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Did you name your islander after yourself?


Junior Member
Jan 5, 2022
Sautéed Mushrooms
Hello Just wondering if you named your islander after yourself, I honestly thought about doing it but went with my oc's name Rina which I use all the time.
Nope, lol. I named my islander Croconaw. I’ll occasionally shorten it to Croco, but not all the time. I haven’t given any character in any game my real name.
No. I took a Japanese language course several years ago and the teacher gave us all Japanese names so I've used that for my avatar when gaming.
i did! i never named my character after myself in previous games since i hate my birth name, but i use my name for everything now now that i go by something else and will be legally changing my name. :)
Yeah, I did. I always use ~Kilza~ (or Kilza if I can't tilde it up) whenever a game gives me the option to name my character.
Negative. I never use my real name when naming characters in video games.
I use Fox for all of my game characters. It's my real nickname, if that counts for anything. In fact, I'd say I go by that more often than Lori anymore.
Well, not at first. I named my rep Zelda before I even identified as a demigirl (which was what I was before I came out as non-binary), I thought it was a cool name (and I'm a huge Zelda fan). I was thinking of changing my name to Zelda, but it's sounding like a 'no' at the moment.
nope. never have, never will. it always feels weird, and i always get a bit 'meh' when i hear my full first name anyway. i don't want to be reading it lmao. makes me cringe a bit.
I can't ever think of anything else to use and I'm fine with my name, so yes my islander is just my real name
Squid is a nickname ive had for years so I gave myself it. My ac main characters are always named squid too lol
I didn't lol <XD
I don't like using my real name for online or in-game stuff so I always use my internet username if I can help it: Mika 😅
My sister used her real name though
Rosch is a nickname I made up and given my player character on Pokemon Black/White. Since then, I've been using that name on other games. It's Ross (one of the plenty nicknames I've given myself), but I love the alternate spelling. I sometimes use Rosh. When the game character I play as is female, I name her Roschette.