please hear us play!
hoarding adopts is a lifestyle el, so of course!
You need to stop tho ur gonna be bankrupt if you keep buying adopts omg
hoarding adopts is a lifestyle el, so of course!
You need to stop tho ur gonna be bankrupt if you keep buying adopts omg
wow, yeah that's not gonna happen.
just think of like, the super super distant future.
you can be like 70, and ur completely bankrupt
all you have in your will is who gets ur adopts.
Why is that a bad thing though?
think about ur family.
My adopts are my family.
*crawls out of the shadows*
hoi again
i came back cuz i was feelingbonelylonely
i also wanted moreentreesentries
*crawls out of the shadows*
hoi again
i came back cuz i was feelingbonelylonely
i also wanted moreentreesentries
what a sansational entrance
Sup xD
mfw i want to change my sig but at the same time i don't wanna ruin the perfect symmetry of it
or get rid of the legs
mfw i want to change my sig but at the same time i don't wanna ruin the perfect symmetry of it
or get rid of the legs
mfw i want to change my sig but at the same time i don't wanna ruin the perfect symmetry of it
or get rid of the legs
Why not get rid of the arms, too?