Such a tease!
I saw the movie last night. It was amazing. It was really beautiful and funny and I think it did a great job of retelling the video games story in a shorter amount of time. Seeing the Pokemon in a real world setting makes me hope that we will see other live action movies like this. Maybe a more traditional Pokemon movie featuring trainer battles, gyms, team rocket, etc.
All I say was that I didnt understand the antagonists motive and was further confused with the purpose of what he was doing in the final scene. But other than that, great movie
I agree with your spoiler, I was also a bit confused then. I was expecting a comically bad movie, but it surprised me by being good. It is also pretty funny.
Did anyone else notice fun random Pok?mon series references? Like when they say the last time Mewtwo was spotted was in the Kanto region 20 years ago? My childhood.