haha sorry!! trying to get the most out of d1bruh I was just making a post like this ;')
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my brain already hurts
assuming catharina is mafia
antonio is inverse/paranoid
volt is normal/naive
guava is normal/naive
misty is normal/naive
if all town is telling the true, this cant be bc if antonio is paranoid no one is inverse. so catharina can't be mafia
if you are town and lying tell us bc clearing someone can be dangerous
because if catharina is mafia, everyone else is town, and guava volt and misty got all town inspections, hence why they cant be inverse (they would get mafia if they were inverse)wait I thought it was like this:
if catharina mafia
guava normal / inverse / naive
volt normal / inverse / naive
misty normal / inverse / naive
antonio paranoid
why can't misty, volt or guava be inverse?
but I also had problems at assuming catharina is town so someone is lying
Or am I doing things wrong?
if you are town, then it would be the any of the other caseswait I thought it was like this:
if catharina mafia
guava normal / inverse / naive
volt normal / inverse / naive
misty normal / inverse / naive
antonio paranoid
why can't misty, volt or guava be inverse?
but I also had problems at assuming catharina is town so someone is lying
Or am I doing things wrong?
Oooh yes ofc I forgot to use the invests my bad lol now I'm lucky that you posted first.because if catharina is mafia, everyone else is town, and guava volt and misty got all town inspections, hence why they cant be inverse (they would get mafia if they were inverse)
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if you are town, then it would be the any of the other cases
corrected. gonna sleep nowantonio - normal / inverse / paranoid (volt is mafia)
volt - normal / inverse / naive (antonio is town)
guava - normal / inverse / naive (antonio is town)
misty - normal / inverse / naive (volt is town)
Catharina- normal / inverse/ paranoid (volt is mafia)
assuming antonio is mafia
catharina must be paranoid
misty is normal/naive
volt is inverse/naive
guava is inverse/naive
assuming volt is mafia
antonio is paranoid/normal
guava is normal/naive
misty is inverse/naive
catharina is normal/paranoid
misty must be inverse
making guava naive
assuming guava is mafia
antonio is paranoid/inverse
misty is normal/naive
volt is normal/naive
catharina is inverse/paranoid
can't really draw conclusions from this one
assuming misty is mafia
antonio is inverse/paranoid
volt is normal/naive
guava is normal/naive
catharina is inverse/paranoid
also can't from this one
assuming catharina is mafia
antonio is inverse/paranoid
volt is normal/naive
guava is normal/naive
misty is normal/naive
if all town is telling the true, this cant be bc if antonio is paranoid no one is inverse. so catharina can't be mafia
if you are town and lying tell us bc clearing someone can be dangerous
it's okay, I'll try my bestI actually don’t understand how Catherine is the more likely to be town, could you dumb it down for me?
I'm still failing to grasp the correlation with the two?it's okay, I'll try my best
We will try to imagine situations where each person is town and 1 person is mafia.
For example, if I'm mafia:
You are either paranoid or normal (since you got volt is mafia)
Guava is normal or naive (she got antonio is town, she would be right in this scenario, but it doesn't prove she's normal because she still can be naive)
Catharine is normal or paranoid (she got volt is mafia)
Misty is inverse or naive (she go volt is town)
Misty is the only one that can be inverse, so she should be inverse. Guava is the only then that could be naive. You and catharina can both be normal or paranoid, so if you are normal, she's paranoid, and vice-versa.
The intricacies don't really matter, what matter is that this scenario *can* exist, so I can be mafia.
For catharina, if she's mafia
I'm normal or naive (antonio is town, in this scenario, you would be town indeed, hence why I can be normal)
guava is normal or naive (same reason)
misty is normal or naive (same reason, but she got volt is town)
you are inverse or paranoid (you got volt is mafia, and in this scenario I'm town, so you are either inverse or paranoid)
See how in this scenario, if you paranoid, no one will be inverse. So this scenario is impossible, then catharina can't be mafia.
They don't have correlation, they are independent scenarios. First one is an example of a possible scenario, second is an example of an impossible scenarioI'm still failing to grasp the correlation with the two?
since u are town we would have more clues on who is each detective. if we get find out even just 1 detective, it can already clear or condemn me or antonio (if we find normal or inverse)But if you all go on me, does that really help to narrow everything down? As it would still leave multiple options right. I'm fine with it but why it is de most beneficial option?
yeah if people agree you and misty would go for antonioHmm yeah idk what to do so I'm following you. Should I just go with Antonio then? (as I can do a random person). We will see what the others say but I sadly gtg pretty soon.