
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I love you. AND your avatar is from DanganRonpa? Wow
okay my story:
I had grown up in a fairly simple pumpkin farm, my parents were both rather plump as were my brother and sister. I, however, was the failure of the family. I was too thin. No happy middle-class family would run over to me, buy me, and carve me into a proud jack-o-lantern to display in front of their white-picket fence home until Thanksgiving when I started rotting and smelling. I'd seen countless pumpkins around me get taken to various homes, ready to be carved. Eventually, my siblings got taken as my parents watched them leave in the arms of some toddler with tears of pride in their eyes. Soon after, my parents were taken as well. It was just me. I was alone. I could hear the jeers and snickers in my head from all those happy pumpkins that were long gone now. "You won't ever be chosen! You will never be a jack-o-lantern." I waited for the day when I would rot and home a swarm of flies. An old lady came up to me, a look of pity on her face. "Oh you poor thing! You're such a good pumpkin, just too thin!" she said. I prepared for her to kick me to the side and pick the plump pumpkins surrounding me. All the surrounding pumpkins smirked smugly at me, expecting the same fate but nearly dropped their seeds when the old lady bent over and picked me up. I was shocked but who was I to question the blessing? She took me home in her junky but cozy station wagon and as she pulled into her driveway, I noticed that her rustic home was ideal for a jack-o-lantern to sit in front of. But then as I looked around the neighborhood, I spotted all the already rotting pumpkins on display made earlier in the season. They were the epitome of despair; their smiling faces sagging, flies already beginning to inhabit their insides. Some of the shoddier pumpkins looked even more pitiful, clearly carved by young children. I felt sick. This was not the fate I wanted. I didn't want to sit out on the porch until I shriveled down to half my current size or constantly hear the buzzing of flies in me. I feared for my life as she brought me inside and set me on the kitchen table. She pulled out a knife and I thought, "Well, there's nothing to do. I'm going to end life as a squishy pile of orange on some old hag's front porch. But then the knife did not carve a sick and hollow smile into me! I soon realized what she was doing. She was making me into pumpkin pie, the most prestigious "occupation" for any pumpkin! I couldn't believe it; I, the black sheep of the family, was blossoming into a sweet-savory American favorite!

Moral: pumpkin pie is pretty cool.
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Steven the pumpkin pie was different from the other kids.first off he was crispy.second,he was a pie.the other kids pointed and licked their lips when they saw him.steven Took that as an insult.he vowed to show the world he was more than a crispy,talking pie.so he jumped off the bakery counter and ran to the white house(which was 15 miles away cause he lived in DC)THen he throw himself throw the White House window and ran strait to the president.then he spoke,"I am not just a delicious pie!Mr.president,help me show the world I am better than other pies!"The president stood there amazed.Then he hit a big red button."is that like a button for the camera crew?thats great!wait,do I look too shiny?"Steven said.then the FBI rushed in!"we're are the cameras!?"Steven said cluelessly.then one of the men held a small round tube to the pies face."that is a small..."BANG! In an instant the pie had a small hole in its face.little did the men know that pies can't die till there eaten."oh that was a gun!you all are meaner than I expected!" Steven yelled.in the end Steven took over the USA.dont ask how he just did it.

And if I get this pie I can stop him from taking over the whole world! :)
here is my entry

there was a pumpkin pie. it was full of sweg. along came rcky and ate it's sweg.
rcky became a swegged out sweg
the end

i hope i win! good luck to everyone who entered
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I really like these stories!! :)
Keep 'em coming! Might have to choose more than one winner if this keeps up ^^"
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Once upon a time, Tangy asked for fruit. Any sort of fruit would do, she said. So I gave her a Pumpkin Pie, not to realise that Pumpkin ain't a fruit. She, then, curled up on the green, circled-shape grass and awaited her death.

Stupid but lol I'm /lazy and more of these entries deserve to win.

fml pumpkin is fruit
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Oh no, I'm not creative enough for this. XD

Best of luck everyone, your entries are all so good, especially Jake's. xD
Once a upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a Princess. This princess lived in a huge castle, with a large garden and lake in its grounds. Once day, whilst strolling through her favorite flower patch by the lake, she came across a small orange toad.

"Kiss me." it croaked.

The princess, who was of course well aware of a certain famous fairytale involving a frog and a kiss, yelled with delight and agreed at once, delighted that she might have her very own prince.

"Will you turn into a prince, tiny orange frog?"
"I'm not a frog, ker-roak. I'm a toad."
"Bah, whats the difference?!"

As she puckered up and raised the toad to her lips, there was a flash of bright light. When it faded, there was a small pumpkin pie next the orange toad, which he prompltly ate.

The moral of the story is that you should never kiss magical toads, because they're jerks.

The End.