Mine were removed when they were formed but not pushed through. I think I was 14 or 15. My mouth is really small (dentists complain about it). There was literally no room for them to come through so they were all surgically removed at the same time. It was painful. It was annoying to clean cuz you had to shoot Listerine in the wounds to flush them since they were in my jaw which I guess I wasn't good at and that was painful too cuz of the pressure. When the orthodontist threw a fit and got intentionally rough during the flushing cuz I didn't do it well enough or right, I just stopped eating until they were healed. I didn't need an additional adult screaming at me. Looking back, idk why he didn't just pack it with gauze and/or suggest just sticking to liquids. He didn't even have me flush them there to make sure I was at the correct angle. But obviously he was a p***k like many people out there. Edit censor sorry just didn't think about it.
Nothing was irritated or infected or dry socketed so I must have done something right during the 2 weeks before that check up..
I'm just glad that if any teeth in the future are pulled, it should be easier and faster to heal since all my teeth are in and not in my jaw below the gums. And I would also be an adult.
They should have been removed five years ago, desperately pushing to have them removed because this is already such a late + poor time to remove them, also in need of braces quite a bit
Only my top two wisdom teeth developed, and I still have them well into my 30s. They came in when I was ~19 if I recall. I was lucky in that they're perfectly straight and haven't caused any issues, though I feel like dentists always try and push you to remove them even when there's no current justifiable reason to do so. I'm just not about the whole preemptive surgical procedure thing, especially when they openly admit that the potential for future issues is pretty low. I'll be keeping them for the time being!
I had my wisdom teeth pulled in 2010 because two of them cracked, one of those was split in half with a nerve exposed. I have NO idea how it happened. My biggest advice to anyone who has to get them pulled, please please do what they tell you do to avoid dry socket.
Mine never came in but I had them removed as a teen as I have perfect teeth but no room for them if they had come in so they would have pushed all my teeth out of alignment. The surgery was definitely not fun at all but it prevented future problems that would have likely been permanent so I can’t really complain.
I still have mine! I am supposed to get the surgery, but after having braces for 2 years and getting them removed earlier this year I am not ready to go through more trauma with my teeth lol. It is on my list though.
i had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. they never did end up growing out on their own though, so my dentist had to cut inside my gums to extract them. i always did find it weird though that i wasn’t put under for the procedures. my dentist just froze whichever side he was working on (i did two procedures, one for each side and two teeth were taken out each time) i remember that it didn’t hurt and it wasn’t painful but i could still feel things like my dentist tugging to pull my teeth out which was not fun
Only my bottom two wisdom teeth developed. They emerged when I was 22, and they were impacted/partially erupted.
My dentist recommended that I get my wisdom teeth removed -- I think they said my impacted wisdom teeth could possibly cause complications in the future. My mom encouraged me to get them removed sooner rather than later because she thought 'dental stuff weren't fully developed at my age, so it would be easier to get them removed' and 'the recovery rate would be faster when I'm younger'. I got them removed in two procedures (one for each side) a few weeks apart, and I was awake for both. I remember experiencing some discomfort when the local anesthetic was injected into my gum and from the drilling sensation in my mouth during the extraction, but luckily, the procedure and recovery were painless.
All four of mine are growing in as I type this, but I didn't know until we did x-rays at my dentist appointment last week. It was really annoying having a random shooting pain in the back of my mouth and not knowing where it was coming from. After I finish with braces in a couple years I'll probably get them removed.
Oddly enough, I only have two top ones. My older brother has all four, and my little brother only has two bottom ones.
My top right one is infected, so they want to remove it soon. I’m currently on antibiotics for the infection, and hopefully soon afterwards they can remove it. Why do they want to leave the left one alone though T^T