maybe things would’ve been different...
AAAA YON YOU'RE STILL HERE!! WOW!! It's nice to see you :-D
Apparently a bunch of people active in 2016 have left but I'm glad you're still posting your gorgeous art on here! TBT stays blessed with your work tbh.
I snoop around the forums when I have time, but yeah, I can't believe it's been so long since I updated. And YESSS I actually watched Death Parade really recently and it's such a high quality anime... loved every minute of it! I loved Red Velvet's recent comebacks too; Seulgi is TRYING REALLY HARD to be every Reveluv's #1 member. She's coming for us all smh.
And thanks, P5 was an amazing adventure -- so I felt like I had to go all-out when I designed for it, haha. P3 is still my favorite Persona BUUUT I got pretty attached toHaruthe P5 cast.
As always, I appreciate the kind words Yon!!
true, I used to check the forums every day and now it is limited to once every few weeks ; < ;
haru huh
welp I wanted the joker figure even tho I don't collect figures & do not plan to have more than 1 since I'm no anime fan anymore but boi little did i know that one has to preorder to get one :O they sell out fast
really? i believe irene is trying hard lolol. seulgi bae *BLUSHES*
anytime :-D :*