did you ever get your wisdom teeth?

did you?

  • yeah, and I've had them removed.

    Votes: 40 48.8%
  • yeah, but they're still in there.

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • nope, they never came in

    Votes: 10 12.2%

  • Total voters
yep! they first started coming in a few years ago, but they weren’t causing any problems and removing them wasn’t a priority for me or my dentist at the time. they’ve since become infected, however, so now they’ve got to go. i actually have them scheduled to be extracted, along with a couple other infected teeth, in less than 2 weeks.
My wisdom teeth haven't grown in either and I'm 28. They are in there but just chillin' in my skull I guess. I went to a new dentist last year who was pretty shocked to see them in there on the xray but they just haven't moved so my new dentist also agreed it seems not worth it to try to remove them at this point. I've always been a late bloomer in the tooth department though, it took a long time before my last molars grew in so I don't know if my wisdom teeth are going to start to make a move at some point.
I honestly don't know. I don't think I did? I know I've apparently had some back teeth removed when I was in high school but I don't remember it at alllll
Yes, I still have mine as of now. The two on the top are in perfect condition and are just like other teeth. The two on the bottom are partially through the gum and growing incredibly slowly. They cause infections and pain in my jaw every so often, so I probably need to get them removed at some stage. But I really don't want to pay $2000+ right now to get them removed lol
yeah I think they grew out in 2018 though I only got the upper ones. they're still there and i try care the best for em so i hope i don't have to remove them.
I technically have mine but they've not come through because I have an overcrowded mouth. My previous dentist pointed them out to me in an X-ray during a check up. He said it's highly unlikely they'll ever surface either which suits me fine because everyone I know whose wisdom teeth came through had to have them taken out in the end.
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I got all four of them removed recently. Lowkey traumatic procedure, but at least that's over with. The constant tooth pain up until then were worse though.
Yeah I got all 4 removed at once. They had to dig a bit further in to get them all out. I was awake for it, but they numbed me. It kind of reminded me of of this one old movie Chris Farley played in where he was getting his tooth pulled out. I heard the teeth cracking and they were really getting in their.

There was a bit of pain and soreness when it wore off, but it wasn't anything unbearable. I do remember trying to eat tomato soup that night, but I honestly couldn't tell if it was the soup or blood dripping out of my mouth that I was eating more of. So that was nasty and I decided not to eat that night lol.
I got all 4 of mine removed shortly after they started forming (age 17) because the dentist could already see on the x-rays that they were going to be crooked. Because they were so small when they came out, it was a pretty mild experience. I couldn't eat properly for weeks due to swelling but I wasn't in much pain.
I only had 2 grow in but I got those bad boys taken out a few months before my dental coverage expired at 18. I healed pretty quick and woke up with no problems so I was lucky.
Is it okay if I ask this here? It's still on the topic of having wisdom teeth removed.

Does having your wisdom teeth removed feel just like having your regular teeth removed?
I mentioned earlier before in this thread I haven't got my wisdom teeth removed yet because they haven't started to develop yet but I've had 3 non-wisdom teeth removed before, is it the same?
Is it okay if I ask this here? It's still on the topic of having wisdom teeth removed.

Does having your wisdom teeth removed feel just like having your regular teeth removed?
I mentioned earlier before in this thread I haven't got my wisdom teeth removed yet because they haven't started to develop yet but I've had 3 non-wisdom teeth removed before, is it the same?
I’ve had multiple teeth extracted (more than you can count on both of your hands) and all of teeth weren’t much different in terms of pain. The teeth in the back of your mouth are typically deeper and I had stitches when I had two in the upper back removed. It wasn’t that bad and being awake but numbed for all of my extractions, I think the most painful part is actually the shot in the side and roof of your mouth (for numbing). Otherwise, it’s just wiggling to dig the tooth out. I’m used to it, though. ;)
I got mine and had them surgically removed. Funnily though, I'm missing one set of premolar teeth because they never came in. Really wonder why I missed the required teeth and got the extractables instead...
i have two. one came through on the bottom right where i had a molar removed, so it's fine if not a little lower than my other teeth. the other is about 75% erupted on the upper left. it only just fits in my mouth lmao. the dentist has never mentioned it, so i assume it's fine where it is. neither has ever caused me any pain, not even when they were growing in. i don't think i'll have anymore come through since i'm almost 23, but i guess we'll see.
I have all of mine and I'll do everything I can to make sure nobody tries to remove them lol.

They aren't causing any pain so I think I'm fine.
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I only got two on the left, and neither are fully grown (bottom is almost fully in, top only pokes out a bit). My dentist did say I might have to get them removed, but there's no way. I'm terrified of that.
I had them removed years ago. It was a terrible experience. They were all impacted, and the dentist who did the surgery actually told my mom it was one of the worst cases he’d seen. I was in a lot of pain and could barely open my mouth for weeks. I could only eat liquid things. My mom had to buy me a baby toothbrush so I could brush my teeth because I couldn’t open enough to get a normal toothbrush in my mouth.
Got them out a few years ago. I was nervous about the whole thing but the last thing I remember the surgeon saying was "I like cheese" before he put the anesthesia mask on me. Then I woke up sitting in a chair in the hallway having no idea how I got there...it was wild, but funny to me.