did you ever get your wisdom teeth?

did you?

  • yeah, and I've had them removed.

    Votes: 40 48.8%
  • yeah, but they're still in there.

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • nope, they never came in

    Votes: 10 12.2%

  • Total voters
i've gotten three (so far) and i had to have one pulled
i remember being in complete awe at the ease with which my dentist pulled it out. like pulling out a chip you dropped in a bowl of dip
I've had all my wisdom teeth removed when I was like 16, i couldn't open my mouth all the way and had to drink liquids instead of eating for a week. Sounded scary at the time, but the doctors were nice and tried to keep me calm.

It's embarrassing, but when I was unconscious from anesthesia and had to be taken to a recovery room, I fought the person trying to carry me there. Not actual fighting, but like squirming.
I need an 'I have no idea' option.

Looking up pics, I guess they never came in? I thought they always did? I'm so clueless when it comes to this stuff. I've never been to a dentist and I don't get toothaches (knock on wood). Like, in the pics its a canine, two small teeth, two big teeth that look like the smaller ones, then a third of that. I don't have the third on my bottom row atleast. Just the canine, two small and two large.

Edit: I'm 23 now, I kept seeing people mention ages ranging from teens to late 20s. I hope they don't come in, I have enough teeth problems as it is, I don't need more, and painful ones it seems.
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I have no idea what my wisdom tooth situation is. I got my teeth fixed when I was 14-16 and pulling wisdom teeth out wasn't part of that. I noticed a new tooth growth about a year ago but there seems to be no problems - didn't move my teeth in any way and only hurt during the first month I started noticing it. I want to remove it just because it's a pain to clean back there.
I want to say that they’re all pulled out? It was a long time ago, back in high school, that I don’t remember anymore.

I just remember that they injected my gums with anesthesia, and went to town pulling. Actually, now that I think about it. The dentist did say that one tooth would require surgery to remove, which I never got. Fortunately, there haven’t been any problems yet.
One of mine recently grew in, but only on one side. I was told it didn't need to be removed. I guess I'm lucky!
All four of mine grew in. Dentist really wanted me to get them removed, because the bottom two had grown in sideways and there was a high risk of future decay. I got them all out last December. Recovery was okay compared to others. It hurt constantly, but painkillers helped. They wore off during the night though, so I'd wake up at 2am in a lot of pain.
I had to have mine removed when I was 18. My memory is hazy, but I believe they were rubbing against my other teeth too much and that led to frequent pain. I slept through the surgery thankfully. The medication was very strong though. I could barely sit up straight for several days. Anything except liquids was prohibited, so I drank blue Jamba Juice smoothies and jello until I could eat again. The medication also killed my ability to concentrate on anything except Slime Rancher. For some reason that game was relaxing enough to where I could still play it effectively. Let’s just say I made a lot of progress during that week.
Mine grew and I had to get my wisdom teeth removed one side at a time recently. It wasn't too bad as they numbed my mouth both times and removed them. Eating was annoying the first few days since I had to be careful while I healed, but it went well in the end.
I think mine came in, but not properly. I still have them, but there is a possibly I may get them removed sometime in the future.
I had to have mine extracted because my jaws are too small to support them lol
I had my bottom wisdom teeth removed while I had braces and that was before any wisdom teeth started to go. Now, 2 years brace free, my top left wisdom tooth is almost completely grown in, yet the other hasn't started.
It hasn't hurt at all compared to how much pain I had after they'd tighten my braces.. And to add an age reference I am 25. 🤓
i have them in me mouth still. i'm not sure if they're going to grow in at this point, i thought theyve been "growing in" for years but they just havent. i kind of hope they DONT grow in, i fear surgery LOL
Dentist said I had the space and so mine grew in. There would be times when the gums would ache back there but it's been a long time since that happened. They don't bother me now or have messed up my teeth in any way.
Mine all grew in and I got them all removed probably six or seven years ago now. I don’t remember exactly when but I remember it being a bit of a difficult recovery personally, the anesthesia made me feel really sick afterwards
Just went to the dentist yesterday and apparently they never came in. I was wondering if I'd ever need to get them removed, but thankfully I'm all set!
i think mine started growing last year, my dentist said that they were going to take them out when i got four other teeth extracted (it was for braces bc i had an overcrowding) but they never did 😭 i was so drugged i thought they took them out after i woke up. one of the four is poking out already but luckily it doesn't hurt.
I’ve had all my wisdom teeth come out when I was 14 😬

I still have 3 out of the 4 that grew.
Last year one of them started bothering me, so I had it removed. The top one came out crooked, so when I bit down, it would bite down on my gums. I got tired of the constant mouth sores, and decided to get it removed, and that solved the issue. They dont do braces for wisdom tooth, which hypothetically would have solved the issue.

The other 3 were fine. It was a simple procedure though since the tooth was completely out. It was more of a regular extraction. I didn’t go down or anything. I was fully awake when they took it out.

I kind of like having teeth, so I was hesitant above removing that one. It has been the only tooth I have ever gotten extracted.
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my bottom two grew in fairly recently - one grew into my cheek so i had a fun round of antibiotics for that one, and the other seems to be growing in at an angle too so i might need to get it out in the future but for now they're just chilling. my top two haven't grown through though which i'm thankful for lol based on how the other two have gone
Don't remember when mine came in but the wisdom teeth on the top came in straight while the ones on the bottom are slanted. They are pushing into my other molars but I feel fine right now, The dentist might say something about them when I finally go visit one day.